Tag Archives: asthma attack

Food Allergy or Food Intolerance? Compared symptoms and Differences

A food allergy occurs when your system reacts to food ingested and triggering a protective response. The allergy can develop from any age with the reaction being mild to severe. According to research, 10 % of the population suffers from food allergy and the numbers keep on increasing. In this post, we highlight some of the most common signs of allergy and how to differentiate between food intolerance and food allergy and the treatment of food allergy. It’s important however that you consult the allergy doctor on the best way to overcome the allergies. Before we dive into the article we differentiate between food intolerance and food allergy

  • Food Intolerance

This is the difficulty in digesting certain foods without triggering any reaction from the immune system and there is no histamine response.

  • Food allergy, on the other hand, causes immune system reaction and histamine response.

It may be hard to tell food intolerance and allergy are hard to tell apart and it’s important that you visit the allergy clinic for the allergy doctor to do allergy testing to determine whether its an allergy or intolerance.

How to differentiate between food allergies and intolerance

  • Food allergy is sudden as compared to intolerance which is gradual
  • Food allergy results from the small number of foods
  • Allergy can be life-threatening and happens every time you eat as compared to food intolerance which is not life-threatening and results if you eat the food often.

Foods that cause Most of the Allergy

  • Milk and Eggs
  • Peanuts and seafood
  • Tree nuts

Symptoms that result from both food intolerance and food allergy

  • Nausea and stomach pains
  • Diarrhea and vomiting
  • Signs of Food intolerance
  • Heart Burn, gas and bloating
  • Headaches and irritability

Signs of Food Intolerance

  • Bloating and nausea
  • Headaches and migraines
  • stomach ache and irritable bowel
  • Feeling under the weather

Above are the most common signs of food intolerance, and below some food that causes intolerance

  • Lactose and wheat
  • Gluten and caffeine
  • Food additives such as flavors

Before you give up on the above food, see a doctor who will diagnose and confirm the cause of the intolerance. Remove the food that causes the intolerance from your diet and supplements the foods.

Sign of Food Allergies

  • Wheezing

Wheezing after eating certain foods signifies a narrowing of the airwaves and an allergic reaction to the food. Wheezing can be fatal and its therefore important that you see the allergy physician for treatment.

  • Hives and Redness

Are you breaking out in hives? or itch? Then it’s possible that you have a food allergy. Hives cause a red rash that is raised on the skin. On its own hives or itch may not be harmful but if it involves difficulty in breathing then you need to see an allergy specialist immediately.

  • Dizziness

After eating food if you feel dizzy, weak or lightheaded that could mean you are exposed to allergens. Dizziness could be an early sign of anaphylactic and it’s important that you visit an allergy clinic for tests and treatment.

  • Intestinal Discomfort

A food allergy could cause stomach cramps, nausea, and vomiting and you should see the best allergist for diagnosis.

  • Sneezing and Itching

Although sneezing is mostly associated with hay fever, it can result from food allergies.

How to Prevent Food Allergies
  • Learn which foods cause the allergy and avoid the food.
  • When you visit a hotel, find out how the food is made and verify whether the food contains any allergens.
  • Look at the food labels and check the ingredients in the food at the supermarket
  • Avoid products with labels for you’re the specific allergen that is affecting you
  • Plan before traveling, plan your meals and carry food with that has no allergens
  • Supplement the foods you are allergic to as that will ensure that you remain healthy.


There is no cure for food allergies and it’s therefore important that you manage the condition. Pursue a plan on how to identify allergens. An elimination diet will help you pinpoint the food allergens that you are allergic to and help reduce the allergy symptoms. Work with the allergy physician to come up with a written diet plan and follow it diligently. If the symptoms persist make sure you consult your allergist Manassas.


