How Allergies Affect Children

By | July 30, 2022

Parents do not want to see their kids suffer. Any child can develop allergies, which is going to improve the life of your child and lessen the school days they missed. It also helps to keep you from having to use sick days or vacation days to take care of your child.

One of the most common allergies that children experience is on the skin. Another common allergy in children is food. Respiratory allergies are most common in older children.

Cases of skin and food allergies among children have increased over a long period, and skin allergies are prevalent in younger children compared to older ones.

You can look for an allergy doctor for your child so you can concentrate on other things more.

Nasal Congestion

Allergies are one of the most common causes of nasal congestion that happens chronically. There are times when the nose of a child is congested when he or she breathes through the mouth, even more so while sleeping. This might also cause a child to not get some rest at night and then feel tired the next day. In case the congestion and mouth-breathing are always untreated. They can affect teeth and bone growth. The early allergy treatment that causes nasal congestion might prevent these problems.

Heat Rash

Heat rash is most often seen in young children and babies when their sweat gland pores get blocked, not allowing perspiration to escape. The rash will look like small pink patches or red bumps, or blisters under spots or clothing where the skin has the tendency to fold on your elbows, neck, thighs, or armpits. However, heat rash can also happen in covered areas.


Eczema is one of the most common skin allergy conditions, especially when it comes to children. It affects 1 out of 5 infants, but only about 50 adults. This is because of leakiness in the skin barrier, which dries it out and becomes prone to inflammation and irritation by a lot of environmental factors. Also, there are young children with eczema who are also sensitive to food which make eczema symptoms worse. Half of the patients who have severe atopic dermatitis are caused by a faulty gene called filaggrin. The itch caused by eczema is not only because of histamine so anti-histamines might not be able to manage the symptoms. Most of the time, eczema is normally linked with allergic rhinitis, asthma, or food allergy. This progression is known as the atopic march.


Hives show as red bumps or welts soon after they come in contact with an allergen and severe allergic reaction. Unlike skin allergies, hives are not dry or scaly and it can appear anywhere on the body.

Some symptoms include difficulty in breathing or a swollen face and mouth. You should look for medical attention right away if these symptoms occur with hives.

Ear Infection

Allergies cause inflammation in the ear and it can cause fluid accumulation that promotes ear infections and decreased hearing. A baby who is hard of hearing for any reason while you are learning to talk will cause poor speech. Allergies cause earaches and itching, fullness, and popping. Anyone who has these symptoms should see an allergy specialist for possible treatment and testing.

Stings and Insect Bites

Insects like wasps, bees, fire ants, mosquitos, and ticks cause itching minor and minor discomfort because they prick the skin. In some children, insect bites and stings cause severe allergic reactions known as anaphylaxis which includes rashes and life-threatening symptoms known as airway swelling.

You can find allergy doctor Manassas VA if your child is experiencing any of these symptoms.