Drug Allergy: When to Seek a Doctor?

By | August 12, 2015

medication allergies

Many a times you yourself might have faced allergies due to medications. Several different types of allergic reactions occur as a result of different medicines and drugs. Drug allergy is one of the most unwanted and commonly found results that occur from drugs. The results vary from person to person and body’s response. The reactions can be mild like rashes on body or may even be serious effects on the vital body organs. The skin is the most sensitive of all and hence gets allergic to the medication.

 Overview of Drug Allergy

These symptoms of drug allergy can even be life threatening. An allergic reaction is not seen by the very first time you had the medicine. It is more likely to occur by the time you have the same medicine again.  And if you think it is the first time you took medication and you fall sick then it is probably because you were exposed to the same drug without having any notice about it.

Other causes of the reaction to the drug are the interactions that take place inside the body. When you take two or more drugs they interact with each other. If the body is unable to break down the medicine properly may be because of liver or kidney it causes allergy. Other major reasons can be the overdose or non allergic reactions that may have occurred before. It is really very important to inform your doctor before any medication about the non allergy in the best possible manner.

Self- Care to Drug Allergies

For various skin reactions that occur from various drug reactions there can be self help done. You can perform various measures to take care of your skin. Firstly, you need to go to cold showers or may even apply cool compress. You must go for light clothes so that you may not irritate your skin with clothes.

It is good if you keep your activity level for few days. You may also apply calamine lotion to reduce itching. Another great option can be using antihistamines that are non- prescribed. They can be Benadryl or chlor- trimeton. They are dissolvable in nature so they can easily reach the system. Another great advantage of using them is that they have lesser side effects than the ones mentioned above.

If you have more of severe reactions then it is advised to go for the help of doctor to treat drug allergies.