Tag Archives: skin allergy

4 Ways On How to Get Rid Of Allergic Reaction Rash

If you suffer from sensitive skin, it’s common for your skin to react to irritants (such as perfumes, essential oils, and talc) and allergens such as pollen, mold, dust, pet dander, and foods such as peanuts.

To return your life to normal, you have to get rid of the rashes. At the moment you must be wondering, how many ways are there on how to get rid of allergic reaction rash? There are plenty of ways you can do it, even without visiting an allergy doctor. Some of these ways include:

Cold press the rash

This is the easiest and fastest way of stopping the pain and itch. Cold pressing also stops the swelling, eases the itching, and slows down the progression of the rash.

There are plenty of ways you can cold press the rashes. You can place a damp cloth on the surface, pour cold water or take cool showers.

One of the most effective ways is to use fabric bags stuffed with ice. Fill the bag with ice, then place the bag on your skin. Hold the bag on your skin until the pain or itch subsides and if the situation doesn’t get better, repeat.

This technique works by limiting blood flow to the affected area. When you apply ice or cold water to the rash, it reduces swelling and inflammation. It can also stop itching immediately. If you have rashes over large parts of your body, it’s difficult to cover the entire area with an ice pack. In such a case, take a cool bath or shower.

Manage the condition using aloe Vera

Aloe Vera is highly effective at managing allergies as it posses strong antifungal, antibacterial, and anti-irritant properties.

There are plenty of ways you can take advantage of aloe Vera. One way is to buy an aloe Vera gel obtained from the aloe leaves and use it to soothe the itchy, irritated skin.

If you have a garden with an aloe plant growing there, you can cut open a leaf, scrape out the gel and apply it directly on the affected skin.

For best results, use the aloe vera twice a day. Before applying it, wash and dry the affected area for maximum absorption.

The aloe Vera works because it contains calcium, zinc, magnesium, vitamin B-12, essential fatty acids, carbohydrates, sterols, and enzymes that give it its unique capabilities.

If you don’t have aloe Vera in your garden or don’t have access to aloe Vera gel, use basil, neem, and coriander leaves to make a paste, then apply it to the affected areas. Let the paste stay on for at least one hour, then rinse it out with water.

Get some relief using baking soda

Baking soda is highly effective at getting rid of allergy rashes. Baking soda also relieves itching and prevents further skin inflammation.

To use it, you need to make a paste of it by mixing half a teaspoon of baking soda in lukewarm water, then apply it to the affected area. Leave it there for a few minutes, then rinse it off. Be cautious not to leave it on the skin surface for too long, as it could cause some irritation.

The chemicals in baking soda act as a buffer where they keep the solutions in a stable acid-alkali balance. Due to this, baking soda soothes the skin and balances the skin’s pH.

See a doctor if things don’t improve.

If you have used the above remedies and none seems to be working, now it’s time to see an allergy specialist Manassas VA. The allergist will begin with doing some tests to determine the nature of your allergy then give you the necessary medications.

What Kind of Doctor Treats Skin Allergies?

Skin allergies can be annoying. You have a constant red, itchy rash somewhere on your body, and you probably don’t know why or what triggers it.

People who are susceptible to allergic reactions are most often unaware that something close to them is the problem’s source. It becomes even more mysterious if this is your first time experiencing an allergic reaction. 

Therefore, it is crucial to have a qualified physician to help you figure out what the trigger is and how to treat it. But you might be wondering, what kind of a doctor treats skin allergies?

Should I book an appointment with my family doctor, an allergist, or a dermatologist? Just like you, many skin allergy patients do not know who they should consult.

Skin allergy is exaggerated skin sensitivity. It happens due to the reaction of your immune system to something that is generally considered harmless. Doctors call it an allergic reaction, and it can cause bumps, redness, swelling, heaves, rash, itchiness, etc. 

This article will help you figure out which specialist to call for your skin allergic reaction.

