Author Archives: AllergyAsthma

Know More About Effects of Asthma Medicines


Asthma is kind of an allergy, it causes breathing problem because of allergens. The most common form of asthma allergy treatment involves inhalers. The basic function of the inhaler is to break the medicine in the tube and then push the medication directly in the wind pipe so it reaches the lungs. In this article, we will discuss the effects of asthma treatment. Like all other allergy treatments, there are some medicines that are administered for instant relief, whereas others are administered to increase tolerance of the allergen.

Short term Relief

An asthma attack would be characterized by shortness of breath and coughing. This could be directly related to the swelling in the wind pipe and the irregular breathing. So in the short term, the medicines are most commonly administered through inhalers. These inhalers help in directly injecting the dose in the windpipe. Medicines are mostly aimed at reducing the swelling and relaxing windpipes. Relaxation of the windpipe provides more air to reach the lungs inducing normal breathing. That is one of the reasons why allergist always recommends asthma patients to carry inhalers with them all the time. Asthma attacks could be life threatening and medication should be taken as per prescription.

Long term relief

Long term treatments would include taking medication as per prescription irrespective of asthma attacks. These medications increase body’s tolerance towards the allergen. Over the period of time, the aim of the medication is to reduce the severity of the asthma attack. The dosage depends on the allergen and the severity of the allergy. A major side effect of long term medication could be weakening of bones. This is not a common problem and has been documented in some cases. Doctors do recommend taking vitamins and eating healthy to avoid such problems. Some patients, over the period of time, have complained of infection in the mouth. This could be result of a salt that reacts with the body. In this instance, a different medicine would be administered that does not include that particular salt.

Like any allergy treatment, the medicine used for asthma treatment is usually dependent on the allergen. So it is very necessary to know what triggers the reaction. This is mostly while prescribing long term medication. For short term, usually the medication is standard that would perform the same function irrespective of the allergen. Asthma patients should not take any medications over the counter without first consulting an allergist or asthma doctor.

Treatment for Chronic Hives

Chronic Idiopathic Urticaria is a form of chronic hives where “chronic” means that the symptoms of hives and itching last continuously for more than six weeks. The term “idiopathic” describes, on the other hand, the fact the chronic hives appear without any apparent cause unlike e.g. hives due to allergy to foods or medications. Recently last year in March FDA has approved Omalizumab made by biopharmaceutical company Genentech/Novartis under brand name Xolair. This medication has been approved by FDA for years before for the treatment of allergic asthma, specifically moderate to severe asthma where other therapy is insufficient. Xolair/Omalizumab has been shown in multiple clinical studies to be extremely efficient in management and treatment of chronic hives.

Symptoms of CIU

Chronic urticaria can have a sudden or a gradual onset. The main symptoms of CIU include:

  • Spots of small or large areas of red swollen skin commonly called hives
  • Severe localized or generalized itching
  • The hives can sometimes also burn or be tender
  • This condition can sometimes be incapacitating and lead to disability

The management of chronic urticarial/CIU is rather difficult because the causes remain unknown and the medication used to control the itching called antihistamines may cause drowsiness and often may not be sufficient to control the symptoms. Xolair is the very first new medication in more than a decade which was approved by the FDA for the treatment of CIU. The Xolair is currently approved for patients with CIU of 12 years and older but may be, in the future, be approved for even lower age range. While Xolair when used for allergic asthma the dose needs to be calculated based on several parameters, for CIU it is always administered at 300 mg per injection once in 28 days. Xolair is very effective and most patients get relief of their hives and itching within day or two after the first injection but sometimes it may take a little longer.

What is Xolair and how it should be used?

It is a medicine which is given through injection and basically prescribed in two cases

  • In case of Asthma triggered by some allergic reaction, which through blood or skin test,.
  • CIU that means chronic hives without any reason, and H1- antihistamine treatment is not working.

Xolair should be used under the prescription and care of the doctor. It should be administered in a hospital or in a setting in a healthcare institution. The injections of Xolair should be given subcutaneously i.e. under the skin once every two or four weeks. Patients should follow all the recommendations of the doctor and they should not stop taking hive’s or asthma medication on their own. It can take some time to see some results after taking Xolair.

Some Symptoms and Diagnosis of Drug Allergies

medication allergies

You can only be prepared for an illness if you know what it is? There are certain symptoms and diagnosis that everybody follows to understand what kind of illness it is. Even for drug allergies, there are some tell signs that you can indicate whether you should stay away from certain drugs or not. But that doesn’t mean that it will help you are done, that definitely means that you will have to contact an allergist. Only an allergist or an allergy doctor could help you better diagnose the problem and then provide remedies.



