Tag Archives: allergy shots

Understanding Allergy Shots and Allergy Reactions

Allergy shots are a type of allergy treatment that involves an allergy doctor injecting small amounts of allergens into your body via injection. Depending on your allergies, your doctor will create a customized cocktail of allergens in the shots for you.

The shots are a form of immunotherapy that helps decrease or even stop allergy symptoms.

You develop a tolerance to allergens by exposing your body to tiny amounts in the shots. Then, when you encounter allergens, such as during allergy season, your body does not react as strongly to them.

This treatment necessitates numerous doses, usually weekly, over several years. The doctor gradually increases the amount of allergens in the shot, but you need to have the shots less frequently once you’ve reached the maintenance phase.

Why do allergy reactions come about

A regimen of allergy shots always begins with extremely low doses of the allergens. The idea is to excite your immune system sufficiently for it to recognize allergens while not causing a severe reaction.

However, unpleasant reactions to allergy injections may occur on occasion. The reason for this is that you are being given something that you are already allergic to, which increases the risk of an allergic reaction.

Common allergy shot reactions

Reactions might range from mild swelling at the injection site to life-threatening anaphylaxis. While this is the case, you should know that serious reactions to allergy shots are less common — often less than 1%.

Swelling at the injection site is the most common reaction to allergy injections. This swelling can range from the size of a pea to a golf ball, but it usually goes away within 48 hours. Itching and/or hives may also occur over vast areas of your body.

Less common but more significant reactions may also come about. They include:

  • Breathing difficulties such as chest tightness, wheezing, and/or shortness of breath.
  • A decrease in blood pressure accompanied by dizziness and/or fainting.
  • Hives that appear in other parts of the body apart from the injection site.

How soon do the allergy reactions come about?

If you have a bad reaction, it will most likely occur within 30 minutes of the shot. As a result, you must wait 30 minutes before leaving your doctor’s office.

A clinician will evaluate you for any troubling signs at the end of the 30 minutes.

In extremely rare situations, a delayed reaction to an allergy shot can occur up to a few hours later. These reactions might be moderate to severe.

In extremely rare cases, you will have an allergic reaction the following day.

To combat allergic reactions, doctors prescribe an epinephrine autoinjector (EpiPen®) to persons undergoing allergy immunotherapy.

This injectable device contains epinephrine, which treats severe allergic responses.

Who can develop allergy shot allergies?

Asthmatics are more likely to have an allergic reaction to allergy injections.

If you have asthma, you should stay on your asthma meds and control your asthma before having these shots.

Most doctors recommend a peak flow test before each shot, which measures how quickly air exits your lungs when you exhale. This test determines whether or not your asthma is under control.

If you take beta-blockers or other blood pressure medications, you also may be more susceptible to a response.

While the above two are the most susceptible to the condition, anyone might have an allergic reaction to allergy shots. There’s no way to predict that ahead of time, which is why you should always take precaution before taking the shots.

Ways to avoid allergy shot reactions

Here are some of the measures you can take to reduce your chances of having an allergic reaction to an allergy shot:

Inform your healthcare practitioner if you have asthma. When you go to an allergy clinic, don’t just assume that your doctor will know you have asthma, as they most likely don’t have your records.

Before the doctor administers the shot, let them know about your condition so that they can decide whether it’s a wise idea to go ahead with the shots. Informing them will also help them know the right shots to administer.

In most cases, the doctor will give you a set of medications that you need to take to prevent the reactions from coming about. You should religiously take your meds as directed to keep your asthma under control.

If you have a cold or a respiratory infection, postpone getting your allergy shot until you feel better.

Avoid strenuous activities immediately after receiving an allergy injection. If you work on the farm or any other area where you need to put in a lot of energy, you should take some time off for the shots to wear out.

Follow your doctor’s advice and take an antihistamine before your shot.

As much as you should be cautious when taking the shots, you should note that the risk doesn’t last forever. Your risk of a reaction decreases significantly once you reach the maintenance phase in your course of allergy shots. This means you don’t need to be too cautious when taking the shots.

