Taking A Look At Spring Allergy Treatment Options

By | August 17, 2017

spring allergy treatment

In spring we always look forward to warmer weather, blooming flowers and the chirp of birds. But there is a down side, more pollen and mold that cause sneezing, itchy runny nose and terrible nasal congestion. In this article we are going to look at some simple spring allergy treatment options you can settle for to alleviate the suffering.

Take medication

When that itchy runny nose kicks in, take antihistamines. These medications offer relief by blocking your body’s response to allergies. Always read the medication instruction well and follow the directions. Never take more than the dose indicated as these drugs tend to cause drowsiness. Opt for nasal sprays if the nasal congestion is severe. To avoid complications, don’t take the medications before you consult an allergy doctor.

Minimize outdoor times during spring; most plants tend to release their pollen grains in the air, this pollen travel into our lungs via the nose and at times eyes causing allergic reactions. Minimize the time you spend out and if you have to be out, get a filter mask and some protective eyewear like sunglasses. Always change your clothes when you get back to the house and shower too.

Herbal Remedies

Many natural herbal remedies might offer relief too. Go for some that contain ginkgo biloba leaves, a Chinese remedy that when taken provides relief for up to 8 months later. Consult with your doctor before trying any herbal remedies as people react differently to these medications.

Preventive measures

When it comes to spring allergy treatment, the best way to deal with it is to start taking your medication a week before the season kicks in. This will give your body ample time for the medication to get into your system before the allergic reactions manifest.
Make changes in your home: Start making basic but vital changes in your home. Keep windows shut and avoid using the fun as this will stir up the pollen and mold that might be in your home already. Use air conditioning system that filters the fresh air from outside. Thoroughly clean your house using a vacuum cleaner that has particulate air filters to trap all the tiny particles while on the job. Also, request guests to leave their shoes outside to prevent allergens from getting to the house.
Follow these simple treatment options to reduce allergy symptoms you might experience during spring. As mentioned above, don’t start taking the medication before you visit a reputable allergy clinic.