Simple Tips for an Allergy-Free Vacation

Allergies can dampen your travel plans especially if you are traveling during spring. Don’t let the allergies dampen the vacation spirit instead planning ahead will ensure you enjoy your vacation without any interruptions. It’s imperative that you understand the kind of allergy that affects you or your children to be able to counter it, be it a food allergy, seasonal allergy or asthma, hives, and skin allergy.

Preparing  for an allergy-free trip

  • Speak to your the allergist

The first step towards a happy vacation is speaking to the allergy doctor so you can get advice on how best to avoid allergens and in case there are any medications one should take to avoid severe cases of the allergen. Take note of any steps you need to take to avoid severe allergic reactions while traveling

  • Choose the right place for your accommodation

It’s important to choose accommodation that doesn’t allow smoking, pets, and level of hygiene is high. Ask for rooms that don’t have carpets as this might hold a lot of dust and pollen. Inform the hotel of the allergies you have and confirm whether there any measures put in place to minimize the effects of allergies

  • Make sure the vacation takes you to the right place

Research about the place you are going to understand the allergens that are likely to be found in the area.Choose vacation spots that will favor your allergy situation.   Mountain areas don’t have dust mites while pollen is rarely found on the beaches. Depending on your allergic reaction, choose to take the vacation in areas where the allergy will not be accelerated.

  • Pack your medicine and home remedy kit

Carry a bag with your allergy supplies and ensure that you have carried all the medicine that will help alleviate the allergy symptoms just in case they appear.

  • Pack the right clothes

Ensure that the clothes you pack don’t attract allergens. Carry your own pillowcases if possible and a bedsheet that you can lie on.

  • Traveling

If you are traveling by car use your air conditioner and filter the air. Early morning travels work perfectly before the pollen count increases. If you are taking a flight, ensure that the food offered in the flight has no allergens. Drink a lot of water during the journey.

  • Activities at your destination

When you get to your destination ensure that you confirm the kind of food available and whether there are any allergy triggers in the food. Check the rooms and confirm there is no smoking zone nearby.

  • Remind the families, Members of the allergies you have,

Vacations get exciting and some of the family members may forget that you have an allergy. Remind them of the allergic reactions you have towards certain foods and any other substance that may cause an allergic reaction. If you are sharing rooms ensure they observe hygiene and remind them to keep the windows closed to avoid pollen from entering the house.

Tips while traveling and you have allergies

  • Carry your own wipes to clean surfaces
  • Research on cultural differences and ensure that you understand them. In some cultures, smoking is allowed in public places
  • Carry your prescription in your handbag
  • Check out air travel policies
  • Follow the instructions from the allergist and enjoy your vacation

Simple Ways to Keep Your House Allergen Proof

The air inside our houses may can contain allergens more than the air outside. Common indoor allergens include dust, pet furs, mites, mold and cockroach droppings. It’s necessary to ensure that the house is free of any allergens as that is where we spend most of our time. The most practical way to manage allergies is to ensure we rid the home of the allergens. Regular house cleaning will ensure that your home is allergen free reducing the number of trips you make to the allergist

Simple Tips to Rid your House of Allergens

Get an Air Filter

Get an air filter that can handle the small dust and dander particles. High particulate air filters are made to remove small dust particles from the air. It’s ideal to have the air filter in the room where you spend the most time which is most likely the bedroom. It’s vital to regularly clean the air filter to ensure that it doesn’t contaminate the air.

Keep out Mites

Dust mites will trigger allergy and asthma. Mites will hide in rugs, boxes, and beddings. It’s therefore essential you do away with rugs and clean the bedding often to ensure there are no mites. Use allergy-proof covers and wash the bedding in hot water to keep away the mites. You can also keep the dust mites out by ensuring that the house is cold as they don’t survive in cool temperature. Keep the cockroaches away by thoroughly cleaning the house and sealing any holes to ensure that there are no entry spaces for the roaches.

