A Comprehensive Guide on Allergies

By | October 28, 2014

allergyDo your eyes become itchy and watery at abrupt situations? Do you sneeze much without even having a cough? These are normal phenomenal symptoms seen during allergies. These reactions are generally towards certain special substances in our body. People can be allergic to food like eggs, nuts, milk etc. some with insects, hairs of animals, pollen seeds, smoke, dust etc. they can also be allergic to antibiotics, certain types of soaps containing allergic chemicals, cosmetics etc.

The question is how people get fall into allergies. How someone can be allergic to something? How they get developed? Let’s find answers to these questions.


Allergies are heritable. If a member of your family is allergic to certain substances, you are also most likely to inherit it when exposed to such substance. It is an uncontrollable factor which can’t be altered in any way as it relates to genes and genetic factor.

Allergies develop over time. Scientists believe that allergies can develop over time if you are in contact with the allergen for prolonging period. For example: initially people who were not allergic to pollen seeds were suffered with hay fever when they were in continuous contact with the pollens where pollens thrive.

How allergens react to your body?

How allergens react to your body depends upon your immunity system. It’s the work of the immune system to protect your body from harmful substances. But when your immunity system is weak, it does not perform its task well. Due to this, it may start to attack the healthy cells of your body too. Also, allergies can also occur when the body produces antibiotics in large extent then the capacity to be supported by your body.

Allergic reaction also depends on the environment you are surrounded by. If the place where you spend most of your time is prone to allergens, your immunity system has to fight them by producing antibiotics which lead to allergic reactions. Also, having cleaner environment can make your immune system weak as it does not have to fight with anything. And when it suddenly gets exposed to filthy environment, the immune system gets out of control and your body becomes allergic to the environment. You must consult an allergy doctor near you.