If you get a sudden rise in temperature after consumption of a medicine, then that drug might not be necessarily helping you. Unless you are already feverish, if you feel feverish after you have started taking a medicine, then there is reason to believe you have drug allergy. It might not be the drug per se, but a salt in that drug.


Some drug allergies could highlight themselves in the form of rashes or swelling on the skin. You could have small spots that come on different areas of the skin or on the face. If you see any such occurrence after starting a new drug, then it is a very good reason to stop taking that drug and consult a doctor first.

Heartbeat and Breathing

If you get a little agitated, that is you are either getting too hyper or it’s getting difficult to breath, then it is time to see an allergist. This is in any ways a sign to consult a doctor, but if it started after you started taking a medicine then let your doctor know.

Vomiting and Stomach problems

Some medicines might result in vomiting, that’s a kind of a defense mechanism of your body. It throws the foreign substance out. Stomach aches and vomiting could be a sign of drug allergy.

Some of these symptoms are often misunderstood as normal illnesses. But as part of the check, do think about any medicines that you have started recently.


Some common salts that are known to cause allergies are penicillin, insulin, iodine, etc. Like we mentioned before, drug allergies are first tested by stopping the medicine that you recently started taking. After that an allergist would do a skin test by testing various salts on your body. So it is necessary that if you see any of these symptoms, consult a doctor or an allergy clinic and get a complete diagnosis done.

Getting Treated for Drug Allergies and Prevention


Drug allergies could occur to anyone and at any point of time. The main reason behind drug allergy is never a medicine but a particular salt in that medicine. You might be consuming that salt earlier, but in that medicine it might be in low quantity that is why you might not have seen any effects. So it is not necessary that you might not get allergy from that salt in future if you take it in high quantities. Also your defense mechanism might function differently during stages of life. We have discussed in length some common symptoms and diagnosis of drug allergies, today we are going to educate you on some treatments and preventions.


Like any other treatment, an anti allergy treatment involves preventing the body to react when it comes in contact with the foreign substance, in this case, it would be the salt or trying to minimize the reaction from the salt that is affecting you.

Doctors also administer some antihistamine. These might be in the form of cream, medicine, or inhalers depending on the form of allergy. Antihistamines are administered to curb down the effect of allergen. Some of these antihistamines are also generally available in stores as over the counter drugs. But if you are affected by drug allergy, then it is best advised to consult a allergist and then purchase a antihistamine.

If the allergic reaction is in the form of asthma then a bronchodilator might be administered. These are kind of specific for asthma reactions. There are different kinds of bronchodilators that can be administered for different respiratory problems.

These are more towards medication; there is a treatment which might seem a little harsh. In cases where certain medication is necessary and at the same time is the reason behind allergy, then in a controlled environment, allergist might make your body tolerant to that salt by administering it in larger quantities. But these are done by experts and only as the last option.


The most common and obvious prevention is to avoid the salt that you are allergic from. Whenever you purchase any drug, make sure you check its composition. If the medication is necessary, then it is advised that you consult an allergist or visit an allergy clinic. Certain medications that are used for allergy effected people should only be taken after consulting the experts.

Set the Right Expectations while Visiting an Allergist


There are several factors that you can cause an allergy. There are numerous allergens and numerous ways through which the body would react to those allergens. Sometimes it will not be too serious, so over the counter drugs would resolve the issue. In conditions where anti-histamines prescribed by general physician don’t help, then it is time to go to a specialist. Doctors that specialize in allergy treatment are called allergist. They have their own set of tests and treatments that could help determine the exact allergen. To fight any allergy, it is crucial to identify the allergen and its reaction.

If you are hearing about allergist for the first time, then it is time you followed these simple steps.

  • Before The Visit

The first and the foremost thing you need to do is take away that fear. Allergist are not dentist, though the skin and prick test do sound painful. But like the dentist, allergist is very effective. After the few minutes of test, the medication and precautions that he/she would advice would be the best solution you could follow.

If you are on an over-the-counter allergy medication, it is necessary that you stop taking it before your visit the allergist. When you call to book an appointment with an allergist, the do advice new patients about days they should stop taking medication before coming for a checkup. This is done so that natural reaction of the body is recorded to different known and common allergens. Plus, if you are taking anti-histamines, then your blood test would also not be that helpful.

  • At the Allergy Clinic

First and foremost, the allergist would require you to fill up all the details about you and your medical condition. If you are maintaining a reaction history, then it would be good to attach it along with the form that the allergist provides. These forms seem daunting, but are a way for allergist to understand the severity of your condition.