General Cleaning

Ensure you thoroughly clean your house every week as this will ensure that your house is allergy-proof. Clean under the beds, seats and all the places with a clean mop and soap. A wet mop will trap the allergens instead of releasing them into the air. Vacuum clean all the carpets and the back of the seats. Wipe off the dust from windows, doors and all other surfaces. Make sure that there are no molds in the bathroom. Ensure that you don’t use scented cleaners as that may attract more allergens.

Keep out the Clutter

The cluttered items such as magazines, old books and clothes will host dust, cockroaches, and mites. You should ensure that you limit dust traps by keeping fewer items such as books, magazines, and frames. Remove old rags from the house to avoid hosting dust.

Other tips to Keep Allergens out of Your Home

  • Declutter the house, as this will keep out dust, mites, and cockroaches
  • Dry clothes using a dryer as air drying may increase allergens in clothes
  • Always wear a mask while cleaning
  • Avoid clothing made from animal fur
  • Ask a family member who doesn’t have allergies to dust out the pets
  • Ensure your house is humid, you can use a hydrometer to measure humidity
  • In case of an allergic reaction while cleaning, consult your allergy doctor va

Everything You Need to Know About Drug Allergy

Different people react differently to medicine, one person will have a severe reaction, while the other person does not react to the same medicine. Most medications have side effects, but only a small percentage of the reaction is a drug allergy. Differentiating between side effects and allergies is essential. Drug allergy can be mild or life-threatening cases, and it’s, therefore, crucial to follow the prescription as advised by the doctor.

Signs of Drug Allergies

If you experience any of the below allergies, ensure you visit your allergist for a check-up

  • Hives or skin rashes
  • Wheezing and breathing problems
  • Itching and swelling
  • Anaphylaxis which may result in shock if severe. In case you experience severe allergic reactions to more than one body, immediately consult an allergy physician.

Drugs that cause most allergic reactions

  • Antibiotics that contain sulfamides
  • Anti-inflammatory medications such ibuprofen, and medications such as aspirins
  • Chemotherapy drugs
  • Anticonvulsants

How to Diagnose drug allergy

Before the doctor takes the allergy test, he will seek to know the following

  • How long you have had the allergy reaction
  • Description of the symptoms and when they began
  • All the medication that has been taken

To precisely differentiate between side effects and drug allergies, the following test can be done

  • Skin Test

The test will mostly show penicillin allergy

  • Blood test

The allergy doctor may order for a blood test to rule out any other cause of the reaction other than the drugs. Although this test is rarely used to test allergies because their accuracy is unknown

  • Drug Challenge

The process involves ruling out which drug is causing the reaction out of the all the drug one is taking. The doctor will inject a small amount of the medications you are taking to help rule out any other

Drug Allergy Treatment

Treatment for drug allergy will include the following

  • Treatment for the drug allergy one is currently facing
  • Medications to enable you to take the drug causing an allergy if it’s vital for your well-being, and there is no better supplement

Treatment of symptoms one is currently facing will involve

  • Withdrawal of the drug causing allergy

The allergy physician will prescribe a different drug and withdraw the one causing the allergy

  •  Medication


The  allergy doctor will prescribe an antihistamine to treat the allergy symptoms

Ora or injection of corticosteroids will treat more severe inflammations

Treatment for drugs that one must take

The allergy doctor will carry out a procedure known as drug decentralization. The doctor will give you the medications in small doses until there is no more allergic reaction. If the drug causes life-threatening reactions, then the doctor will have to discontinue the medications.

Once the drug allergy reaction starts, ensure you visit an allergy clinic in va immediately for a check-up. Ensure you give a detailed description to your doctor of all the symptoms.


Effective ways to deal with ocular allergies

Ocular allergies tend to develop when the immune system of the body becomes sensitive and overreacts to certain elements in the environment, which might or might not be harmful to the body. As soon as the allergens come into contact with the antibodies of your eyes, the cells release histamine immediately along with other substances that make the tiny blood vessels inside the eyes leak. As a result, the eyes become red, watery and itchy. In most of the cases, the symptoms of ocular allergies are strikingly similar to many eye diseases, which make it difficult to diagnose the problem unless you opt for the specific allergy testing methods.

