Tag Archives: allergist

What is of Aspirin Desensitization

Aspirin is an important drug used by people all over the world to help with medical conditions. However, with a lot of people that suffer from a sensitivity to aspirin, using aspirin as allergy treatment is very important for positive health outcomes. You can check an allergy clinic if you want to have an effective aspirin desensitization treatment so you can offer relief for individuals.

There are about 1.2 million and 1.6 million people in the US who have aspirin-exacerbated respiratory disease, which causes a lot of frustration for a lot of patients. Due to aspirin desensitization, you can overcome the worst symptoms caused by this condition. If you want to know more about this, you can read on.

What is Aspirin-Exacerbated Respiratory Disease (AERD)?

Aspirin-exacerbated respiratory disease (AERD) includes chronic asthma, sinusitis that has nasal polyps, and aspirin sensitivity, and other non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs). Patients who have this condition experience mild to severe symptoms of any respiratory conditions for aspirin-related medications. Other medications can have ibuprofen and naproxen. Approximately 1 in 10 patients who have asthma or 1 in 3 patients with asthma and sinusitis with nasal polyps could be sensitive to aspirin and other NSAIDs that leads to having AERD.

Symptoms of Aspirin Sensitivity

People with aspirin sensitivity can have symptoms like:

  • Hives, itching, swelling, or
  • Shortness of breath, worsening and wheezing of nasal/sinus symptoms

In some cases, the aspirin adverse reaction could be serious or life-threatening.

How is AERD Diagnosed

The AERD diagnosis is clinical, which means that there is no certain test or blood result that can be used to diagnose the disease. The triad asthma plus symptoms and nasal polyps and respiratory reactions to NSAIDs are everything that is needed for diagnosis. For patients with a history of possible reaction to an NSAID is unclear, and normally it is helpful to do an aspiring challenge to confirm your diagnosis. You can do this either as an oral challenge, or a combination of oral or intranasal challenges. The procedure is in a hospital or clinic with a medical team and an experienced doctor.

In addition, people who have AERD have huge numbers of eosinophils in the nasal polyps and elevated levels of eosinophils in their bloodstream. Eosinophils are a kind of immune cell that has inflammation. Even if the presence of an elevated eosinophil level is not needed in the diagnosis, it can be good additional insight for patients.

Benefits of Aspirin Desensitization

Aspirin desensitization will allow a patient to gain these benefits:

  • Improved asthma control
  • Decreased doses of corticosteroid
  • Delayed regrowth of nasal polyps that causes surgeries that are less related to sinus (polyps surgeries)
  • Less need for medication for respiratory symptoms treatment
  • Aspirin tolerance (ASA) and NSAIDs
  • Better sense of smell and taste
Success Rate of Aspirin Desensitization

There is a recent study reported that AERD patients who can continue aspirin desensitization treatment for over a year, were the ones to experience the most benefits.

Risks of Aspirin Desensitization

The aspirin dose that is given during desensitization of aspirin is a lot smaller compared to what is taken in a lot of cases. The reactions because of a lower dose are normally less severe, in most cases compared to the reaction of what a patient would have gone through if they took a full dose. Here are the risks of aspirin desensitization:

  • Runny nose
  • Nasal congestion
  • Tightness in your throat
  • Stomach pain
  • Heartburn
  • Nausea
  • Hives
  • Blood pressure rarely drops

The physician will monitor you closely, including your vital signs, lung function, and oxygen intake.

You can check an allergy center Manassas VA anytime.

Food Allergies that are More Common than Others

A lot of foods cause allergies, but others are more common. About 90% of serious food allergies are linked to proteins in certain foods, like eggs, milk, soy, peanuts, wheat, fish, tree nuts, sesame, and shellfish.

Most of the time, these foods are ingredients in other foods, which means avoiding them calls for diligence, including precise labeling and other measures. There might be times when exposures unknowingly happen.

You might have to call an allergy doctor if you notice that you have an allergic reaction to some of these. In case you are unaware of what the most common food allergies are, you should do research and start by reading this article until the end. Read more now.

Cow’s Milk

Allergy to cow’s milk is one of the most common hypersensitivities in young children, most likely because it is the first foreign protein that a lot of infants ingest in huge quantities. If there is an allergy to cow’s milk, even infants who are breastfed may have eczema or colic until dairy foods and milk have been eliminated from their mother’s diet.