Then it is also necessary that you have ample time, don’t rush through your appointment because it would not be possible. The duration of your stay at the allergic clinic would first depend on the length of the test and then on the reaction during the skin test. And no allergen would prescribe or suggest anything unless he has tested you properly.

How to Find if You have Food Allergy?


For people who love eating food, it is very hard to believe if about food allergies. Most of the time, we don’t even realize that there could be allergic reactions because of food substances. Even in the movie Hitch, Will Smith didn’t realize that he was allergic to a vegetable. At times you might not even realize it for long period because you might not have consumed that food substance. So how do you find out that you are allergic to certain food substances?


The first and foremost thing to do is to contact an allergist. An allergist could help you take proper precautions and do the test. There is no magical way to diagnose allergies. There are certain tests that are done to find out what reacts with your body. It is not necessary that there will be skin allergy. Reaction could be anything, and from any substance. It could be from the food substance itself or from its seeds.

Skin Test

Skin test is the most effective test, though it may sound a little barbaric. But this is the most effective way to test any kind of allergy. The allergist injects the allergen or tests different known allergens to check for reactions. They do it in a controlled environment so the situation doesn’t go from bad to worse.

Blood Test

There are certain tests that can define if the body is allergic. A certain metric value or range of lgE would determine the reaction value. The allergist would measure the amount of lgE antibody in the blood. This test if done by a certified pathologist could give accurate results, but then it is not the accurate measure of the allergy.

Allergies could vary from person to person. And the reaction too can be very different from person to person. It is not necessary that if one person get scales on skin by touching bitter gourd then someone else would also have the same reaction. There could be different reactions and from different parts of the same food substance. So it is very necessary that an allergist is consulted and then remedies followed. For allergies, though, precaution is the best cure, and after consulting with allergy doctor, you can also go for medications that can work as a safeguard.

Some Common Summer Allergens or Triggers – Summer Allergies


Summer is often a time for people to enjoy, to plan vacations and to play on the beach. People wait in anticipation for the vacations to come and plan an adventurous trip. But for summer is not as fun as it should be. People, who get allergies in the summer season, have to be stay mostly indoors. Such allergies are often caused by triggers that are mostly active outdoors. Some common allergies are sneezing, nasal stuffiness, runny nose, itchy eyes and/or mouth, wheezing, coughing, tight feeling in the chest. To prevent getting affected, allergist often advises these people to stay indoors or covered if the allergen is identified. In this article, we will be discussing some common allergens that are mostly active in Summer Season.

  • Pollens

Summer is the time for most of the grass or flower bearing plants to blossom. During this process they release small granule type articles called pollen. Pollens are the most common form of allergen. They can cause any type of allergy. They could affect eyes, throat, skin, etc. Skin and eye allergy are most common. People often advised to wear sunglasses or complete covering clothes.

  • Mold

Towards the end of the summer season, you could find a break of certain types of mold. In certain regions of America, summer is the time for heavy rain. This causes several damp places outside and inside, leading to mold. Indoors, mold could start developing on nooks of ceiling, vents or attic. You have to make sure that there is no damp place in the house or and take immediate action against leaks. Apart from other allergies, mold could also trigger asthma, which could lead to a very uncomfortable situation. Allergist often suggest people to take care of their house and leaks in the house, and at the same time stay covered during rainy season.

  • Seasonal Food

This is often related to pollen allergies, but instead of getting affected by pollens, some people get allergies by eating fruits or vegetables that are available during summers. Fruits like melons and apples are some of the common examples. These fruits often cause oral allergies which lead to itching, swelling, or tingling in the mouth. The best way to fight through these is to identify the allergen and to avoid eating it.

Like any other allergy, it is essential to identify the allergen. It’s not the season in general that is the reason of your allergies. There could be one specific allergen which can cause a lot of uneasiness. So, consult your nearest season allergy clinic and get a treatment prescribed.

Tips to Enjoy Seasons Even if You have Seasonal Allergies


Seasons change, some people enjoy it, while some don’t. Some like summers, some winters and some autumn, everybody has their own reasons and own choices. But for some, these choices are not voluntary. If you are affected with seasonal allergies, then the season where allergy starts, will never be the preferred season. You might like summers because of those lose clothes, bikinis, beaches and cool drinks, but if you are allergic to dust or heat or sun, then no matter what you like, you will never enjoy any of those. It could be the seasonal fruits, pollens or any other factor that may be the reason for allergy. In this article we will give you some tips that can help you stay comfortable no matter what.

Medical Treatments

There are several medical treatments and medicines that you can use to stay comfortable. But just don’t take any over the counter drug, because when you are allergic, you can be allergic to some salts that might cause an adverse effect. Consult an allergy doctor or allergist and let them do their test. A property treatment will always give you relief. An allergist would let you know what allergens affect you, precautions that you should take and remedies that you could follow.