Difference between a dermatologist and an allergist

Different people have different skin allergy triggers. For example, you might get an itchy rash if you eat certain foods, touch your pet or come into contact with a pollutant. But who do you visit to get treatment? A dermatologist or an allergist

A dermatologist specializes in diagnosing and treating general skin issues. These include nails, hair, and mucous membranes. They treat the entire spectrum of skin diseases, including diseases as simple as psoriasis and the more complicated ones like skin cancer. 

On the other hand, An allergist is a physician specializing in treating allergic reaction or immunological responses that occurs suddenly or occasionally.

They identify the allergy through the use of hypersensitivity tests or sometimes skin pricks. Once they have identified the allergy and the trigger, an allergist will develop an individualized treatment plan to treat the patient. 

Types of allergic skin conditions

Below are some of the most common reactions that might need you to book an appointment with a specialist immediately.

Allergic contact dermatitis

This is when your skin immediately reacts when it comes to contact with something that others consider harmless. For example, some people are allergic to lilies and get swelling or severe itchy rash when they touch them. This condition is well manageable, as you can avoid the triggers if you are aware of them.

Atopic dermatitis or eczema

This condition is more prevalent in children than adults. It makes the skin quickly dry, irritable, and itchy. Skin specialists associate Eczema with many triggers, it can be hereditary (Inherited from family), or it can be due to external factors such as food allergies, seasonal allergies, soaps, etc. 


Urticaria (or chronic hives) is an allergic reaction that leads to red itchy welts on the skin. These can be very uncomfortable and can interfere with your daily life. It is mainly caused by the consumption of foods that you are allergic to. The body automatically releases the histamine in response to the allergen after you eat these foods.

When should I see an allergist? 

Sometimes, the skin rash or heaves might look normal, and you might even be tempted to treat it with over-the-counter drugs. But it is never that simple. Sometimes a simple rash can signal something more severe, and it is always advisable to consult a physician. 

Book an appointment with an allergist immediately if you experience any of the following;

  • A sudden rash on your body.
  • Batches of red or itchy skin patches appearing anywhere on the body
  • If your skin becomes too sensitive to heat, exercise, and water. 
  • Itchy scalp
  • Painful swelling on any part of the body 


So there you have it. Both a dermatologist and an allergy doctor Manassas VA can treat skin conditions, but an allergist is more suitable to treat skin allergies. It is therefore recommended that you visit an allergist if you suspect that you have an allergic reaction. But if you are not sure, call your family doctor and ask them to refer you to the right specialist for your skin condition. 

Allergic to Sweat? Here’s What You Need to Know


To achieve a healthy mind and body, one must have a regular dose of healthy food and exercise. Some lift weights, while some people do cardio exercises such as running, jumping rope, and cycling. However, some people need to be extra cautious when doing intense physical activities because it can lead to some adverse health effects.

For example, those who suffer from asthma may have to be more careful when exercising. They might also have to bring their asthma treatments in handy just in case something happens while they are doing intense workouts. It is also best to consult an asthma doctor first before engaging in any physical activities.

Aside from asthma, some people experience allergies due to their sweat and getting too hot. Can you imagine getting allergic reactions just because you feel hot and sweaty? Unfortunately, this can be just as common as food and pollen allergies. Nonetheless, you should have yourself checked by an allergist for proper treatment.

What you need to know about “sweat allergy”

The technical term for this type of allergy is Cholinergic urticaria or cholinergic angioedema. In layman’s term, it is also called sweat allergy or heat pumps. Basically, this condition occurs due to increased body temperature and resulting in itchy hives. It is not clear what exactly causes this type of allergy. However, it is said that it is the body’s reaction to sweat.

