Are You Allergic to Molds?

By | May 20, 2019

Having allergies can affect one’s quality of life. People can develop allergies in their childhood and bring them into their adult years. Triggers also vary, of which among the common ones include:

  • Pet dander
  • Dust and pollen
  • Shellfish
  • Nuts
  • Milk and soy
  • Egg
  • Household products’ ingredients

If you have allergic reactions with one of the above triggers, you should consult an allergy specialist doctor immediately. The allergist will recommend the right medications to help manage your condition. As much as possible, avoid taking matters in your own hands. Rather, it is important to seek medical advice and find an allergy doctor to avoid complications.

All about mold allergy

Molds are everywhere. It can be in the bathroom, kitchen, or elsewhere within your home. It may not be easily seen at first. However, molds can cause adverse allergic reactions that can be life-threatening if left untreated.

Molds belong to the fungi family. It can grow indoors and outdoors depending on the mold type. Mold allergies are said to be more prevalent nearing fall period. However, mold allergy reactions can occur all year. Inhaling air with mold spores can cause allergic reactions.

They differ from how other plants reproduce. On one hand, most plants usually grow from seeds that are buried into the ground. In order for it to grow, you should water it every few days.

On the other hand, fungi including molds also have seeds which are called spores. Unlike plants, spores do not have to be buried in the ground to reproduce. Rather, it is blown in their air by wind, dew, or fog. Because of spores most likely floating around, it can lead to adverse reactions in some individuals.

Common causes and symptoms of mold allergy

Like any other allergy symptoms, mold allergies can also cause a runny nose, sneezing, and itchy skin among a few. Consult with an allergy physician if you experience these allergic symptoms.

Spores can also cause hay fever that can lead to asthma attacks. Reactions may happen the moment you inhale air contain spores. On the other hand, the allergic reaction may not be immediate – a delayed reaction, if you will. Nonetheless, ignoring allergic symptoms can lead to potentially fatal consequences.

In worse cases, allergy sufferers may acquire a serious respiratory condition called allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis. It occurs when there are both inflammatory and allergic reactions upon the presence of molds.

In effect, the individual may experience symptoms similar to asthma such as difficulty in breathing and wheezing. In such cases, asthma treatments should be done immediately.

Prevention and cure

Unfortunately, there is no definite cure for allergies. However, allergic symptoms can be manageable. Among tips you can do to manage mold allergies include the following:

  • Limit exposure to instances when mold counts are common. This will ensure lesser chances of inhaling spores present in the air.
  • Wear a dust mask when you have to go outdoors.
  • Use allergy-friendly air conditioners to eliminate the presence of spores inside the house. Clean it twice a week to prevent mold growth.
  • Use a dehumidifier to lessen humidity inside the house. Like an air conditioner, ensure to clean it twice a week to inhibit the growth of mold. To measure humidity, you can use a hygrometer. Make sure to keep humidity below 35 to 45 percent.
  • Keep the bathroom, kitchen, and laundry area dry to prevent the growth of mold. Not only can it trigger mold allergies but also cause unpleasant smells. Tip: keep the doors so the rooms will dry up quickly. You can also use an exhaust fan to keep off the unpleasant smell.
  • Clean the kitchen, bathroom, and laundry area at least once a month. Scrub off molds forming on tiles and grout. Repair any leaks to prevent mold formation.
  • Clean the washing machine after every few uses and leave the door open when not in use.
  • Remove old papers, bedding, and clothing in your bedroom. Make sure the humidity level inside the room is low.
  • Follow doctor’s orders when you experience allergy symptoms due to contact with molds. Take antihistamines or other prescribed treatments as per doctor’s recommendation. There are also over-the-counter anti-allergy products you can buy. However, make sure to consult an allergy physician first before taking any allergy treatments.

Take action of your allergies before it’s too late

Visit an allergy clinic in Manassas VA for any allergy symptoms. It is important to seek medical help to prevent further complications.