How to Manage Drug Allergies

By | November 13, 2018

Drug allergies result when the body immune system reacts to medication. A drug allergy is different from a drug reaction or toxicity. A reaction is already anticipated by the drug manufacturer while an allergy may not be. Different people react differently to medication and it’s therefore important that you see an allergy doctor when you experience any symptoms after taking a drug.

Symptoms of Drug Allergies

  • Skin rashes or hives
  • Itching and breathing problems
  • Swelling of the mouth and throat
  • Congestion
  • Anaphylaxis which is can cause breathing issues, dizziness, fainting, anxiety, high pulse rate, and confusion. Contact the allergy doctor immediately to avoid fatalities.

The symptoms of a drug allergy can occur immediately they are absorbed into the bloodstream.

Drugs that Cause Allergies

Below are the drugs that are likely  cause allergies;

  • Antibiotics such as amoxicillin, tetracycline
  • Nonsteroid like ibuprofen   and aspirin
  • Sulfa drugs
  • Chemotherapy drugs
  • Monoclonal antibody therapy
  • HIV drugs
  • Insulin
  • Antiseizure drugs
  • Muscle relaxers
  • Penicillin
  • Anticonvulsants

How to Diagnose Drug Allergies

To diagnose the drug allergies, visit the allergy clinic for a drug allergy test. The allergy specialist will carry out a skin test or a drug challenge. A skin test is accurate when testing for penicillin.

How to Manage Drug Allergies

  • Avoid drugs that cause allergies
  • Visit the allergy physician immediately to avoid the symptoms from worsening
  • Inform your family and health care providers of any previous allergies.

It’s hard to diagnose drug allergies. The symptoms of drug allergies resemble other types of allergies. Symptoms such as rashes and hives and asthma may result from other allergies and it’s important to visit the allergy clinic for a diagnosis. Below are some of the questions the allergist is likely to ask

  • What drugs did you take and which one do you think caused the reaction?
  • When did you start taking the drug that caused the allergy and are you still taking it?
  • After how long did you notice the drug symptoms and what symptoms did you notice?
  • How long did the symptoms last and how did you relieve them?
  • Have you taken any other medication or over the counter medication?
  • Did you take any other medication to relieve the symptoms allergies?
  • The allergist will also want to know whether you have a reaction to any other drug. It’s good to bring the drugs you have taken to the allergy specialist.
Facts About Drug Allergies

Below some facts about allergies;

  • Anybody can have drug allergies.

Prescription medication and over the counter medication can cause drug allergies. Some triggers such as antibiotics and pain relievers are more likely to trigger allergic reactions than other.

  • Symptoms may start right away or after weeks

Drug allergies can cause symptoms as soon as the drug is ingested or may take minutes or weeks. It may become hard to figure out the cause of the allergy and it’s therefore important to visit the allergy clinic for allergy testing.

  • Drug symptoms may range from severe to mild. Mild symptoms include rashes or give and may affect your nose, throat, and ears. Severe symptoms may be life-threatening.
  • A drug allergy is different from drug side effects. Drug side effects are expected while an allergy is not.
  • A drug allergy can occur at any time. A drug you have taken for a long time can result in an allergic reaction.

An allergic reaction may not occur the first time you take a drug. It may occur the second time you take the drug.

  • Having other allergies increases the chances of a drug allergy. Having the below allergies will increase the risk of drug allergies

Hay fever

Previous drug allergies

History of allergies in your families

Diseases such as leukemia, HIV

You can manage drug allergies

It’s important that consult the allergy physician who will give you alternate medication. Make sure you notify the allergy doctor as soon as you get the symptoms

Make sure that you consult the allergist Manassas when you experience the above signs to avoid any fatalities. Visit the allergy clinic and take an allergy test to diagnose which drug is causing the allergies. If the drug causing the allergy has no alternative, the allergy specialist will advise on how best to take the medication.