A lot of children outgrow milk allergy while their immune systems mature.


People who have egg allergies are triggered by egg proteins. You might be allergic to egg white, egg yolk, or even both. Experts recommend staying away from eggs when you are allergic.

About 2.5% of children are allergic to eggs, which makes it the second most common food allergy in young children. Diagnosis normally happens before reaching the age of 2. Half of the children are going to outgrow their allergy when they are 5, and most people will outgrow it when they reach adolescence.

Eggs should be listed on food labels in simple language, like “contains eggs.” It is important to always read the label before consumption.


Peanut allergy is one of the most common allergy food allergies. Peanuts are different from cashews, tree nuts, almonds, walnuts, and more. peanuts grow underground and they are from a different plant family, which is legumes. Other legume examples include peas, beans, soybeans, and lentils. Having a peanut allergy does not mean you have a bigger chance of being allergic to a different legume.

Wheat and Gluten

Rice and oats are normally the first cereals that are introduced into your diet because they are less likely compared to other grains to cause allergic reactions. If there are no issues with oats, wheat is next. Wheat grain is usually linked with allergies, but it is still uncommon. This is unfortunate because wheat can be found in a lot of prepared foods.

There are 2 kinds of negative immune reactions to consuming wheat. The first classic reaction is hives and the second one is wheezing which happens right away after the child consumes wheat.


People who have soy allergies react to the proteins in soy. Normally, allergic reactions are mild, but with all food allergies, it might lead to a severe and life-threatening reaction.

Soy is a common allergy in food for children but it is less for teens and adults. Approximately 0.4% of children have an allergy to soy. It is estimated that 50% of the kids outgrow a soy allergy after one year, and most of them will outgrow it when they are 10.


Finned fish is among the most common food allergy. This is normally lifelong. About 40% of people who are allergic to fish get their first reaction when they are adults. The most common types of fish that people are allergic to are tuna, halibut, and salmon.

You can go to an allergist Germantown MD anytime.

How to Prevent Skin Allergies

Itchy skin can be frustrating, no matter what the cause is. Even if it might feel better for the time being when you scratch, it will only worsen when you scratch continuously. In order to manage itchy skin, you have to understand the cause and look for the right remedy.

Keep in mind that there is pollen in spring, dry dust in winter, and dust in the summer. These changes in the season bring you sets of irritants and reactors for millions of people that can make skin allergies worse. When you go to an allergy clinic, the doctor will explain to you what treatment is needed and how to prevent it from happening. Find out more about it now.

What Skin Allergies are There?

Skin allergies happen when you have an immune system that reacts to a perceived threat, which will normally be harmless to your body. The common symptoms of skin allergy include:

  • Redness
  • Itching
  • Raised bumps
  • Swelling
  • Skin flaking
  • Skin cracking

The best way to avoid skin allergies is to avoid or limit your contact with an allergen. However, if you encounter an allergen, you can choose home remedies to address the symptoms.

How to Manage Skin Allergies

  • The scratches should be kept clean – You will be tempted to scratch itchy skin. However, if you are not careful, you could end up with a blister or create a wound because of your nails. Either way, the open-wound scratches can get infected if it does not receive proper care. You should try washing your hands before touching the scratches and keeping fingernails short to lower the risk of irritation and infection.
  • Take a cold shower – A cold bath can help reduce allergies and skin irritation. A cold shower will help blood vessels to shrink and will not allow histamine to come out. It will also reduce skin irritation and the severity of allergic reactions.
  • Oatmeal – Oatmeal has different biological active properties, which include antioxidant and anti-inflammatory components. All of these can help soothe allergic skin reaction itchiness.


Among the popular ways to treat skin allergic reactions include a poultice or an oatmeal bath. Both need powdered oatmeal. You will be able to make a powdered meal when you grind store-bought oatmeal into a fine powder with a blender, coffee grinder, or food processor.