There is a higher chance of having this condition if you are suffering from other allergies such as eczema, hives, or asthma. People who have CU experience mild to life-threatening symptoms. Common symptoms of CU include the following:

  • Hives (generalized urticarial)
  • Swelling (angioedema) around the lips and face, or the tongue or throat in worst cases
  • Hypotension (low blood pressure)
  • Bronchospasm

If you notice these symptoms, make sure to visit an allergy specialist doctor to help treat your allergies. You might also need to undergo allergy testing to confirm the real cause of your allergies.

What causes Cholinergic urticaria?

This type of allergy usually happens in a flash after the person gets too hot or starts to sweat. It can occur on different parts of the body especially the arms or the torso. The rash would also feel itchy and even some burning sensation and resemble swelling. On a positive note, these rashes due to cholinergic urticaria will eventually fade as quickly as they appeared.

However, some may experience other symptoms aside from rashes, such as:

  • Diarrhea
  • Headaches
  • Nausea
  • Stomach cramps
  • Breathing difficulties

As mentioned, cholinergic urticarial occurs when the person gets sweaty or too hot. But other factors can trigger CU such as:

  • Eating spicy dishes
  • Stress/anger
  • Fever
  • Sun exposure
  • Hot baths/sauna/hot tubs

These factors can increase body temperature, making the body hot and even sweaty, hence the possibility of having CU.

How to deal with “sweat allergies”

If you notice the abovementioned symptoms, make sure to consult an allergist doctor immediately. You should also undergo a series of allergy testing such as warming test and exercise test to confirm the diagnosis of CU. Treatment might also vary depending on the person.

Some would have to take meds while others have to change their lifestyle 360 degrees. This means avoid heavy exercises that can make them sweat a lot, not eating spicy foods, and not going to spas and saunas. You should also manage stress and anger through meditation and going on therapy.

You might also have to adjust your diet and avoid foods that can trigger CU. This include:

  • Alcohol
  • Dairy (ex. milk, cheese, etc)
  • Vinegar
  • Nuts
  • Canned foods and others with additives
  • Seafood
  • Salty foods

It can be more challenging if you live in a tropical country where the sun is often around. In such a case, you need to have antihistamines on hand as prescribed by your doctors such as cetirizine, loratadine, or beta-blockers.


If you experience allergic reactions due to CU, say, during exercise, slow down or stop as needed. Take a cool shower or cool off while standing in front of an electric fan or go to an air-conditioned room. Relax and avoid stressing yourself. Visit an allergy clinic in Manassas for immediate treatment of your condition.

Can Yoga Really Help Treat Skin Allergies?

The skin is the body’s largest organ in terms of surface area and weight. It protects your internal organs and your body in general. That is why you have to take care of our skin especially if you have allergies.

Speaking of allergies, you should consult an allergist doctor if you experience signs of allergic reactions. Allergies can come from various allergens such as food, household products, and outdoor elements. Some may experience runny nose and sneezing, while others experience skin irritations.

Dealing with skin allergies

Those with skin allergies such as atopic dermatitis or eczema would usually struggle with dealing with it. No one wants to feel uncomfortable scratching their skin and even leave painful scabs later on. If you are one of those who experience such, you should consult an allergy specialist immediately.

There are many allergens that trigger such allergic reactions. Nonetheless, it can affect your daily life, confidence, and self-esteem. The National Eczema Foundation reports that there are more than 30 million Americans affected with common skin issues like eczema and atopic dermatitis. If you are not sure if you have skin allergies, you should undergo allergy testing in a reputable allergy clinic near you.

Yoga for skin allergies… is it effective?

Yoga is one of the most popular forms of exercise. It challenges your flexibility and your ability to control your body movement. Yoga may not be as easy as you think, yet it can be a rewarding experience.

But aside from being a great way to break a sweat (and improve your flexibility), yoga can also help in healing your skin problems. We all know how expensive it can be to spend on skin treatments or beauty products.

On the one hand, investing in skin care and treatment products is important. However, some of these products may have ingredients that can do more harm to the skin than good. If you do experience symptoms of skin allergies, best to contact an allergist specialist to help manage the symptoms.

