Where can I find a great allergy doctor in the DC area?

By | November 7, 2013

allergy doctor

Family Allergy Treatment

Tons of people let their allergies go untreated; don’t be one of them!  If you live in the DC area, Allergy and Asthma Clinical Centers is the place for you.  We will match you up with your ideal allergy doctor to get to the bottom of all your respiratory issues as well as itchy skin and eyes.  Constantly irritated eyes and skin could be the result of seasonal allergies as well as ongoing skin allergies and eye allergies.  Many people who experience excessive skin itchiness suffer from a medical problem known as eczema; this disorder is especially common among infants.

Skin Allergy Testing

There are a variety of ways to find out which skin, eye and nasal allergies are affecting you.  We can administer a sophisticated skin allergy test that will reveal which allergens you need to avoid in the future.  Some of the most common allergies among our patients include dust mite allergies, pollen allergies and various food allergies.  We will also provide you with helpful ways to avoid your allergens such as hypo-allergenic bedding and air cleaners.  If allergy treatment such as nasal spray and daily medication do not help you, allergy shots are always an option as well.