Allergy Doctor: 4 Natural Ways Of Getting Rid Of Allergy

By | April 8, 2016

Allergies are caused by five main factors: Pollen, dust mites, air pollution, ragweed, and pet dander. If you suffer from allergy you understand the discomfort that comes with it. For you to be comfortable you have to get rid of the factors causing allergy. If struggling with the condition there are a number of natural ways that you can use to get rid of it. Some of these ways include:

Close doors and window to shut out allergy provoking factors

Visit any allergy doctor and he/she will tell you that for you to stop allergy causing factors from getting into your house you need to keep your windows and doors closed at all times. In addition to closing the entry points, also install air filters in your air conditioning and furnace systems. By installing an air filter you remove 90% to 95% of pollen and other allergy provoking particles.

Take probiotics

Studies done by the Osaka university school of medicine show that  probiotic strains: Lactobacillus paracasei, Lactorbacili casei, Bifidobacterium longum and L. acidophilus are effective in the treatment of sinus and nasal symptoms that are linked to allergies. The studies recommend that you supplement your diet with high-quality probiotic that you should take on an empty stomach.

Wear a mask to minimize exposure to allergens

By wearing a mask you prevent allergens from getting into your nose and mouth. Wear a mask whenever you believe that you are being exposed to the allergens. This includes when you are vacuuming, raking or mowing. By wearing an N95 respirator mask you block up to 95% of small particles such as pollen and dust.

Stop allergies by eliminating sugars

Sugars have been shown to be highly acid and mucus forming thus aggravating the symptoms of allergy. If you are serious of stopping allergies, eliminate sugar from your diet.

When it comes to your diet, take a balanced diet. As rule of thumb eat a diet rich in fruits, vegetables and nuts. Some of the best fruits to take are oranges, tomatoes, grapes and apples. By eating a balanced diet you build a strong immune system thus you are able to resist the effects of the pollen and other allergy provoking particles.


These are just a few of the natural ways that you can use to defeat nasal allergy or any other allergy that you might be having. If you have tried fighting the condition and still you are getting the symptoms, visit an allergist.