And, while getting weekly shots for months or years may be annoying, if you stay with the treatment, you should get significant relief from your allergies.

Parting shot

Allergen immunotherapy, often known as allergy shots, treats common allergies to pollen, dust mites, pet dander, and mold spores.

The shots may also be beneficial if you are allergic to the venom of stinging insects such as bees, hornets, wasps, and yellow jackets.

As mentioned, allergy shots might cause several reactions, so you should be ultra-cautious when taking them. As a rule of thumb, ensure that an experienced allergy specialist Manassas VA administers your shots.

If you have an underlying condition such as asthma, always inform the specialist beforehand. You don’t want the reaction to develop. Do you?

What is of Aspirin Desensitization

Aspirin is an important drug used by people all over the world to help with medical conditions. However, with a lot of people that suffer from a sensitivity to aspirin, using aspirin as allergy treatment is very important for positive health outcomes. You can check an allergy clinic if you want to have an effective aspirin desensitization treatment so you can offer relief for individuals.

There are about 1.2 million and 1.6 million people in the US who have aspirin-exacerbated respiratory disease, which causes a lot of frustration for a lot of patients. Due to aspirin desensitization, you can overcome the worst symptoms caused by this condition. If you want to know more about this, you can read on.

What is Aspirin-Exacerbated Respiratory Disease (AERD)?

Aspirin-exacerbated respiratory disease (AERD) includes chronic asthma, sinusitis that has nasal polyps, and aspirin sensitivity, and other non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs). Patients who have this condition experience mild to severe symptoms of any respiratory conditions for aspirin-related medications. Other medications can have ibuprofen and naproxen. Approximately 1 in 10 patients who have asthma or 1 in 3 patients with asthma and sinusitis with nasal polyps could be sensitive to aspirin and other NSAIDs that leads to having AERD.

Symptoms of Aspirin Sensitivity

People with aspirin sensitivity can have symptoms like:

  • Hives, itching, swelling, or
  • Shortness of breath, worsening and wheezing of nasal/sinus symptoms

In some cases, the aspirin adverse reaction could be serious or life-threatening.

How is AERD Diagnosed

The AERD diagnosis is clinical, which means that there is no certain test or blood result that can be used to diagnose the disease. The triad asthma plus symptoms and nasal polyps and respiratory reactions to NSAIDs are everything that is needed for diagnosis. For patients with a history of possible reaction to an NSAID is unclear, and normally it is helpful to do an aspiring challenge to confirm your diagnosis. You can do this either as an oral challenge, or a combination of oral or intranasal challenges. The procedure is in a hospital or clinic with a medical team and an experienced doctor.

In addition, people who have AERD have huge numbers of eosinophils in the nasal polyps and elevated levels of eosinophils in their bloodstream. Eosinophils are a kind of immune cell that has inflammation. Even if the presence of an elevated eosinophil level is not needed in the diagnosis, it can be good additional insight for patients.

Benefits of Aspirin Desensitization

Aspirin desensitization will allow a patient to gain these benefits:

  • Improved asthma control
  • Decreased doses of corticosteroid
  • Delayed regrowth of nasal polyps that causes surgeries that are less related to sinus (polyps surgeries)
  • Less need for medication for respiratory symptoms treatment
  • Aspirin tolerance (ASA) and NSAIDs
  • Better sense of smell and taste
Success Rate of Aspirin Desensitization

There is a recent study reported that AERD patients who can continue aspirin desensitization treatment for over a year, were the ones to experience the most benefits.

Risks of Aspirin Desensitization

The aspirin dose that is given during desensitization of aspirin is a lot smaller compared to what is taken in a lot of cases. The reactions because of a lower dose are normally less severe, in most cases compared to the reaction of what a patient would have gone through if they took a full dose. Here are the risks of aspirin desensitization:

  • Runny nose
  • Nasal congestion
  • Tightness in your throat
  • Stomach pain
  • Heartburn
  • Nausea
  • Hives
  • Blood pressure rarely drops

The physician will monitor you closely, including your vital signs, lung function, and oxygen intake.

You can check an allergy center Manassas VA anytime.

