The Effectiveness of Immunotherapy

By | March 28, 2012

If your allergy or asthma symptoms have been interfering with your day to day life it’s time to take control of your symptoms. Allergy and Asthma Clinical Centers provides comprehensive allergy diagnosis and allergy treatment options including immunotherapy. Immunotherapy is a revolutionary treatment option that can completely alleviate your allergy or allergy induced asthma symptoms through a series of “allergy shots”. First, the experienced allergists at Allergy and Asthma Clinical Centers will diagnose the specific allergen that you are allergic to then, if it can be effectively treated using immunotherapy a two-phase treatment plan is implemented. Immunotherapy works by exposing you to a very small amount of the offending allergen through the injection. Over time you will slowly build up a tolerance for your allergen, which will in turn greatly reduce your symptoms and may even completely eliminate your allergy symptoms entirely. Immunotherapy is a safe and effective means to treat your allergy and asthma symptoms when performed under the supervision of a trained allergist. If you are tired of suffering from allergies contact the helpful staff at Allergy and Asthma Clinical Centers and see how they can help you achieve complete allergy and asthma relief through immunotherapy.