Symptoms of Sinus Disease

By | November 18, 2015

allergy doctor

Sinus disease is also known as sinus infection or sinusitis. It causes swelling and inflammation of air cavities inside the nose. Some patients also experience facial pain and nasal trauma.

Sinus diseases are caused by microorganisms like fungus, bacteria and viruses. Often these microorganisms grow inside sinus. Chemicals and other external elements like allergens can also cause sinus infection. There are different categories of sinus infection like acute & sub-acute sinus infection, chronic sinus infection and infectious and non- infectious sinusitis. This classification is based on the causes and severity of the infection. Also, different sinus infection impacts different parts of the body like nose and head.

In most cases, this is not a contagious disease. However, in some cases physical contact might transmit the infection from one person to another.


Symptoms and diagnosis of sinus disease

Some symptoms of sinus disease are listed below:

  • Fever
  • Swelling of face
  • Cough and sore throat
  • Inflammation in nasal cavities
  • Dizziness and fatigue
  • Coloured liquid coming out from the nose
  • Pain in teeth
  • Bad breath

Diagnosis of sinus disease is done by examining nose, throat and sinuses. Generally if there is swelling in the nasal tissues accompanied by discharge, it is considered to be a sinus infection. Skin is also examined for any sign of redness. For examining inside area of the nose, a tiny camera is inserted in it. However, this process is not as painful as it sounds. A nasal spray is given so that camera tube can slide inside the nose comfortably.

If the disease persists for more than eight weeks, than a CT scan of sinus is done for diagnosing the problem.


Treatment of sinus disease

Sinus disease treatment is done by giving antibiotics, sprays for decongesting nasal and antihistamines etc. Depending on the symptoms, single or multiple drugs can be given. In some extreme cases of sinus disease surgery is also required. These are minor surgeries that are done to open up the closed passage.

If you notice any persisting symptom of this disease, immediately go to your nearest sinus disease clinical centre. Delay in treatment will only result is more pain. Since, in some cases it can be infectious, so make sure that your negligence should not cause problem to other people around you. Another thing is that with time the disease might become more severe, which in turn will increase the cost of the treatment.