Hives – The Red Itchy Bumps On Skin

By | March 30, 2015


Medically hives are known as Urticaria. Hives are raised rashes on the skin. They are red in color and appear suddenly. These rashes are formed when blood vessels beneath the skin release small amount of fluid. Hives or Urticaria can be further divided in two categories, Acute and Chronic. Both are described below:

Acute Urticaria: If hives lasts for less than six weeks, it is called acute urticaria. When a person comes in contact with an allergen, acute urticaria can develop within minutes. This type of hives can suddenly appear and then disappear in less than 24 hours.

Chronic Urticaria: Hives that last for more than six weeks are called chronic urticaria. It is a rare kind of hives and skin allergy. Chronic urticaria is a severe form of allergy and can last for months and even years.

Diagnosis and Causes of hives

Skin allergy clinics diagnose urticaria by conducting blood and skin test. Hives are caused due to variety of reason like:

Drugs: Any medication can cause hives, there are no exceptions. For example, antibiotic like penicillin, anti-inflammatory drugs, aspirin, iodide and anesthetics can induce allergic reactions. These allergic reactions will then result is hives.        

Sunlight: When skin is exposed to sunlight, it might cause hives. However, in most cases this kind of hive disappears as soon as exposure to sun ends.     

Water: It occurs when skin comes in contact with water. Chemicals and other substances present in the water can cause such reactions.

Food: Some common food items that can cause these reactions are egg, nuts, fish, milk, chocolate tomato and nuts etc.

Viral infection: Common cold and hepatitis can also cause hives.

What is the treatment available for Hives?

Avoiding triggers is of paramount importance. Hives are treated by giving antihistamines and steroids. First antihistamines are given. If antihistamines are unable to contain the allergic reactions, than steroids are used. Steroids are given only in severe cases.

As mentioned above hives can be severely painful and disturbs the life of an individual. You should immediately go to your nearest hives and skin allergy clinical center as soon as its symptoms begin to appear. This is especially important for someone suffering from chronic urticaria, as its treatment can take months.