Psychological Impact of Food Allergies

Food allergies could impact the patients’ emotions through direct and indirect mechanisms. The direct mechanisms can include central nervous system effects from the biological mediators released when you have an allergic food reaction. Indirect mechanisms can include the stress of living with food allergy like avoidance of food preparation and controlling the fear of potential consequences when you ingest the food.

You can go to an allergy specialist doctor and find out more about indirect effects that can also be mediated through family members, like the stress of the parent on the child. Since food allergy is increasing in children and adults, it has become difficult to study, and sometimes symptoms can be misinterpreted because food allergies are normally patients with psychological profiles.


Aside from feeling anxiety, those with food allergies can go against bullying. One out of three children gets bullied for having food allergies. The rate is pretty high, and the research suggests that people are not always aware of this. A study has found that about half of parents and children who have food allergies do not know that their child experience school bullying. This can be shocking to parents.

Bullying also affects adults because of food allergies. It can range from eye-rolls, microaggressions, and derisive tone of voice.

Impact on the Parents

There can also be gender differences regarding how parents handle their child’s allergies. The responsibility for allergy management mainly falls on moms. There is mixed evidence if this material leads to marital strain or it can actually help greater family cohesion, but it affects the psychosocial well-being of moms can be heavier.  Moms might feel responsible when it comes to controlling triggers, with the need to carry the idea that they might have to face unexpected reactions.

Reactions from People

The major frustration of parents include not having enough public understanding, not wanting to accommodate, inconsistent information about treatment, and mislabeled products. Food allergy impacts the general public’s perception, and it can influence how food allergy is managed. For example, if a patient thinks that their friend’s belief in asking about the ingredients is unimportant, they might do the same. Sometimes, children may experience harassment and teasing due to food allergies, and some have reportedly smeared with the allergic food. Some adults say that their allergies have been disregarded by others, and they have faced a lack of understanding as well.

Building Connections

Getting help is not simple all the time. it can be difficult to find mental health professionals who can understand food allergies. It is important to teach individuals how they should support people who have food allergies and to show clinicians how anxiety issues can be spotted.

A counselor can help connect people with professionals who are sympathetic toward people with food allergies.

In other countries, getting support can be difficult. There are a couple of mental health resources mainly for people who have food allergies. People will mainly use resources that support the anaphylaxis campaign.

Daily Life with Food Allergy

Of course, my interest in this area comes from personal experience. Psychologists have observed the gap that goes on between empirical research and their experience as parents who have children with allergies. People will feel fortunate that there is already clinical training to hone the experience of researching more about the psychological effects of food allergy.


Food allergies can impact social life, and part of this is being mediated by the confidence of allergy sufferers and them being taken seriously and carefully managed.

You can talk to an allergy clinic Germantown MD if you need to know more about the psychological effects of food allergy.



Signs You are Allergic to Your Pet

Pet allergy is your body’s reaction to proteins that are found in the skin cells of animals, urine, or saliva. The common signs of a pet allergy are sneezing hay fever and runny nose. Some people can experience symptoms of asthma, like breathing difficulty and wheezing.

According to an allergy clinic, pet allergy is activated by being exposed to dead skin flakes that the pet sheds. Any furry animal can become a pet allergy source, but pet allergies are normally linked to cats and dogs.

In case you are allergic to pets, the most effective strategy is to stay away from any animal exposure. Other treatments of medications might be important in relieving symptoms and managing asthma.


Allergies to animals are common, especially in individuals who have asthma or additional allergies. The truth is, that a significant percentage of people are allergic to pets, and cat allergies occur twice as often.

In case you suffer from a pet allergy, which does not always mean that you are allergic to the dog or cat. Aggravation or allergic reactions to asthma symptoms results from substance exposure that is found in pets, which includes saliva, urine, flaked skin, and dander. Aside from that, furry pets can become virtual dust mops, while bringing in allergens such as mold spores, dust, and pollen coming from outside. Pet hair is not an allergen, but it carries substances that cause allergic reactions.


