Coping Emotionally With Spring Allergies

By | July 23, 2014

spring allergy

Spring is the season of farewell to winter and time for outdoor activities. It’s time for picnics, gardening or long walks in the park. But it is not the same for all, along with spring comes, congestion, sneezing, running nose and itchy eyes for some people. People who are sensitive and prone to allergies dread of spring season and often feel left out when they see other people enjoying the weather and they are confined in their houses because of the fear of getting allergy from pollens or weeds. For those who suffer allergies in spring season, by keeping few things in mind you can make spring less miserable.

Right time to plan a trip

If you live in a region inhabited by trees and plants which may cause spring allergies than this is the best time to plan a vacation towards north where winters are still in its last stages and lot of time is left for spring to come; to avoid allergies from spring. Or you can visit a friend or relative who lives in a region which is more allergy friendly for a few weeks during the height of the season.

Join others suffering with same issue

In America only there are approximately 10 million people suffering from different kind of allergies. Especially, in places where the pollen count gets too high during the spring, there are hundreds or may be even thousands of people who might be suffering allergies due to pollens just like you. There might be some of your friends or relatives also sailing in the same boat with you, you can talk to them and discuss what do you like to do or you all can even organize a book club or get together inside in a controlled environment.

Join indoor activities

You can join an indoor fitness center where you can do activities like running, swimming and other exercises. Thus, you can utilize your spring building up muscles, shedding some extra weight and increase your metabolism also.

All these activities will not only help to keep you away from spring allergies but will also help to cope up with emotional stress you go through feeling left out in springs when most of the people out there are enjoying the weather.