Simple Ways Of Dealing With Seasonal Allergies

By | May 22, 2016

seasonal Allergy

Seasonal allergies or spring allergies as they are also known as affect over 20% Americans. They are characterized by congestion, running nose, sneezing and other symptoms. If you are one of the many people with the condition, you need to know how to deal with it. Some of the ways of dealing with the allergies include:

Visiting an allergy doctor

This is the first thing that you should do before even the season begins. The allergy doctor will conduct tests in order to establish the triggers and recommend the best medication for your condition. There are many types of medications that you can take to relief the condition. The most common are:

Antihistamines:  They aid in relieving itching, sneezing, runny nose and watery eyes. Some of the best that you can go for are Claritin and Alavert.

Decongestants: From their name these are medications that provide relief from nasal stuffiness. You can take them orally or as nasal sprays. The best include: Afrin, and phenylephrine. If you have tried taking the above medications before and didn’t work, the doctor may recommend allergy shots.

Protecting yourself from the allergens

Your biggest enemies during spring are pollen. To protect yourself from them you should stay indoors during the dry, windy days when there is plenty of pollen in the air. The best time to go outside is after a good rain. The rain will remove plenty of the pollen from the air. If you live in the farm you should avoid activities that require you to stay outdoors. Instead of doing it yourself you should hire someone to do weed pulling and other gardening chores for you. If you have to be outside, protect yourself by wearing a pollen mask.

Avoiding allergy by keeping your indoor air clean

There are many things that you can do to keep indoor air clean. One of the most effective ways is using an air conditioner both in your house and car. If you are allergic to moist air, keep the moist air dry by using a dehumidifier. You should also regularly replace air filters after even month. To improve the quality of air in the house, consider installing HEPA air filters in your air conditioner.


These are some of the simply ways of coping with spring allergies. Before you start taking any medications, visit an allergy clinic for diagnosis and testing. This will help you know the specific allergens that trigger your condition. You will also know the right medications to take.