Dog, cat and other allergens could land on the membranes, which line the eyes and nose. You can breathe pet allergens in your airways. Symptoms of an animal allergy include:

  • Stuffy nose
  • Itching and swelling of eyes and nose
  • Sneezing
  • Postnasal drip
  • Runny nose
  • Eye redness
  • Hives
  • Coughing
  • Sleep disruption, itchiness, fatigue, or irritability in the roof of the mouth and throat

You can get itchy eyes after petting an animal and touch your eyes after.  A pet scratch or lick on your skin causes redness and itchiness in the area. You could get hives. Pet allergy may trigger an asthma attack in case you have asthma as well.

Those who have pet allergens have different sensitivity levels. Some experience minor symptoms and other people have severe symptoms. In case there are low allergen levels, symptoms might not show up until after a couple of days after interacting with your pet.

Dogs and Cats

Allergens that come from cats and dogs are in the skin cells the animal is shedding, and in the saliva, sweat, and urine on their fur. Dander is mainly a problem because it is small and it remains airborne for longer periods of time with very little air circulation. It also gets easily collected in upholstered furniture and it will stick to your clothes.

Pet saliva sticks to bedding, carpets, clothing, and furniture. Dried saliva can become airborne.

Hypoallergenic dogs and cats might shed less fur compared to the shedding types, but a completely hypoallergenic breed does not exist.

When Should You See an Allergist

If you have any of the symptoms, you might not want to think that it is your pet that is causing you discomfort. Most of the time, the best treatment is to avoid any contact with dogs and cats. For a lot of animal lovers though, pets are treated like a part of the family.

Regardless if you have mild symptoms, it would be good to schedule an appointment with an allergist. Your allergies can worsen with time. Therefore, you should get treatment early to prevent any complications.

You should talk to an allergy center Manassas VA anytime so that you can get treatment early.

Signs You are Allergic to Alcohol

Alcohol allergy causes a rare toxic reaction to alcohol which can be fatal in some cases. Most of the time, what people consider an alcohol allergy is actually intolerance.

People can have an allergic reaction to certain ingredients in alcoholic beverages instead of the alcohol itself.

Someone who is truly allergic to alcohol should entirely avoid it. People who are intolerant to alcohol can still consume alcohol, but they will most likely encounter side effects. The reaction can come from something in the alcoholic beverage like grains, chemicals, or preservatives.

Aside from consulting with an allergy specialist, you can read this article to know more about what causes alcohol allergies and then review the differences between intolerance and alcohol allergy.

Causes of Alcohol Allergy

People who are allergic to alcohol go through a reaction just by consuming 1 milliliter of pure alcohol or a gulp of beer or wine. It is still a mystery to researchers why some people experience it when the body naturally produces it. However, in other cases, severe alcohol reaction is sometimes mistaken for allergies when it is actually caused by Hodgkin’s Lymphoma.

Some foods that could cause alcohol allergy are:

  • Tomato puree
  • Food marinades
  • Cough syrup
  • Overripe fruit that fermented
  • Mouthwash

Doctors can diagnose the allergy based on how antibodies are produced. Antibodies called immunoglobin E (IgE) can cause an allergic reaction in the body with common symptoms of an allergic reaction. In addition, blood tests can measure the responses of the immune system to specific substances.


The signs and symptoms of intolerance to alcohol or having a reaction to the ingredients in an alcoholic beverage include:

  • Red and itchy bumps on the skin
  • Facial redness
  • Stuffy or runny nose
  • Pre-existing asthma worsens
  • Low blood pressure
  • Diarrhea
  • Nausea and vomiting


Like there are no real cures for food allergies or pollen, nothing can cure alcohol allergies as well. The truth is, that alcohol allergy treatment focuses mainly on any symptoms that are present like using a topical cream to alleviate rashes. After that, an individual should totally avoid drinking so they will not suffer allergic reaction symptoms and could also die.

Alcohol Allergy vs. Alcohol Intolerance

An alcohol allergy and intolerance are different from each other.

If you have an alcohol allergy, your immune system has an overreaction to alcohol. Intolerance to alcohol is genetic and the digestive system of an individual cannot break down the substance properly.