  • Wear the right clothes – Some kinds of materials like polyester or wool cause irritation and swelling, which leads to an itch. Clothes made from bamboo, cotton, or silk are easier on your skin by becoming more breathable and softer while it is eczema-friendly.
  • Olive oil – Extra virgin olive oil will go wonders as a moisturizer. Olive oil is rich in vitamin E, which is helpful in repairing skin after any allergic issues and it reduces itching as well. This type of remedy is best when you compare it to chemical moisturizers.
  • Air conditioner and/or humidifier – When your skin is feeling hot and/or dry, maybe you will find that the itchiness of your skin gets worse. You should use a humidifier and/or air conditioner so your skin will be in a better environment.
  • Medical herbs and plants (Neem, Aloe Vera, Basil, Coriander, Calendula) – Aloe Vera is an excellent choice to manage your allergies because it has strong antibacterial, anti-irritant, and anti-fungal properties. Aloe Vera has a fleshy gel that can soothe allergies.
  • Avoid scratching the itch – It could seem like the hardest thing to do, but you should try not to scratch your skin because the irritation will only get worse.

You can go to an allergy center Manassas VA anytime if you need more tips on how to manage skin allergies.   


Signs of Dust Mite Allergy

Dust mite allergy is caused by an allergic reaction to small bugs that live in the dust. The signs of dust mite allergy can include the ones that are common to hay fever, like runny nose and sneezing. A lot of people with dust mite allergy can also experience symptoms of asthma like sneezing, and difficulty in breathing.

When you take steps to lessen the dust mites in your home, you can have better control of dust mite allergy. Medications and other treatments can sometimes be necessary to relieve symptoms and control asthma.

It would be good to know the signs of dust mites before going to an allergy clinic because you can easily tell the doctor what you experienced.

What Causes Dust Mite Allergies

An allergy is the response of the immune system to an unknown substance that is not normally harmful to the body. These substances are known as allergens. They can include specific foods, dust mites, and pollens. People who have dust mite allergies have a bad reaction to the bug remnants. These remnants can include small amounts of decaying bodies and feces.

Your household might be clean, but it will not take a lot to create an environment that is perfect for dust mites.


Symptoms of dust mites caused by nasal passages inflammation include:

  • Running nose
  • Sneezing
  • Watery eyes
  • Itchy nose and/or throat
  • Postnasal drip
  • Nasal congestion
  • Cough
  • Pain and facial pressure
  • Blue-colored skin under the eyes
  • Frequent rubbing of the nose in a child

If the allergy adds to your asthma, you can also experience the following:

  • Chest pain or tightness
  • Breathing difficulty
  • Wheezing or whistling sound while exhaling
  • Trouble sleeping because of shortness of breath, wheezing or coughing
  • Coughing or wheezing gets worse because of respiratory illnesses or viruses like the flu or cold

Dust mite allergy could range from mild to severe. A mild dust mite allergy could cause a runny nose from time to time, watery eyes, and even sneezing. In most cases, the condition might be ongoing, which causes persistent coughing, sneezing, congestion, eczema, facial pressure, or asthma attack.

Diagnosing Allergies of Dust Mites

You should talk to an allergist if you feel that your symptoms are worse at home, especially when you clean or when you lie down in bed. The allergist can diagnose and treat allergies.

The allergist is going to use diagnostic tests in order to determine if you are allergic to dust mites. The most common kind of test is a skin-prick test. In this test, the allergist is going to choose an area of the skin with a small allergen extract. The allergist will wait 15 minutes to check if the skin has a negative reaction. In case you have a reaction, you are going to develop a big bump around the skin’s pricked area. The area can also become itchy and red.


  • Antihistamines help relieve runny nose, itching, and sneezing
  • Nasal corticosteroids reduce inflammation with some side effects compared to their oral counterparts
  • Decongestants can make tissues smaller in nasal passages, so you can breathe easily
  • Medications that combine antihistamines and decongestant
How Long Does it Last?

When dust mite allergens no longer surround you, the symptoms you have will normally go away after a couple of hours. If your dust mite allergies are severe, you might have symptoms for a couple of days. This can be uncomfortable and can even disrupt sleep if you do not take anything for treatment.

You can go to an allergy center Manassas VA anytime if you need to seek treatment for your dust mite allergy.

What is Allergy Desensitization

You can have allergy shots regularly and it is generally given over the course of three to five years to reduce or stop allergy attacks. Allergy shots are an excellent form of treatment known as immunotherapy. Each shot has a small number of certain substances that trigger allergic reactions. These are known as allergens and they contain enough allergens that can stimulate your immune system, but it is not enough to cause an unbearable allergic reaction.

Even if allergen immunotherapy involves the typical administration of increasing allergen doses gradually over a certain period, immunotherapy can be given as injections or tablets.

