Food Allergy – Causes and Prevention

By | September 27, 2014

Food Allergy

food allergies

Food allergy is actually an adverse immune response to a particular food protein. Food allergy is harmful as it affects the immune system of the body and can be very critical and fatal in rare conditions. It is very important to treat it immediately as it is diagnosed. The diagnosis of allergy is itself very complicated as it is difficult to make out body is adversely responding to which protein. The allergy causing element is called allergens and can be found in a variety of food products.

Treatment of Food allergies

Prevention is always better than cure. Allergies can be divided into Type I, Type II and Type III allergies. Whereas a type I allergy is a very common one it cure is individual centric and patient has to be aware of the process. Necessary changes in lifestyle and eating pattern can help to cure and prevent this type of allergy. Type I is immunoglobin mediated. Type II may be or may be not IgE mediated. The critical one of all three is Type III allergy which is non IgE mediated and there is no known pattern and cure of such types of allergies. Causes of such allergies include migraine which is not curable. It can only subside the symptoms.

The only possible treatment of the food allergies is to completely avoid the foods that cause allergens to react. Allergies differ from individual to individual. Allergies can be caused by intake of fish, meat, eggs, peanuts, and poultry products, lactose intolerant or dairy products.

Steroids shot

Sometimes a steroid shot is mandatory to treat a allergy which can be long-lasting and problematic.


These are hormones that cause allergy to subside and let it vent out of the system and helps in combating against sever allergies.


It involves the use of probiotics to develop immune system and also includes immunotherapy and aims at building up the immune system.

These are just simple ways to treat allergies but if you take following precautions it can well be avoided. Completely avoid the problem food and avoidance means not touching or inhaling food, taking allergy medications along with you, staying away from allergen prone areas and sanitizing whenever necessary. Consult proper allergy doctor immediately.