Like Gardening? Have Allergies? Tips for you to Enjoy Gardening

By | December 16, 2015

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If you suffer from any kind of allergy, then there are chances that you can’t enjoy gardening quite as much. The pollen grains, the dust, the insects, the wind, the plant type or just the smell of certain kind, anything can cause allergy. It might be a good idea to visit an allergy clinic to discuss allergens. Apart from professional medical help, here are a few tips that you can follow.

Preventive Allergy Tips

  • Be sure to take medicines prescribed by an allergy doctor. These medicines can prevent the allergen to cause any effect.
  • There is preventive gardening gear that you can purchase from the market. Gloves and mask that can prevent pollen grains from getting in contact with the body. You can also wear glasses to keep your eyes protected.
  • Make sure that you are gardening when there is slight breeze and not a strong wind. It would be better to stay indoors during windy days.
  • Check weather forecast for pollen grain count. Select the days for gardening when the pollen grain count is less. Make sure that you employ a system which can irrigate your garden without you being their personally.
  • After gardening, make sure that you wash your clothes and take a bath. Keep your gardening clothes separate and make sure that you take wash yourself well.

 Tips for selecting plants

Go for colorful plants. These plants are usually insect pollinated and have larger pollen grains. As compared to trees and other wind pollinated plant, these plants lesser number of pollens. So planting colorful plants would reduce the chances of getting allergies.

If you plan to include trees in your garden or yard, here is a choice of trees that would be good for you if you are allergic. You can select from crape myrtle, fig, dogwood, pear, palm, redbud, plum and redwood. These trees are less likely to see cause allergies.

Then there are some female plants that don’t produce pollens, so you can even go for a selection of those. Here are the varieties to select from box elder, cottonwood, poplar, maple and willow.

Hope these tips are helpful in keeping you busy with gardening. Make sure that if you are still getting effected with allergies than you consult an allergist. It is always wise to take professional help.