In case you want to visit an allergy specialist doctor for allergy desensitization you can learn more about it here.

Oral Immunotherapy Treatment (OIT)

Desensitization treats peanut allergies, tree nut allergies, milk allergies, and other food allergies. The process will require patients to consume different allergen doses. Initially, food should be consumed under an allergist’s supervision. After this, patients must eat fixed amounts of the allergen until they reach a maintenance dose.

With the completion of OIT, individuals have to maintain the consumption of periodic doses of certain foods to ensure that there is ongoing desensitization. Normally, successful patients would have reduced the chances of allergic reactions. With the approval of an allergy doctor, it could even be possible to reintroduce it into your diet.


Most people do not experience a lot of trouble when they get allergy shots. However, they contain substances that cause allergies – so there can be possible reactions, which can include:

  • Systemic reactions – These are less common, but are more serious. You could develop sneezing, hives, or nasal congestion. Other severe reactions can include wheezing, throat swelling, or chest tightness.
  • Local reactions – This can involve redness, irritation, or swelling at the injection site. Normally, these common reactions start within a few hours after the injection and they clear up soon after that.
  • Anaphylaxis – Life-threatening reaction to allergy shots. It causes low blood pressure and trouble breathing. Most of the time, anaphylaxis starts within 30 minutes after injection, but they sometimes start at a later time.

If you will get allergy shots weekly or monthly, you are less likely to have a serious reaction.

When you take an antihistamine before an allergy shot, it reduces the risk of a reaction, mainly a local reaction. You should check with your doctor to find out if this is recommended.


It is similar to oral immunotherapy treatment, but with the use of allergy shots, seasonal allergies are less common and you will no longer be affected by indoor triggers or insect bites. Allergy shots can be used to treat pollen allergies, mold, dust mites, pet dander, and bee stings by giving small allergen doses via injection. When you administer incremental doses of the allergen, your immune system will become desensitized to its existence in your body.

Even if immunotherapy requires periodic visits to the allergy clinic, treatments will offer more benefits to patients. An individual can reduce their dependency on medication, and the immune system will get used to its presence in the system.

Where the Shots Should be Given

This kind of treatment must be supervised by a physician in a facility with the right staff and equipment to treat and identify adverse reactions to injections. The idea is that immunotherapy should be given at the allergy clinic. In case it is not possible, the allergist or immunologist should give the supervising physician clear instructions about the treatments of allergy shots.

You can check an allergy center Germantown MD if you need allergy desensitization.



Signs You Need an Allergist Vs. ENT

An allergist is a trained specialist to diagnose, treat, and prevent allergies. These allergists are the ones who can provide asthma care, immunotherapy treatments, allergy testing, holistic treatments, and related assistance.

ENTs treat medical issues in your nose, ear, and throat, together with the neck and head. A lot of these conditions might require surgical treatments, like corrections to bone or cartilage. An ENT will normally treat structural issues that need surgery – this will differ from an allergist who can diagnose allergens that are causing an allergic reaction.

You should not think that an allergist is an ENT, but there are instances such as sinus infections when they collide, for most of it, where those two positions specialize in different health niches. Read on to know more:

When to Visit an Allergy Clinic

In some cases, you could identify the allergen that may cause inflammation. For example, if you suffer from a food allergy, then you may feel an allergic reaction after eating that food. You could experience swelling in your skin rash and mouth. As a consequence of this, you can prevent a reaction by avoiding specific types of foods. However, on the other hand, you are unable to understand certain allergens such as dust allergies or other environmental issues like:

  • Runny nose
  • Shortness of breath
  • Itchy throat
  • Skin rash
  • Sinus infections
  • Eye-watering redness
  • Swollen lips and tongue

If you are experiencing these symptoms, then you need to go to an allergy clinic and not ENT doctor. However, there are a couple of symptoms that may need ENT treatment.

Signs You Need an ENT

You could be dealing with issues in your ears, nose, and throat. Even if the symptoms in these areas are intertwined with allergies, there is a difference between them. An ENT doctor is helpful in diagnosing and treating any conditions in your ear, nose, throat, neck, and head. You should see an ENT if you have any of the following:

  • Ear infections
  • Tonsil infection
  • Complications in hearing
  • Ear, nose, or throat pain
  • Issues with swallowing
  • Head and neck tumors or cancer
  • Deviated septum
  • Chronic sinusitis
  • Tinnitus
  • Cleft palate
  • Vertigo symptoms

If You Put it all Together

Allergists and ENT work together to maximize control of your sinus/nasal congestion and it is possible that you might need evaluation from specialists. Allergists will normally refer patients to ENTs when they need surgery and ENTs will refer patients to allergists when they need a formal allergy assessment.