Some skin care products may cause irritation and clogging on the skin and lead to:

  • Eczema
  • Wrinkles
  • Rosacea
  • Hives
  • Acne
  • Melanoma
  • Rashes
  • Psoriasis

Aside from some skincare products, such skin issues may also be due to hormonal imbalance, toxins, and harsh environment. Some ways that can help improve one’s skin health is by improving blood circulation, reducing stressful activities, and yoga. Of course, you can also visit an allergist for your allergy-related concerns.

Simple yoga asanas that can help with your skin problems

You don’t have to be a yoga expert to try out these poses. One study reported in Medical Science Monitor revealed that yoga has helped improve the feeling of fatigue, stress, and mental and emotional distress. As we all know, stress can contribute to skin problems like acne and other skin inflammations.

Try these yoga poses that can help make your skin clearer, suppler, and healthier.

  1. Utthanasana

This involves bending forward, with your palm touching flat on the ground. This asana is said to increase facial blood flow and promote glowing and radiant skin. In addition, this yoga pose encourages oxygen supply to the face and aid in skin rejuvenation.

2. Sarvangasana

Better known as the shoulder stand, this pose is another great yoga pose that can aid in better-looking skin. It can also help in improving skin texture and blood circulation in the face. Experts suggest doing this yoga pose about 3 to 5x daily for better skin.

3. Bharadvaja’s twist

Doing this yoga pose can help in eliminating toxins from the body. Fewer toxins mean better-looking and well-nourished skin.

4. Matsyasana

Also known as the fish pose, this asana also helps in achieving healthy and youthful-looking skin. It is also said to improve the overall function of the pineal, pituitary, and thyroid glands. At the same time, it aids hormone balance. If you also want to get rid of your double chin, you can also try this, too.

5. Trikonasana

This pose is also known as the Triangle pose and one of the best asanas for better skin. It also helps in opening the chest, heart, and lungs. The Trikonasana pose aids in adding oxygen supply to the skin. Thus, your skin will feel rejuvenated and fresh.

Is yoga really good for your skin?

It is a must to do something about your allergies. If you are suffering from it, you should visit an allergy specialist doctor immediately. Make sure to contact only the best allergist in Manassas VA. Although yoga can be beneficial to your skin health, it is still a good idea to consult an allergist before doing alternatives.

The Price of Beauty: What to Do If You Have Cosmetic Allergies

It’s nice to glam up every once in a while. Using beauty products including skincare, makeup, and hygienic products can boost your confidence. It can also help in improving your productivity at work and enhancing your social skills. It improves your appearance and can make you look more attractive for many people.

Unfortunately, some people are not able to use some beauty products due to allergic reactions. In such cases, it is best to consult an allergist specialist to manage the condition. Allergy to beauty products may not be as common as pet allergies or food allergies. However, there are a lot of people around the world who have what it is called cosmetic allergy.

Are you allergic to beauty products?

There are many reasons your skin breaks out. It can be due to stress or the foods you eat. On the other hand, it can be due to the beauty products you are using. Cosmetic allergy can cause adverse effects such as itching, rashes, swelling, and puffiness among a few.

It is said that there are two major types of skin reactions: irritant contact dermatitis and allergic contact dermatitis. The former occurs when a certain beauty product causes damage to the skin. Among these symptoms include burning sensation, itching, or redness, or oozing blisters in worst cases. If you encounter any of these symptoms when you use makeup, it is best to contact an allergist doctor immediately.

On the other hand, the latter may affect your immune system. Like irritant contact dermatitis, allergic contact dermatitis can also cause symptoms such as swelling, redness, and hives. The symptoms often manifest themselves on specific parts of the body such as the eyes, ears, lips, neck, or the entire face.

Regardless of the symptoms, it is important to consult an allergist immediately. These can lead to worse situations if left ignored. He or she should also help you manage your condition and advice for any treatments you need to undergo to minimize the onset of the allergic symptoms.

