Allergy Clinic: Taking A Look At The Different Types Of Allergy Tests

By | November 8, 2016

summer allergies

Allergy tests are done by an allergist in order to determine the substance that you are allergic to. The tests are recommended when you show allergy symptoms that include: eczema, itchiness, runny nose, chest congestion, wheezing, severe reaction to insect stings, and coughing. There are three main types of allergy tests: skin, blood, and elimination diet.

Skin allergy test

This test is used to identify the airborne allergens that you are allergic to. The test will also help you determine whether you are allergic to a given food or insect venom. The allergy doctor starts by scratching the skin surface and places an allergen on the scratched section. You will be closely monitored to observe how your skin reacts to the allergen. If there is swelling or redness, you are definitely allergic to the allergen. If you are unresponsive to the scratch test, the professional may order an intradermal skin test. Here a small amount of allergen is injected into your skin and you are closely monitored.

The allergy doctor may also do a patch skin test. Here the doctor places adhesive patches treated with suspected allergens on your skin. The patches are supposed to remain on your skin for 24-72 hours. The doctor will review your condition every 24 hours. According to allergy experts, this test will help you identify contact dermatitis.

Blood allergy test

The blood test is recommended when there is the risk of you reacting to the allergen. The test will also be recommended under these conditions:

  • You have hives or another skin condition such as eczema that makes it hard for you to see the results of skin testing.
  • You regularly suffer from severe allergic reactions
  • You have tested positive for many types of foods.

The testing process involves removal of blood from your body. The blood is tested in the laboratory for the presence of allergen fighting antibodies. Allergy experts report that this test is highly effective in detecting antibodies to major allergens.

Elimination diet

This test is recommended when you are allergic to certain foods. The test involves removal of certain foods from your diet and later reintroducing them. Your doctor will then analyze your condition and determine the foods that you are allergic to.


Allergy tests are important in determining the products that you are allergic to and this helps the doctors recommend the best measures that you should take to protect yourself. For ideal results, you should visit a reputable allergy clinic to have the tests done.