Allergies are not the only reason why you experience nasal symptoms. So, if you have a structural problem or you suspect one, an ENT specialist is a good first choice. However, if you suspect that you are experiencing breathing or sinus issues related to asthma or allergies, consider seeing an allergist. They can help treat, diagnose, and control symptoms through non-surgical methods.

When you have allergies, many areas of your body can become affected. This includes your eyes, nose, throat, lungs, mouth, stomach, and even sinuses. For most people who experience allergic reactions, an allergist should be the first person they contact. An allergist is used to identify the causes of immune system response and allergic reaction and develop a solution that removes or reduces any threat to you.

Treat Your Allergic Reactions

If you suffer from ear, nose, and throat-related issues in certain seasons, then you could be suffering from allergy problems. That is why you might have to visit an allergist instead of an ENT. They will provide what you need.

You can visit an allergy clinic Manassas VA anytime if you think you need an allergist instead of an ENT.

Allergens that Cause a Sore Throat

Among allergy symptoms that affect daily life, getting a sore throat caused by allergies is irritating. If you have a runny nose and itchy eyes, a sore throat can be discomforting which can disrupt your routine.

Allergy sore throat symptoms can include a scratchy and dry feeling in your throat. The different kinds of allergies that cause this can be seasonal or something at home that is affecting you.

There are different steps you can take so you can manage or reduce symptoms.

Your allergy specialist will also tell you that histamines trigger your body to produce more mucus so your nose, mouth, and throat will not dry out. Most of the time, you will not notice the body’s mucus production.

Allergens and How they Affect You

Post-nasal drip is the culprit when it comes to an allergy-induced sore throat.

It is because of exposure to allergens and they occur when there is congestion in the sinuses and nose to your throat. This will cause scratchy or tickling pain.

The drainage can also cause:

  • Excessive swallowing
  • Coughing
  • Throat discomfort and clearing
  • Difficulty in speaking

A lot of allergies, like pollen, are seasonal.

If your symptoms are all-year-round, your symptoms could worsen during the seasons when there are a lot of airborne irritants.

Other Symptoms that Appear

  • Fatigue
  • Stuffy or runny nose
  • Sneezing and coughing

Symptoms of cold, flu, and other infections, but not normally allergies – include:

  • Body and muscle aches
  • Fever
  • Swollen lymph nodes

If you feel itchy, have watery eyes, and have a sore throat, it is most likely caused by an allergic reaction because the eye symptoms do not occur with the flu or cold.

Another clue is how long the sore throat lasts. A flu or cold does not last more than 2 weeks.

However, your allergic reaction can last for as long as you are exposed to the allergen. For instance, someone with a pollen allergy can have reaction symptoms for about 6 weeks, which depends on the season.

Oral Allergy Symptoms

  • Itchy mouth
  • Irritated, scratchy throat
  • Swelling and redness of the mouth and lips
  • Other symptoms of seasonal allergies

Anyone who has a sore throat or other allergy symptoms after they eat raw fruits or vegetables should talk to an allergy doctor.

How to Prevent Sore Throat Caused by Allergies

If you want to prevent sore throat caused by allergies, you would want to take steps in order to limit exposure to the substances that trigger you.

You should do your best to stay away from known irritants, like pet dander and cigarette smoke. If your allergies are seasonal, such as hay fever, are caused by trees and flowers in bloom, there are a couple of things you can do:

  • Keep your windows and doors closed
  • Wear a pollen mask when you are outside if it is “allergy season” to protect yourself from any airborne allergens
  • Take a shower after you come from outdoors
  • Wash clothing that you wore outside

Preventing allergies is important in alleviating a sore throat, as well as other related symptoms. The primary step is to limit your allergen exposure as much as you can.

Avoid any known irritants, like pet dander or cigarette smoke, as much as possible. You should keep windows closed or wear a surgical mask outside so you can protect yourself from airborne allergens during the worst seasons.