 Common symptoms of ocular allergies:

The most common types of eye allergies are seasonal allergic conjunctivitis, perennial allergic conjunctivitis, atopic keratoconjunctivitis, vernal keratoconjunctivitis, giant papillary conjunctivitis or contact allergic conjunctivitis. The symptoms of these eye allergies are often accompanied by sneezing, coughing or a runny nose which are common symptoms of nasal allergies.

The common symptoms include:

  • Burning eyes
  • Redness
  • Fluid discharge
  • Itching

What triggers eye allergies?

The common allergens which cause ocular allergies are pollens, weeds, mold, pet dander, dust mites and irritants such as perfume, smog, cigarette smoke or vehicle exhausts. People suffering from eye allergies for a prolonged period may also develop severe dark circles under their eyes. Sometimes, the eyelids become puffy and the eyes are unable to tolerate bright lights. At times the itchiness becomes so severe, that the patients are unable to stop themselves from scratching or rubbing their eyes and ultimately end up worsening up the infections.

How to deal with ocular allergies?

In order to keep ocular allergies at bay, you should avoid the allergens which trigger the problem.

  • Try to stay indoors, during the high pollen period of the day. Use HEPA efficiency air purifier and air conditioning system, in your bedroom and car.
  • Using mite-proof bedding to combat the dust mites.
  • Use a dehumidifier in your home, to restrict mold growth.
  • Wash your hands and change your clothes whenever you return home from outside or play with your pets.
  • Try to cover your eyes with high-quality sunglasses, to shield them.
Effective medications to deal with emergency situations:

Whenever there is an emergency situation, but you are unable to visit the allergy clinic to get hold of the allergy shots or immunotherapy, or the eye drops you may try out these simple yet effective medicines, which are readily sold in the medical stores without any prescription.

  1. Decongestant eye drops
  2. Artificial tears
  3. The antihistamines

However, it is always better to consult an eye allergy specialist doctor because, the decongestant eye drops may not work after repeated usage or the antihistamines might dry up your eyes excessively, leading to other problems.

Reduce the pet allergens in your home to prevent allergy attacks

allergy doctor

Pets are man’s best friend, but if you are prone to hives and skin allergy, they can make your life worse. Not only their skin dander triggers allergic reactions, but their saliva and urine too can leave you sneezing throughout the day. Most of the pets shed off their dry skin cells in the form of dander, which gets attached to their feathers or furs and lands in your curtains, rugs, clothes, and furniture; and this is an unavoidable situation if you have pets in your home. Thankfully, there are some ways to reduce the allergens beforehand.

Detecting the cause of your allergy:

Apart from irritations in your skin and sneezing, you may also experience red and itchy eyes, runny nose or coughing if you are prone to pet allergy. However, it is ideally recommended to opt for radioallergosorbent allergy testing, which includes a thorough examination of your skin and blood, to detect the root of the problem. In many cases, you may find out that the culprit is not your four-legged friend, but the hidden pollen in their hair.

Reduce the allergens in your home:

If you are allergic to your pet but do not want to part with your furry friend, there are many ways to reduce the allergens in your home:

  1. Make sure you give your pet shower on a weekly basis: Bathing your pets on a weekly basis can reduce the chances of dander shedding manifold. Consult your veterinarian to pick the pet grooming products, which are safe for regular use.
  2. HEPA air cleaners can make your life comfortable: The high-efficiency HEPA air cleaners are very effective, not only to avoid the allergy-causing dander but also dust particles and pollen, which might trigger allergies.
  3. Turn to frequent cleaning and dusting: Make sure you wear a protective mask while dusting your home. Clean the pet beds frequently. Change the curtains, bed and pillows covers and vacuum the blinds, carpets, and furniture to get rid of allergens.
  4. Treat your allergy problem: There are numerous allergy treatment methods to deal with pet allergies. Consult your allergy doctor, to opt for immunotherapy, antihistamine sprays or pills and steroidal injections. It is essential, to find a specialist who understands your love and commitment towards your furry friend because only then he or she can suggest you the best way to deal with the problem, rather than blaming your pet and giving them away.

