Allergens that Cause a Sore Throat

By | November 14, 2022

Among allergy symptoms that affect daily life, getting a sore throat caused by allergies is irritating. If you have a runny nose and itchy eyes, a sore throat can be discomforting which can disrupt your routine.

Allergy sore throat symptoms can include a scratchy and dry feeling in your throat. The different kinds of allergies that cause this can be seasonal or something at home that is affecting you.

There are different steps you can take so you can manage or reduce symptoms.

Your allergy specialist will also tell you that histamines trigger your body to produce more mucus so your nose, mouth, and throat will not dry out. Most of the time, you will not notice the body’s mucus production.

Allergens and How they Affect You

Post-nasal drip is the culprit when it comes to an allergy-induced sore throat.

It is because of exposure to allergens and they occur when there is congestion in the sinuses and nose to your throat. This will cause scratchy or tickling pain.

The drainage can also cause:

  • Excessive swallowing
  • Coughing
  • Throat discomfort and clearing
  • Difficulty in speaking

A lot of allergies, like pollen, are seasonal.

If your symptoms are all-year-round, your symptoms could worsen during the seasons when there are a lot of airborne irritants.

Other Symptoms that Appear

  • Fatigue
  • Stuffy or runny nose
  • Sneezing and coughing

Symptoms of cold, flu, and other infections, but not normally allergies – include:

  • Body and muscle aches
  • Fever
  • Swollen lymph nodes

If you feel itchy, have watery eyes, and have a sore throat, it is most likely caused by an allergic reaction because the eye symptoms do not occur with the flu or cold.

Another clue is how long the sore throat lasts. A flu or cold does not last more than 2 weeks.

However, your allergic reaction can last for as long as you are exposed to the allergen. For instance, someone with a pollen allergy can have reaction symptoms for about 6 weeks, which depends on the season.

Oral Allergy Symptoms

  • Itchy mouth
  • Irritated, scratchy throat
  • Swelling and redness of the mouth and lips
  • Other symptoms of seasonal allergies

Anyone who has a sore throat or other allergy symptoms after they eat raw fruits or vegetables should talk to an allergy doctor.

How to Prevent Sore Throat Caused by Allergies

If you want to prevent sore throat caused by allergies, you would want to take steps in order to limit exposure to the substances that trigger you.

You should do your best to stay away from known irritants, like pet dander and cigarette smoke. If your allergies are seasonal, such as hay fever, are caused by trees and flowers in bloom, there are a couple of things you can do:

  • Keep your windows and doors closed
  • Wear a pollen mask when you are outside if it is “allergy season” to protect yourself from any airborne allergens
  • Take a shower after you come from outdoors
  • Wash clothing that you wore outside

Preventing allergies is important in alleviating a sore throat, as well as other related symptoms. The primary step is to limit your allergen exposure as much as you can.

Avoid any known irritants, like pet dander or cigarette smoke, as much as possible. You should keep windows closed or wear a surgical mask outside so you can protect yourself from airborne allergens during the worst seasons.

You will not be able to avoid allergens all the time. This is the time when allergy shots and medication can help.

You can contact an asthma doctor Germantown MD anytime if you need a sore throat allergy treatment.