You will not be able to avoid allergens all the time. This is the time when allergy shots and medication can help.

You can contact an asthma doctor Germantown MD anytime if you need a sore throat allergy treatment.

How to Fight Fatigue from Allergies

If you are suffering from allergy fatigue, you are aware that it can be frustrating because you have to deal with sneezing, itchy eyes, and a runny nose.

There is another common symptom you might not think is associated with allergies: fatigue.

An allergy specialist will tell you that allergies can make you feel tired for different reasons, which include allergic reactions. Other indirect factors like difficulty sleeping, which might also make you feel fatigued.

Either way, it would be important to identify the reason behind your allergies so you can stay away from triggers. The doctor will help you identify what can cause symptoms, together with a recommended treatment to alleviate them. Read more about it now:

Know What You Are Allergic to

If you want to treat allergies, you should know what you are up against.

An allergy test helps identify substances that can trigger allergic reactions. These substances, which are called allergens, can be the things you are breathing in, touching, or eating.

A skin allergy test involves exposing the skin on your back or arm to small amounts of allergens to find out what you react to. These tests are normally done in one sitting, and you will get results immediately.

Blood allergy tests can check for allergens and it is useful if you are taking medication that interferes with the results. It is also effective in case your doctor thinks you have a severe reaction to a small amount of allergen.  

Allergy Shots

If over-the-counter allergy medications do not help you enough, the doctor might recommend allergy shots or injections that help reduce allergic reactions.

This is also called immunotherapy, and the shots work by introducing your body to small amounts of the substance that triggers your allergies.

Over time, your time is going to get used to the allergen, which helps you control symptoms.

Low-histamine Diet

Since histamine is broken down by your liver, supporting the liver using bitter cooling herbs like Andrographis, dandelion, and artichoke leaf is a crucial consideration. A diet that is low in histamine helps you during allergy season. The main elements of this diet are excluding foods with high histamine and promoting histamine release, and the addition of nutrients that act as natural histamines.

Take Allergy Medication at Night

Antihistamines are an effective and common way to control allergies, and modern allergy medicines are less likely to cause drowsiness compared to older ones. However, some people might still feel tired after they take an allergy pill, especially if they have not taken one recently.

If you need help reducing drowsiness and becoming more alert during the daytime, you must take your antihistamine in the evening instead of in the morning.

Consistency is key to reducing drowsiness caused by antihistamines – the longer you take a daily medication, the easier your body can tolerate side effects.

Not all antihistamines are for daily use, so you should talk to the doctor before you start or change allergy medications to make sure it is good for you.

Neti Pots

A neti pot or container you use to rinse nasal passages helps relieve allergy symptoms.

You should fill the device with distilled water and salt in order to create a saline solution, then you need to use it to clear out allergens and mucus in mucus membranes.

Neti pots help relieve runny nose, congestion, and other symptoms, but if you are feeling tired, it can help you take allergy medication at the same time.

You can find allergy doctor Manassas VA anytime if you are suffering from fatigue because of your allergies to get proper treatment.

Psychological Impact of Food Allergies

Food allergies could impact the patients’ emotions through direct and indirect mechanisms. The direct mechanisms can include central nervous system effects from the biological mediators released when you have an allergic food reaction. Indirect mechanisms can include the stress of living with food allergy like avoidance of food preparation and controlling the fear of potential consequences when you ingest the food.

You can go to an allergy specialist doctor and find out more about indirect effects that can also be mediated through family members, like the stress of the parent on the child. Since food allergy is increasing in children and adults, it has become difficult to study, and sometimes symptoms can be misinterpreted because food allergies are normally patients with psychological profiles.


Aside from feeling anxiety, those with food allergies can go against bullying. One out of three children gets bullied for having food allergies. The rate is pretty high, and the research suggests that people are not always aware of this. A study has found that about half of parents and children who have food allergies do not know that their child experience school bullying. This can be shocking to parents.

Bullying also affects adults because of food allergies. It can range from eye-rolls, microaggressions, and derisive tone of voice.

Impact on the Parents

There can also be gender differences regarding how parents handle their child’s allergies. The responsibility for allergy management mainly falls on moms. There is mixed evidence if this material leads to marital strain or it can actually help greater family cohesion, but it affects the psychosocial well-being of moms can be heavier.  Moms might feel responsible when it comes to controlling triggers, with the need to carry the idea that they might have to face unexpected reactions.

