Does a swollen mosquito bite mean I have an insect allergy?

By | March 27, 2013

hives treatment

If your skin swells up significantly after you get bitten by a mosquito, it is possible you could be experiencing an allergic reaction.  Most people have some reaction to a bite, but if you feel that your reaction is strong than normal, it would be wise to consult a physician right away.  The allergy doctors at Allergy and Asthma Clinical Centers have years of experience treating patients with all kinds of allergic reactions.  Allergies can cause reactions in many different parts of your body, including your skin, eyes and nose.  If you think you may have insect allergies or venom allergies, you should see us right away to learn how you can avoid allergic reactions during the upcoming spring and summer.  We administer a wide variety of tests to determine our patients’ allergies – two of our most common tests are venom allergy testing and food allergy testing.

For the best possible allergy relief and allergy remedies, there is no better choice than the allergy and asthma doctors at our well established clinic.  Aside from just mosquito bite allergies, we also treat nasal allergies, skin allergies, ocular allergies and medical allergies.  Schedule an appointment with us today to learn more about our natural allergy relief options!