What You Should Know About Sinus Disease

By | June 30, 2017

sinus disease

Sinus disease is a limitation caused by inflated air cavities along the nasal passage. When the sinuses are healthy, they are air filled, but when they get infected, germs grow to lend to some infections. This will lead to inflammation of the air sinuses, therefore, leading to sinus disease.

Types and stages of sinus infection

Acute sinusitis: This is a little kind of sickness which lasts between 2 to 4 weeks. It starts with some common symptoms such as the stuffy and runny nose and also a facial pain.

Subacute sinus: Having similar symptoms as those of acute sinusitis, this infection lasts longer at the period of between 4 to 12 weeks.

Chronic sinus: It is also known as chronic inflammation. It continues for a much longer period of beyond 12 weeks without changing the stage. Here, the facial display changes and forms some unhealthy nipples.

Recurrent sinusitis: This is the last stage of sinus infections which lasts for longer periods. This scene comes several times in a year with a continuous pattern.

Symptoms of the condition

A sinus infection has different symptoms apart from the typical running nose. Though the illness affects the nose region and the air sinuses, the disease is also eligible with other physical appearances like faces with pimples. The following are some obvious symptoms of sinus infections:

  • You might encounter some unusual feelings like fullness and congestion in your nose. It is mainly as a result of the massive numbers of pimples accumulation around the face.
  • Also, you will experience nasal obstruction or nasal blockage due to the full air routes in the nose region.
  • You are also going to experience pus in the nose, with an accompanying fever which lasts for longer periods without ceasing.
  • Lastly, the most common symptom is having a runny nose and a discolored postnasal drainage. This is due to the blocked air passages.

Prevention and cure of sinus diseases

The only prevention mechanism is by ensuring that you are not subjected to windy regions, or you do not walk against the moist wind. Since sinus disease is highly communicable, the inhaled air might be the leading cause of contracting this disease. When you contract the condition, you should visit your local allergy clinic for diagnosis and treatment.


This is what you need to know about the sinus infection. If you regularly have the condition, you shouldn’t take it as an everyday occurrence. Visit your allergy doctor for further investigations.