Tricks On How To Prevent Seasonal Allergies From Coming About

By | September 24, 2017

seasonal allergies

Seasonal allergies are bothersome and annoying as they prevent you from executing your daily duties as you normally do. To prevent the condition from coming about you need to do a number of things.

Things to do to prevent seasonal allergies

Know when the allergies come about: This is crucial as it will inform you of when you should be indoors. You should note that the weather isn’t predictable. For example, the tree pollen can be present in the air in January. You can also have grass pollen in summer. If you are sensitive to the spores, you need to know the season that they are at their peak.

The cool thing is that there are plenty of places where you can get the information. You can get the information online from the many websites. If you near your local meteorological department, you should visit it, and you will get the information you need.

When you know when to expect a high concentration of the spores in the air, ensure that you stay indoors. You also should visit your local allergy clinic and get the medications that will help you through the season.

Eat essential fatty acids: Studies show that by taking the essential fatty acids you significantly reduce the symptoms of allergy from showing up. You can buy the pure fatty acids from your local food store or eat foods that are rich in them.

Take enough vitamin C: Vitamin C aids in lowering the amount of histamine in the blood which comes in handy in reducing the symptoms. Just like the essential fatty acids, you can buy pure vitamins from your local store, or eat plenty of fruits and vegetables that are known to contain high concentrations of the vitamin.

Minimize the exchange of air: This calls for you to be cautious of the amount of outdoor air that gets into your house. You can easily do this using an air conditioner. You should avoid using a fan as it doesn’t do a good job.

For the air conditioner to be efficient, ensure that the air filter is always clean. This calls for you to clean it at least once every month. You also should make it a habit of hiring an HVAC contractor at least once a year to inspect the air conditioner and fix it.


These are some of the things you can do to prevent the allergies from coming about. In addition to the above tips, you also should visit an allergy doctor to give you the medications that will protect you.