Alcohol intolerance symptoms make a person feel uncomfortable. In contrast to this, alcohol allergy can sometimes become life-threatening.

Symptoms of Alcohol Intolerance that People Confuse with Alcohol Allergies:

  • High blood pressure
  • Low blood pressure
  • Heart fluttering sensation
  • Lips or tongue swelling
  • Chest pain or fainting
  • Coughing
Who are More Prone?

People who come of Asian descent have a higher chance of experiencing alcohol intolerance symptoms because of a genetic variant that comes from rice domestication in southern China many centuries ago. An enzyme that is called aldehyde dehydrogenase (ALDH2) turns ethanol into acetic acid in the liver. Those with Asian ancestry might have a less active variant of ALDH2, which makes it harder for them to digest alcohol properly. ALDH2 deficiency commonly causes alcohol intolerance.

  • Migraines – This is probably because of the histamines in alcoholic beverages. The immune system releases histamines when there is an allergic reaction.
  • Severe allergic reaction – On rare occasions, the allergic reaction can become life-threatening and might require emergency treatment. You should know all the symptoms so you will know if it is already severe or not.

You can contact allergy center Germantown MD anytime if you need to consult about your alcohol allergy.


How Allergies Affect Children

Parents do not want to see their kids suffer. Any child can develop allergies, which is going to improve the life of your child and lessen the school days they missed. It also helps to keep you from having to use sick days or vacation days to take care of your child.

One of the most common allergies that children experience is on the skin. Another common allergy in children is food. Respiratory allergies are most common in older children.

Cases of skin and food allergies among children have increased over a long period, and skin allergies are prevalent in younger children compared to older ones.

You can look for an allergy doctor for your child so you can concentrate on other things more.

Nasal Congestion

Allergies are one of the most common causes of nasal congestion that happens chronically. There are times when the nose of a child is congested when he or she breathes through the mouth, even more so while sleeping. This might also cause a child to not get some rest at night and then feel tired the next day. In case the congestion and mouth-breathing are always untreated. They can affect teeth and bone growth. The early allergy treatment that causes nasal congestion might prevent these problems.

Heat Rash

Heat rash is most often seen in young children and babies when their sweat gland pores get blocked, not allowing perspiration to escape. The rash will look like small pink patches or red bumps, or blisters under spots or clothing where the skin has the tendency to fold on your elbows, neck, thighs, or armpits. However, heat rash can also happen in covered areas.


Eczema is one of the most common skin allergy conditions, especially when it comes to children. It affects 1 out of 5 infants, but only about 50 adults. This is because of leakiness in the skin barrier, which dries it out and becomes prone to inflammation and irritation by a lot of environmental factors. Also, there are young children with eczema who are also sensitive to food which make eczema symptoms worse. Half of the patients who have severe atopic dermatitis are caused by a faulty gene called filaggrin. The itch caused by eczema is not only because of histamine so anti-histamines might not be able to manage the symptoms. Most of the time, eczema is normally linked with allergic rhinitis, asthma, or food allergy. This progression is known as the atopic march.


Hives show as red bumps or welts soon after they come in contact with an allergen and severe allergic reaction. Unlike skin allergies, hives are not dry or scaly and it can appear anywhere on the body.

Some symptoms include difficulty in breathing or a swollen face and mouth. You should look for medical attention right away if these symptoms occur with hives.

Ear Infection

Allergies cause inflammation in the ear and it can cause fluid accumulation that promotes ear infections and decreased hearing. A baby who is hard of hearing for any reason while you are learning to talk will cause poor speech. Allergies cause earaches and itching, fullness, and popping. Anyone who has these symptoms should see an allergy specialist for possible treatment and testing.

Stings and Insect Bites

Insects like wasps, bees, fire ants, mosquitos, and ticks cause itching minor and minor discomfort because they prick the skin. In some children, insect bites and stings cause severe allergic reactions known as anaphylaxis which includes rashes and life-threatening symptoms known as airway swelling.

You can find allergy doctor Manassas VA if your child is experiencing any of these symptoms.