Instead of blaming your pets every time you get an allergy, prevent the causes beforehand to endure a healthy relationship with them.



Seasonal Allergies: Tips On How To Survive The Allergy Season

seasonal allergiesWhen you are suffering from seasonal allergies, the cold weather and presence of pollen in the air mean trouble. The cool thing is that you don’t always have to worry when the allergy season comes about. To help you out, here are tips on how to survive the season:

Start taking medications early

One of the main reasons why many people struggle with the allergies is because they don’t start taking the medicines early enough. The best way of going about it is beginning to take the medications at least a few weeks before the season starts.

You should note that the medications that you took last season might not work this season; therefore, you need to visit your doctor so that he/she can undertake the necessary tests and recommend the best ones for you to go for.

Know your medications

Sometimes you might not be in a position to visit your allergy doctor. In such a situation, you don’t have another way out other than to buy the medications over the counter.

Since there are many types of medications that you can take, it’s crucial that you know the ones that you take.

One of the best ones is 10 mg Claritin for adults and 5 mg for children. You can also take Zyrtec or diphenhydramine.

When taking the medications, you should be cautious of the side effects. For example, diphenhydramine can cause morning hangover. Experts recommend that you avoid this medicine when you are driving.

Know your symptoms

Do you know that you can be affected by the allergens before even the allergy season strikes? This has happened to many, and they rush to the hospital thinking that they are suffering from another condition.

To easily control the condition, you need to know your symptoms. Some of the most common symptoms associated with the disease include: new rashes, body aches, fever, difficulty breathing, eye pain, and vision changes.

If you notice any of these, visit your nearest doctor or drug store and take the necessary medications.

Take the medications properly

Taking the right medications isn’t enough—you need to take them correctly. All you need to do is check the back of the bottle and follow the instructions. If it’s a new drug and you aren’t sure of how to take it, ask your doctor for guidance.


These are tips on how to survive the allergy season. As mentioned, to have an easy time, visit a reputable allergy clinic before the allergy season begins.

Asthma Treatments And Other Ways Of Managing Asthma

asthma treatments

If you have asthma you need to know how to manage it for you to live a productive life and also avoid complications. To help you out, here are tips on how to manage the condition:

Take the medications regularly

Most asthmatics make the mistake of stopping taking their asthma treatments as soon as the symptoms go away, but this shouldn’t be you. Remember that when you stop taking a given medication, you expose yourself to the condition. To be on the safe side, you need to know the controller and rescue medications.

To protect yourself, take the controller medications daily. You should take the rescue medications when the symptoms come up.

Watch the weather

You need to know how your body responds to the various weather conditions. In most people, the situation is triggered when they spend time in cold, dry air. To protect yourself, wear a scarf over your mouth and nose when you are going out in the cold.

If you suffer from seasonal allergies and are affected by high pollen and mold count, avoid going out in the middle of the day or when there is a lot of wind.

Watch the air getting in the house

The most common asthma triggers that get in the house with the air are: smoke, pollen, and polluted air. To protect yourself, watch the quality of air that you allow into the house. One of the things you should do is to install an air conditioner. You also should make a habit of keeping your house windows closed all the time, especially when there are many triggers in the air.

If insects trigger your condition, consider installing a window screen that will prevent the bugs from getting into the house.

Disinfect your home

According to allergy experts, there is a direct link between hygiene and allergy-triggering agents. If you have pests in the house, it’s only a matter of time before you develop the condition. If there are cockroaches in the house, install cockroach traps. You also should consider hiring a pest control company to help you out.