Reactions from People

The major frustration of parents include not having enough public understanding, not wanting to accommodate, inconsistent information about treatment, and mislabeled products. Food allergy impacts the general public’s perception, and it can influence how food allergy is managed. For example, if a patient thinks that their friend’s belief in asking about the ingredients is unimportant, they might do the same. Sometimes, children may experience harassment and teasing due to food allergies, and some have reportedly smeared with the allergic food. Some adults say that their allergies have been disregarded by others, and they have faced a lack of understanding as well.

Building Connections

Getting help is not simple all the time. it can be difficult to find mental health professionals who can understand food allergies. It is important to teach individuals how they should support people who have food allergies and to show clinicians how anxiety issues can be spotted.

A counselor can help connect people with professionals who are sympathetic toward people with food allergies.

In other countries, getting support can be difficult. There are a couple of mental health resources mainly for people who have food allergies. People will mainly use resources that support the anaphylaxis campaign.

Daily Life with Food Allergy

Of course, my interest in this area comes from personal experience. Psychologists have observed the gap that goes on between empirical research and their experience as parents who have children with allergies. People will feel fortunate that there is already clinical training to hone the experience of researching more about the psychological effects of food allergy.


Food allergies can impact social life, and part of this is being mediated by the confidence of allergy sufferers and them being taken seriously and carefully managed.

You can talk to an allergy clinic Germantown MD if you need to know more about the psychological effects of food allergy.



Why Fall Make Allergies Worse

Transitioning from summer to fall is the time when people go back to school, but for those who suffer from allergies, the seasonal switch could mean an unwelcome change in the symptoms. For people who feel the fall pollen impacts like mold and ragweed, you are not alone in this. Allergic rhinitis symptoms, including runny nose and congestion, can affect millions of people in the USA every year.

Some states make these effects more compounded because of weather patterns that switch between dry and wet periods, which trigger the allergens released into the air.

You can ask your allergy doctor about fall allergy treatments, but you need to know why allergies are worse during the fall. Read on to learn more.


In the fall, ragweed surges so it spews pollen into the air and it causes classic nasal allergy symptoms such as sneezing, itchy eyes, and scratchy throat. While you cannot completely avoid ragweed pollen, you can do steps to reduce exposure. You need to keep your windows and doors closed. Use refrigerated air conditioning, if possible, but not an evaporative cooler. The best thing to do is to wear a NIOSH-95 face mask so you will not inhale pollen when going outside. Your respiratory system will thank you for this.


Mold is another allergy trigger in the fall. Normally, fall weather comes with cooler weather and rain. Once the fall foliage starts to decay, it will attract mold growth. Breathing mold aggravates asthma, which causes wheezing, heavy breathing, and other upper respiratory symptoms in mold allergies. If you want to make the most out of the cooler weather and enjoy the outdoors more, you might have to wear a mask while being out in the woods.


You might want to bask in the summer days that extend in autumn, but the warm air can extend the pollen season and trigger allergy symptoms in the fall. You must not give up the last days of summer in order to avoid a runny nose. If you want to keep symptoms controlled, avoid the outdoors when pollen count normally peaks. You can enjoy the late summer sun at dusk. You can also try avoiding chores like raking leaves and mowing grass, both of which can stir up mold spores and pollen.

Dust Mites

Everyone can agree that fall weather is the most comfortable because days are a little cooler and you might also have to turn on the heat to feel cozy. This could be the first time in a few months that you turn on the heating. This blows a lot of dust mites inside your home, which trigger wheezes, sneezes, and runny noses. That is why you should change the filter before running the heating system.


You might have realized that pet dander triggers allergy symptoms such as sneezing and a runny nose. However, did you realize that your pet can worsen fall allergies? Cats and dogs that play outside can collect ragweed pollen inside their fur and bring it inside your home. After you go inside, the pollen can disperse into the air easily and cause misery for those who suffer from fall allergies. If you want to avoid this, make sure to wipe your pet using a damp towel before you allow it back indoors after being outside.


The warm air that could extend to pollen season and trigger symptoms of fall allergies. You would want to stay indoors in those last days of summer to avoid the symptoms. Stay indoors in the morning because it is when pollen count normally peaks.

You can visit allergist Germantown MD if you have fall allergies.