Insurance Participation

We are in-network providers with these insurance carriers:


We accept payments but are non-participating providers with most other insurance carriers. As a courtesy to our patients the staff at our billing department will submit insurance claims on your behalf and help you to their best abilities to get reimbursement from your insurance company.

We do not accept:


Other important insurance information:

It is your responsibility to inform us of any special requirements in your insurance contract, such as referrals, pre-authorizations or non-coverage for specific diagnostic and/or treatment services.

If we participate (contract) with an insurance plan under which you are covered, we will bill your carrier directly for all charges for rendered services except co-pays and deductibles. We will bill both your primary and secondary insurance (if applicable) for contracted plans. However, in the event that the secondary does not pay within 60 days, you will be billed for the balance.

If we do not participate and are out-of-network with an insurance plan under which you are covered, it is your responsibility to verify that your policy includes out-of-network benefits before your first visit. You will be responsible for balances on claim denials if there are no out-of-network benefits available.

You are responsible for paying your annual deductible, coinsurance, and copayment associated with your in-network or out-of-network insurance plan. Please be aware that co-pays and deductibles are payable in full at the time of your visit.

In the event we are not aware that a particular service is not covered by your plan, you will be responsible for the balance after we obtain a denial from your insurance carrier.

  • We always strive to minimize the likelihood that the claim to your insurance carrier is declined and you are made liable for charges incurred. Please help us in this process by following these steps: - Bring picture ID and valid insurance card to your first visit. We keep copy of your insurance card on file. Please inform us immediately of any change in insurance coverage and/or benefits and change of personal information. This helps us to assure proper and timely reimbursement from your insurance company.
  • If you have an insurance plan that requires any referrals, pre-certifications or authorizations to receive any specialty care and diagnostic testing it is your responsibility to obtain such authorizations from your primary care provider or your insurance company prior to your visit at AACC. If you choose to be treated without a referral you understand you will be held responsible for all charges for services rendered. If you choose to reschedule your appointment we reserve the right to charge a missed appointment fee.

If you have any questions regarding your bill, please call our billing department for assistance at (703) 249-8500.