What You Must Know About Stress-Induced Asthma

If you are suffering from Asthma, you must know that it is a frightening feeling when you are unable to breathe. Some people’s anxiety and asthma go together. Most of the time, it is hard to unravel the connections between them. However, stress can also cause anxiety, but this article will talk about how stress and asthma symptoms go together.

When stress levels begin to go up, regardless of the reason, asthma symptoms can go overdrive. While the coughing and wheezing get bad, your health is one of the reasons why you should worry. Anxiety, stress, and asthma have a vicious cycle, and everything can quickly turn downwards. When this happens, contact your asthma doctor right away.

By reading this article until the end, you will learn more about this now.

Asthma – What is it?

Asthma is having shortness of breath and breathing difficulty because of inflamed airways. Asthma affects millions of people and it is one of the most chronic conditions that children have.

A lot of factors affect asthma, which includes genetics, allergies, and the environment. Your doctor will help you identify your triggers and learn how to master these irritants, calm them, or avoid them.

You need to understand the triggers because the triggers vary from one person to another.

Almost half of those with asthma have allergies, and you can control both conditions when you are aware.

How to Find Out if Stress Triggers Your Asthma Symptoms

The primary step is to know that you are stressed; sometimes people are unable to recognize these signs. Stress makes you feel irritable, more worried than you usually are, restless, teary, or have a hard time making decisions.

The second one is that stress levels can worsen your asthma even if sometimes you do not feel their connection.

You should write down when you are stressed and if it triggers your asthma symptoms. Keep a diary and write down why and when you are stressed together with the symptoms.

You are going to see patterns. For instance, maybe you have more asthma symptoms when you were moving, or your exams were coming up.

Managing Stress with Asthma

Stress is part of life – with or without it. Therefore, it is important to find the best ways to manage stress if you are suffering from a disorder. You need to relax before the stress happens so you can prevent shortness of breath and avoid an attack.

Change what is in your thoughts – You need to change your thought patterns that lead to stress. How you think, what you think, what you can expect, and what you must tell yourself most of the time to determine the way you feel and how good you are at managing stress levels.

Reduce the stressors around you – identify the stressors you have in your life like relationship problems, money problems, deadlines, grief, and not enough support. If you are unable to resolve these stressors, you must get professional help.

Daily exercise – You must exercise daily. Exercising when you have asthma is a great way to burn the accumulated effects that stress has so you stay healthy.

Sleep is powerful – When you have a chronic illness like asthma, you need a lot of sleep. If you are unable to sleep well because of nighttime asthma, your energy will go down and you will have fewer resources to cope with stress.

Stay away from stressful situations – Manage time effectively, like delegating when needed, pacing yourself, setting priorities, and resting.

These are the information you need to know about asthma. You can also contact allergy specialist Manassas VA.

What You Need to Know About Allergy Shots

The concept behind allergy shots is that the immune system will be desensitized to certain allergens that give you allergy symptoms. Sometimes, your body reacts to the world when you scratch, sneeze, get rashes or develop breathing issues that are chronic. Sometimes, it is so bad for other people that it becomes life-threatening. Your allergy doctor will develop a plan that helps you beat your irritating allergy.

Over time, the dose of allergens in each shot will be increased by your allergy doctor. This is helpful in getting your body used to allergens.

Gain more information about this now.

How Often Should You Get Them

At first, you must go to your allergy physician once or twice a week for a couple of months. They will shoot you in your upper arm. It contains a small amount of something you are allergic to – pet dander, pollen, dust mites, mold, or even been venom.

The dose will gradually be increased until you get what a maintenance dose is called. Then, you will normally have to go for a shot every 2 to 4 weeks for 4 to 5 months.

Allergy Shots Reactions

People commonly react to allergy shots. The majority of reactions are local and they can rarely affect your body. Most of the time this is called a systemic reaction, and it is dangerous. Therefore, you can not leave your office for 30 minutes and it follows every time you have an appointment. Aside from that, you should not exercise for 2 hours after the allergy shot.

If you have asthma symptoms when you get an allergy shot schedule, you should tell your nurse. Allergy shots can make your asthma symptoms worse.

Who Benefits from Allergy Shots?

