Everything You Need To Know About Drug allergy

By | September 22, 2016

drug allergy

Medications consist of powerful drugs that work to help you fight against diseases and infections. Since we are different, we respond differently to the same drugs. While some people don’t react to certain medications, others develop a drug allergy.

How to identify a drug allergy

Studies show that many people don’t know that they are allergic to a given drug which can be catastrophic. To help you out, here are signs that you are allergic to a drug: difficulty in breathing, high fever, increased heart rate, skin rash, swelling of the mouth or the face and pain in your joints or muscles. In most cases, people are allergic to a given ingredient in a drug. You should speak to your allergy doctor who will help you identify the ingredient that you are allergic to. Common medications that cause allergy are: antibiotics, anticonvulsants, aspirin, and anti-inflammatory medications.

How to deal with drug allergies

As mentioned above, drug allergies can be fatal. After you have developed the allergy symptoms you should never ignore them. Regardless of how minor the symptoms are, you should visit your doctor who will analyze your condition and recommend the best medication. If you already know the drugs that you are allergic to, you should make the work of your doctor easy by notifying him/her about it.

If you are showing signs of severe allergic reaction such as having hives all over your body, feeling faint and trouble breathing you should contact 911 immediately. In the emergency room, the doctors will give allergy shots such as epinephrine and antihistamines. If you are showing allergy symptoms such as itching, belly pain, hives, vomiting and nausea, it’s recommended that you contact your allergy doctor who will advise you on what you need to do to fix the problem. If you are suffering from mild allergic reactions you should go for over-the-counter medications such as antihistamines that will help you in easing the symptoms.

To prevent the allergic reactions, you should avoid the medications that you are allergic to. To be on the safe side, never stop taking the medications without informing your doctor. If you are getting treatment for a given condition and you can’t change the medication, the doctor may recommend the desensitization method. This is where you start taking small amounts of the medication under the doctor’s supervision and slowly increase the dosage. This allows the immune system to get used to the medicine and within a given time you are no longer allergic to the drug.


Drug allergies can be fatal if you ignore them. To have an easy time, visit a reputable allergy clinic.