Food Allergies – What It Means To You?

By | April 26, 2015

Food Allergy

Whenever immune system of a body generates an unfavorable reaction after the consumption of a specific food product, it can be termed as food allergy. Both the type and quantity of food are responsible for causing such reactions. Sometimes, large quantity of food is required for causing allergic reactions; and sometimes intake of food even in a very small quantity can cause such reactions.

Symptoms of food allergy

Symptoms of food allergy differ from individual to individual. Food items that are responsible for causing such allergic reactions are vegetables, fruits, milk, egg and fish etc. A person could be allergic to any food material.

Some symptoms of food allergies are listed below:

  • Nausea
  • Itching of skin
  • Swelling of face
  • Short breath
  • Vomiting
  • Coughing
  • Rashes and hives
  • Pain in abdominal area
  • Fainting

Diagnosis of food allergies

Identifying the trigger

Trigger is a food item that causes unfavorable reaction every time it is consumed. Sometimes just touching a trigger can initiate a reaction. Identifying a trigger requires time as food items are made by mixing different substances. Due to less immune power, children are more prone to such allergies. However, age is not a major factor. Different types of food items made of similar material can also cause allergic reactions. For example, different food items made from milk can cause allergic reactions in someone whose trigger is milk.

Test conducted by food allergy clinics for diagnosing food allergies are:

Skin test: Skin is injected with an allergen. Test is considered positive if the skin starts reacting to that particular allergen.

Blood test: Quantity of IgE antibody is measured. However, blood test is not as precise as skin test.

Treating food allergies

Treatment is started by staying away from the trigger. Allergens should be avoided at all cost, even touching is not allowed in many cases. For controlling histamines and giving quick relief to the patient, antihistamines are given. The purpose of antihistamine is to give respite to the patient. Antihistamines are available in various forms like liquid (for example lotions), gaseous (for example sprays) and pills or capsules. For giving more power to the immune system steroids are also administered.

Immediately rush to your nearby food allergy clinical center to start an early treatment. These clinical centers will diagnose the allergy. Once it is diagnosed, medication is given. Clinical centers will also tell you how to manage and control different allergies.