All You Need To Know About Drug Allergy!

By | August 20, 2014

drug allergy

Drug allergies are basically unprecedented reactions to drugs that are not commonly tested for. They usually don’t have much to do with the dosage but are a result of some composition that a body reacts differently to. Sometimes it might be so that you might have taken a drug before but it is causing a reaction/allergy, this condition is called anaphylaxis. It is best to avoid drugs of a company from where an allergy has occurred before. 


How do we know it’s a drug allergy?


Suspects are usual itching, swelling, redness, rashes and maybe a runny nose. These can occur from minutes to even hours of taking the drug. When one notices anything different (allergy reactions as above), they should show it to the doctor as quickly as possible as the body is unstable and reacted differently which can also mean it could get worse or even fatal if not immediately acted upon.


What kinds of drugs usually cause allergies?


Penicillin, Cephalosporins, Sulfa Drugs , Anti Convulsants, Aspirin and Insulin. 


Ok so we have an allergy, what do we do now?


The first thing to do is to speak to the allergy doctor and better would be to also show to an allergy specialist to determine the severity of the same to take the right kind of medication. Allegra, Zyrtec, Flonase and Elidel are a few meds that can be taken for allergies. Elidel is a cream base which is for itching and rashes. Flonase is a habit-free steroid used to relieve stuffy nose. Allegra and Zyrtec are pills to give relief against drug allergies and have some side effects like drowsiness. There are many other upcoming medication to look forward to which will help in managing drug allergies. 


The best way of being safe if one has a drug allergy is to avoid the allergen altogether once the knowledge is there that a certain drug causes trouble in the system. Medicines and drugs are for making a person healthy, however drug allergies can be a cause of major inconvenience, there are many ways of managing the same. Always seek an allergy doctor immediately.