Seasonal Allergies: 6 Of The Best Foods To Treat Seasonal Allergy

By | February 18, 2016

AllergyFood is known to cause allergy. The same food can cure allergy. Twisted world, right? If you are looking for natural ways to cure your seasonal allergy, here are some of the best foods recommended by an allergy doctor:

Raw local honey

Honey relives allergy symptoms such as watery eyes, congestion, excessive mucus and general symptoms of hay fever. Take a few tablespoons of honey every day. If you are having excessive mucus, take honey with spicy foods such as cayenne pepper. You can also add garlic, ginger, and cinnamon to thin the mucus and allow it to be more easily expressed.


Pineapple contains high levels of vitamins B and C. It also contains Bromelain enzyme. These nutrients work together at reducing your reaction to seasonal allergies. Bromelain reduces swelling in the nose and sinuses thus relieving hay fever symptoms.


Meat contains proteins that boost your immunity thus helping you fight  allergy symptoms. For better quality proteins, eat grass-fed meat, wild-caught fish and free-range poultry.

In addition to taking meat you should also consider taking bone broth. Take broth from beef, chicken, and lamb. Bone broth is effective at easing respiratory problems and expelling excessive nasal mucus.

Leafy greens

The leafy green family is rich in vitamin E, C and folate. Just like proteins, the vitamins boost the immune system thus providing you with a better protection against allergies.

To maximize on the nutrients, you need to prepare the greens properly. Cook them until they just start to soften and turn vibrant green. For better results take the greens with grass-fed butter or natural herbs.

Apple cider vinegar

It serves many roles including: breaking up mucus, boosting the immune system and supporting the lymphatic drainage. For fast results take vinegar three times a day. To make it palatable, mix 1 tablespoon of vinegar with ½ tablespoon of local raw honey and 1 tablespoon of free-squeezed lemon juice. Mix thoroughly then drink.

Citrus fruits

Citrus fruits such as oranges and lemons contain high levels of hesperitin which are potent phytonutrients. The phytonutriets lower cholesterol levels, reduce inflammation, and kill free radicals through oxidation. The fruits also reduce wheezing, hay fever and shortness of breath.


These are the foods that you should take as a treatment for your allergies. If you take the foods and the symptoms don’t go away, consult an experienced allergist working in a reputable allergy clinic.