Adults and children receive allergy shots, but it is not normally recommended for children below 5. This is because of the difficulties that younger children can cooperate with a program and articulate any symptoms they could be experiencing. When you consider allergy shots for older adults, medical conditions like cardiac disease must be considered and discussed with your allergist first.

It Does Not Always Work for Everyone

A lot depends on what you are allergic to and how severe the symptoms you get are. In general, allergy shots are working for allergies to bee stings, dust mites, pollen, pet dander, and mold. It is not proof that they work for drugs, food, or latex allergies.


The majority of people do not face a lot of trouble with allergy shots, but they have substances that lead to allergies. Therefore, there are possible reactions and it includes:

  • Anaphylaxis – This is a life-threatening reaction when people get allergy shots. It causes low blood pressure and breathing issues. Anaphylaxis most of the time starts within 30 minutes of the injection, but there are times when it starts later than that.
  • Local reactions – it involves redness, irritation, or swelling at the injection site. Normally these common reactions start within a couple of hours of injection and they will clear up soon after that.
  • Systemic reactions – You can develop sneezing, hives, or nasal congestion. Other severe reactions include swelling, throat, chest tightness, or wheezing.

You can book an appointment with an allergy clinic Manassas VA anytime if you need to get allergy shots anytime. They will take care of you, especially if you have reactions.


Benefits of Allergy Shots

A lot of allergy sufferers feel they are different according to the time of year. The symptoms can be sometimes mild and more severe in other times because pollen counts change. The way you feel depends on which season, your allergen triggers, and the time you spend outdoors.

It should not be that way even if there are available effective treatments. If you are wondering whether you should go to an allergy specialist or not, this article is going to help you decide. The benefits are discussed here. Read now to know more.

Allergy Shots Reduces Your Sensitivity

When there are allergies, your immune system is overreacting, which treats the harmless substance and prevents it from becoming a threat. Elements can trigger reactions and they include:

  • Dust mites
  • Mold
  • Pollen
  • Pet dander
  • Insect venom

The allergy shots desensitize triggers when they introduce safe and small amounts to the body. Through time, you will become immune to them, and the effect is similar to a vaccine and your symptoms will decrease.

They Are Normally Very Safe

People are normally tolerant to allergy shots, and the side effects are very mild. Your doctor is going to talk about possible side effects that you should look out for. The shots are best for people who are over the age of 5. The common side effects are itching, swelling, or redness at the injection site.

If you have trouble breathing, experience dizziness, or throat swelling after getting the shot, you should let your allergy doctor know right away. They can be a sign of anaphylaxis, which is rare and serious. The doctor will ask you to wait a while after getting your injection for monitoring.

They Work for Different Allergies

Allergy shots are safe in children who are 5 years old and older, and for those who experience extreme symptoms all the time. It is recommended that you get allergy shots for different allergic conditions like:

  • Seasonal allergies, which includes hay fever and asthma
  • The indoor allergies include dust mites, cockroaches, and pet dander
  • Yellowjackets, insect stings, bees, or wasps

This is an effective therapy, and it also improves asthma symptoms, as well as asthma symptoms and inflammatory conditions such as eczema. However, it is not recommended that you should go for immunotherapy if you have food allergies. When you are pregnant, or if you have uncontrolled heart disease or asthma.

Most Insurances Will Cover You

Health insurances normally cover allergy shots, but this varies depending on the specific plan. Even if your insurance covers the shots, you might still be asked to copay each time you visit. For some, this cost might be cheaper compared to the total price of over-the-counter medications, other visits related to symptoms of hay fever.

If you are wondering about your coverage, you should ask your insurer. Otherwise, costs can be discussed with the allergy clinic.

Reduces Your Need for Long-term Medication

Unlike the allergy medications that work because they mask the symptoms, allergy shots are for reducing your trigger sensitivity. However, it takes a bit of time before this immunity is developed

Allergy shots happen in 2 phases: buildup and then maintenance.

The buildup phase means getting allergy shots on schedule until your body develops immunity.

After that, you will switch to the maintenance phase.

