How can I find out which food allergies are affecting me?

By | August 7, 2013

There are several very common food allergies that affect millions of people every year.  Some of the currently most prevalent food allergies include peanut allergies, wheat allergies and nut allergies.  A gluten allergy is on the rise as well.  Having a food allergy can be very uncomfortable, especially when you’re unsure which food are causing your food allergy symptoms.  Luckily, Allergy and Asthma Clinical Centers provides on site allergy testing which will reveal which foods and other factors are causing you to experience uncomfortable allergy reactions.  Knowing which allergies affect you is half the battle; after that, all you have to do is know how to protect yourself!  That’s where the skilled allergy doctors at our local allergy clinic come in.

Your allergy test will reveal not only which foods elicit a reaction, but also whether or not you are affected by any skin allergies or eye allergies.  Your doctor will provide you with the most effective allergy relief for your particular set of symptoms.  We often prescribe nasal sprays and allergy and asthma inhalers to those with certain respiratory issues.  We provide allergy shots as well, which will serve as a safeguard between you and your allergies so you can go on living your life!