Stay Cautious

If you are allergic to dust or pollens, then during high winds or rainy seasons, you should try to stay inside. If not possible, then try to stay covered when going out. Consult an allergist and get medications which can act as prevention. If you are allergic to pollens, then it would be also better to avoid areas with parks and huge flower beds.


Make sure that you wash your clothes separately and regularly properly. If you have come from an outing then change your clothes immediately. Take a shower or wash your skin with the prescribed cleaner. Make sure that even when you are drying your clothes are hanging in an enclosed area. If you have skin allergies, then hanging clothes in the open might also get allergens on them which will make washing all the more useless.

With the advancements in the medical science, there are medicines that you can use to enjoy every season to some extent, no matter whether you have seasonal allergies or not. But to do that, it is necessary that you take the right precautions and medication. So book an appointment at the nearest allergy clinic and let the allergist know all symptoms.




The most common way in which you can treat your food allergies is simply by avoiding the foods that cause it. But it may not be possible because for many times we do not even know what food are we allergic to? You will need to check the ingredient list of the material or food product you are purchasing. There may be some foods which are really hard to avoid.  People with food allergies always have this notion of whether their allergy to food is permanent or is temporary? So to get answer to such questions you must know how to avoid them at first place.

When You Go Out For Eating

This is really very important for you if you are having severe food allergies. Even walking in your restraint may get you an allergic reaction. You must try to get to know the ingredient list in advance from the website; if they have one. This will help you to get to know whether the foods you are going to consume have food items you are allergic to or not.

It is better to avoid a dish or food item if you think it may have your triggers in. Put a stress on the preparation of the food, the utensils used so that they may not have been contaminated with your food allergen.


You may come across food allergies at any stage of life. If you are a child then even you may have certain food allergies. These allergies which are fatal to some food you eat or you are near to you, you need to take care of things. You must know how to prevent, manage and recognize the food allergies. The school teachers must always be informed and know about the emergency action plan to avoid any severe reactions.

Food allergies in children must be avoided by following certain things when the child is few weeks older. Researches show that you can avoid food allergies n babies if you are not feeding them with solid foods. If your baby is less than 17 weeks it must not be given any solid foods. There must be at least a six months of breast feeding for your child. Make sure you know your triggers and if not go to an allergy doctor who can help you with food allergy.

Sinus Allergy- How to Remove Casual Symptoms?

seasonal allergies

In today’s world sinus has become a major health problem. There can be a large number of reasons for sinus infection common these days.  Inflammation caused or the congestion that occurs in the sinuses is majorly due to various indoor and outdoor allergens. These can be airborne allergens or can also be from irritants from the diet consumed. There are various medications and surgeries available for treatment of sinuses but do not forget the basic kitchen ingredients. There are various home remedies available which can effectively treat sinus infections.

What Are The Symptoms Of Sinusitis?

Rhinitis is one word which is often confused with sinusitis.  Rhinitis is blockage cause in the nasal passage. It comes along with inflammation and irritation too. The major cause behind it could be the cold or allergies.  The common symptoms of sinusitis can be coughing, fever, bad breath, or pain in teeth. Other major symptoms that can be observed are greenish nasal discharge, congestion, frontal headache or even postnal drip.

Home Remedies- Feel Better!

We all agree with the fact that it is important to completely treat the sickness than to treat the cure. But to be honest, whenever we have any sinus infection it becomes a prime importance for us to start feeling better. Hence, it becomes important to treat symptoms.

Water Is Your Best Friend!

It is a must to stay hydrated all through the day without consuming tea or sugar added juices. Thinning the mucus from inside the water is going to help you to drain it from sinus. You need to make sure that you are avoiding drinks rich in caffeine like coffee, alcohol as well as avoid smoking. These things are going to dehydrate you thickening your mucus.

Make Your Self A Mucus Dissolver

Make a mixture of apple cider vinegar and spicy foods such as cayenne pepper or horseradish adding a little lemon juice to it. This will turn out to an elixir that can easily dissolve mucus.

Facial Massage

When nothing from above is available to you, it’s good to give yourself a five-minute facial massage. When done correctly on your face it can help you breathe much better.

Try Salt Water Rinse

It can be a salt water rinse that can help irrigating the nasal cavity.  It can help you get rid of mucus also clearing any unwanted inhaled contaminants in your system.

Inhale Steam

Placing some peppermint oil in water and covering your face with a towel to inhale steam from hot water can help you get rid of mucus and help you breathe better.

Try these remedies to get a little better with your sinus allergy temporarily and consult your Sinus Doctor.