Allergy Doctor: Tips On How To Survive The Spring Allergy Season

By | November 30, 2016

Allergy doctor

The beautiful trees and blooming flowers make spring a beautiful season. Unfortunately, this is the season when seasonal allergies kick in. The allergies result from the pollen from trees, grasses, and flowers. The allergies are dangerous to people with asthma as they can lead to narrowing of the airways making it difficult for you to breath. If you regularly suffer from allergies, you should know how to deal with them to avoid complications. To help you out, here are tips that will help you survive the season.

Consult your allergy doctor

If you have developed allergy before, you should visit your doctor before the season begins. The professional will undertake skin or blood tests to determine the allergens that you are allergic to. After the test, the health professional will then recommend medications. The allergy doctor may recommend tablets or allergy shots if you are looking to eliminate the allergy. Although there are many anti-allergy drugs that you can buy over the counter, you should avoid doing it to avoid side effects.

Keep your home clean and pollen-free

Keep your home clean especially around the areas where dust and pollen tend to sit. This includes the shelves and carpets. You should vacuum carpets and dust the shelves more frequently. To control airborne pollen inside your home, consider installing an air purifier. Also, make sure that you clean the air filters on a regular basis and keep the doors and windows closed. Pollen tends to stick to fabrics. To get rid of it, you should wash your beddings, pillow cases, sheets, and clothes as often as possible. If you use your garage for storage, clean it out. This will allow you to go from your house to your car without getting into contact with pollen.

Stay indoors especially in the morning

Airborne pollen is usually high in the morning. The good thing is that you can avoid them by staying indoors. Although it can be really nice to jog and go out in the morning, just do your morning exercise indoors and save yourself from developing allergies. If you can’t help being outdoors you should schedule your activities early in the morning or go outside when the pollen count is low. While outdoors, allergists recommend that you wear a protective allergy face mask. To survive spring allergies, you should avoid exposing yourself to the pollen as much as you can. When you develop symptoms, visit a reputable allergy clinic and get the advice of a doctor.