To ensure that no pests get access to your home, seal any leaks and cracks that might be in your home. Also, avoid leaving drinks, dirty plates, and food on the table.


These are tips on how to effectively manage asthma. Whenever you notice the symptoms, visit an allergist who will undertake a number of tests and recommend the best medications to go for.

Asthma Treatments And Other Asthma Management Methods

asthma treatment

If you have been struggling with asthma, you should know that you have the condition because your airways are more sensitive to the triggers which can be anything from dust to exercises. While there are no known asthma treatments, there are a number of things you can do to manage the condition.

How to manage asthma

The first thing you need to do to manage the disease is to know the symptoms associated with it. When you are suffering from the condition, you tend to suffer from breathlessness, wheezing, continuing cough, and a tight feeling in the chest. To manage the condition, you need to know when the condition comes about. This will help you know the triggering factors.

If you aren’t sure of the factors that cause it, visit an asthma expert to help you. Once you have known the triggers, you should avoid them as much as possible. For example, if the symptoms are heightened when the plants are pollinating, you need to avoid the pollens as much as you can. On the other hand, if you are sensitive to pet dander, you may have to get rid of the pets.

Asthma doctors have been able to show that exercise, breathing classes, and meditation classes are highly valuable in managing the condition. According to the doctors, the exercises come in handy in keeping the lungs in top shape thus reducing the highly sensitive nature.

Another way of managing the condition is making lifestyle changes in your life. You need to avoid exposing yourself to a lot of stress, deep emotional feelings, and lack of sleep. Whenever you are in stressful situations such as due to family or work, find ways of distressing.

If you have tried preventing the condition from coming about without success, you should try treating it. All you need to do is visit your allergy doctors, and the professionals will recommend the best medication. There are plenty of drugs that the doctor can give you.

The most common are reliever medications. These are short-acting bronchodilators that bring fast relief during an acute attack. The medications relax the airway muscles causing them to open; as a result the symptoms go away. You can take the medications as syrup, aerosol spray, or tablet.


The asthma doctors can also give you preventer medications. These are anti-inflammatory medications that prevent acute attacks. An allergist will give you the medication on its own or in combination with other long-acting bronchodilators.

Food Allergy Tips To Consider

food allergies

Food allergies can be very daunting when dealing with them and the effects range from mild to deadly effects. Allergies don’t have any cure so anyone with a food allergy must be very careful and avoid certain foods that may trigger a reaction. Below are tips to consider when dealing with a food allergy:

Tips to consider when suffering from food allergy

Always remember to carry your medication: If the doctor, for example, prescribed an emergency medication, always remember to take it with you everywhere you go so that you can be prepared when it decides to strike. You should note that different people require different types of medications. To ensure that you take the right ones, speak to your doctor.

Read labels: Many food labels nowadays contain important allergy information like whether a certain type of food was produced in a place where they process nuts or whether the additives contain any by-products of wheat or milk. Read each label every time and even if you may have purchased an item and it normally doesn’t give you any reaction, this doesn’t mean that they will always be allergy free since manufacturers tend to change their ingredients after some time thus an allergen might be part of a new creation.

Be careful when cooking: When every member of the family isn’t on an allergen free diet, you may need to be extra careful so as to avoid cross contamination, therefore it might be a good idea to always have two sets of utensils and also two sets of cooking; one for the allergic members and another for the allergy-free members. Also, remember to wash the utensils using hot water and wash thoroughly.

Know the signs and symptoms to watch out for: It is very important to know how bad a reaction might be, so watch out for any signs like itching, wheezing, swelling, vomiting, nausea, anxiety, dizziness, shock etc. This will help you be able to manage the reaction before it gets worse.


These are some of the tips you should consider when you are allergic to certain foods. While the allergy symptoms might seem minor at the start, they can be lethal especially when you allow them to last for a long time. Regardless of how minor the symptoms are, visit an allergy doctor who will recommend the best medications. As rule of thumb ensure that the professional is highly experienced in handling the issues.