You can visit allergist specialist Manassas to get your allergy shots.

Managing Asthma During Pregnancy

Pregnancy is one of life’s greatest miracles. Going through the entire process of pregnancy can be full of ups and downs. But it will surely be worth it when you see your bundle of joy for the first time after nine months. Expect to feel all kinds of emotions while tending to your child – the good, the bad, and the ugly. Unfortunately, the “ugly” part may include other things, like having to undergo asthma treatments due to an asthma attack.

Asthma is a common condition that affects people all over the world. It can make your situation more complicated if you are pregnant. For one, asthma can compromise your unborn baby’s safety if not managed properly. To prevent future complications, you should seek an asthma doctor immediately for the sake of you both.

What triggers asthma in pregnancy?

Asthma triggers during pregnancy are mostly similar to the usual asthma symptoms. However, sensitivity to the symptoms may be increased due to hormonal changes while pregnant. For starters, common asthma triggers may include:

  • Respiratory illnesses including viral and bacterial infections
  • Allergic rhinitis
  • GERD (Gastroesophageal reflux disease)
  • Smoke (ex. cigarette smoke, smoke produced by vehicles, wood, and cooking, etc.)
  • Perfumes and sprays
  • Allergies (food, chemicals, cosmetics, pet dander, dust, etc.)
  • Emotional triggers (hormonal changes, stressful environment, etc.)

For allergy triggers, it is best to consult an allergy specialist doctor for proper medications suitable for your pregnancy.

How asthma can affect your unborn baby

Having asthma can affect a person’s quality of life, and can make your pregnancy complicated. The unborn baby inside your tummy needs enough oxygen to live. However, having an asthma attack can affect the amount of oxygen entering your body which can compromise your baby’s life.

You may have already been given medications by an allergist to help manage your asthma. However, you may have also considered stopping taking asthma medications when you got pregnant. This is understandable, as taking any medications may cause complications on your pregnancy.

For one, uncontrolled asthma may cause premature birth. You may also experience health complications such as hypertension or preeclampsia. In worst cases, your unborn baby may die due to lack of oxygen because of a severe asthma attack. If you have asthma prior to your pregnancy, it is best to consult an allergy physician to help manage the condition.

How to manage asthma attacks during pregnancy

Here are some tips to help you manage asthma attacks throughout your pregnancy:

  1. Let your doctor know you have asthma.

It is said that asthma symptoms may become worse around six to eight months of pregnancy. Medications taken during or after birth are possible, but can cause discomfort and may even worsen the condition.

To prevent further complications, it is important to inform an allergist doctor about your asthma. Your doctor will help you create a plan and managing your asthma symptoms and ensure smooth and uncomplicated delivery.

  1. Watch out for asthma symptoms.

Asthma is generally manageable even during pregnancy. Good asthma control can also ensure a normal and healthy pregnancy and delivery. Unless advised against by an allergy physician, you can still continue taking asthma medications while you’re pregnant.

Since asthma is supposed to be manageable, one of the things you should do is to watch out for its symptoms. Your symptoms may be worse than your pre-pregnancy days, so take note of that. If you are already experiencing breathing difficulties due to your asthma, head to the nearest clinic or hospital immediately.  Medical personnel will conduct first aid treatment to ensure you and your unborn child are both safe.

  1. Avoid the triggers as much as possible.

If you don’t want to experience asthma during pregnancy, avoid the triggers. At the end of the day, you and your baby’s safety should matter most. Among things you can skip to prevent asthma triggers include:

  • Quitting smoking or avoiding secondhand smoke
  • Avoid overeating and lying down after mealtime (if you have GERD)
  • Avoid interacting with people with infections (ex. colds and flu). Better yet, wear a protective mask when dealing with sick people
  • Avoid other allergy triggers (ex. foods, dust, pet dander, sprays, and perfumes)

Finding the best asthma doctors near you

Consult the best allergist in Manassas VA to help you manage asthma while you’re pregnant. Some doctors would recommend taking flu and allergy shots to prevent severe asthma attacks during the duration of your pregnancy. These medications are considered safe, but make sure to seek medical advice first before taking these.