Common beauty products that can cause allergies

Among common beauty products that cause cosmetic allergies include:

  • Eye makeup
  • Skin moisturizers
  • Soaps
  • Shampoos or conditioner
  • Antiperspirants/deodorant
  • Lip stains
  • Compact powder
  • Nail polish (especially those with formaldehyde)
  • Hair dyes
  • Perfume

Most of these products contain ingredients that cause adverse reactions when come into contact on the skin and scalp. In such cases, it is best to consult an allergy physician before using these products. Among these potentially harmful ingredients include the following:

  • Paraben
  • Formaldehyde
  • Phenoxyethanol
  • Methylchloroisothiazolinone
  • DMDM hydantoin
  • Alpha-hydroxy acids (especially those with more than 10 percent AHA levels)

How to avoid cosmetic allergies

There are many ways you can avoid these cosmetic allergy symptoms. One way is to determine if you are indeed allergic to makeup or any beauty product. As mentioned, various symptoms will appear that will confirm your allergy to a specific beauty product. If this happens, it is best to visit an allergy clinic to treat the symptoms. Other tips to avoid the adverse effects of cosmetic allergies include the following.

  • Check the label. The fewer the ingredients, the fewer the chances that it can cause adverse reactions to users. Better yet, choose products that are FDA-approved.
  • Consider having an allergy testing procedure before buying a product. One way is by patch testing. Apply a small amount of the product on the inside part of your arm. Wait for about 48 to 72 hours and check for any signs of swelling, redness, or itchiness. If there is, you already know what to do.
  • Do not apply perfume or cologne directly on the skin, but on your clothes instead. This will help lessen the risk of adverse reactions on the skin.
  • Some products may be labeled as “hypoallergenic” or “dermatologist-tested”. However, these may not guarantee that the product is safe against adverse effects. Then again, you can try the skin patch test just to be sure.


We should all be careful with the products we choose. Just when you think you are not allergic to a certain product or food, it will appear that you are once it touches your skin or consumed one. If you experience any unusual symptoms after coming into contact with a specific product, make sure to visit an allergy physician in Manassas VA immediately for proper treatment.

What You Need to Know about Hives

It is a universally-known fact that millions of people around the world have some kind of allergies. These are usually triggered by various factors such as food and beverages, pet dander, and pollen among a few. Allergic reactions can be mild but some can be severe it can be fatal enough for other people. If you are allergic to a specific food or other outdoor elements, it is best to consult an allergy specialist doctor to help you manage your condition.

Allergy triggers can cause allergic reactions that can vary from person to person. One common allergic reaction that afflicts millions of allergy sufferers is hives. This refers to skin welts that are usually red and itchy. It usually appears on the skin a few minutes or hours after getting into contact with an allergen. Hives also come in different sizes and shapes and can last up to 12 hours.

Hives vs. angioedema

Hives are also referred to as urticaria in medical terms. It usually causes itchiness and redness, but in some cases cause stinging or a burning sensation. Hives appear in different parts of the body such as the legs, arms, chest, and face. It can as small as a pen blot to as large as a food plate.

Another condition that is similar to hives is called angioedema. The difference between the two is that the latter develops underneath the skin instead of topical (the skin surface itself) as the former. Unlike urticaria, angioedema also causes swelling around the lip, eyes, feet, hands, and even the genital area, and it lasts longer than urticaria.

There are two types of urticaria: acute and chronic. The former lasts less than six weeks and are usually caused by common triggers such as foods, medications, or insect bites. The latter, on the other hand, lasts more than six weeks and can be hard to determine the exact cause. However, it is said that chronic urticaria and angioedema are caused by hepatitis, thyroid disease, or cancer.

Both urticaria and angioedema can be potentially life-threatening especially if it affects the throat or lungs. In such emergencies, it is best to go to the nearest allergy clinic or contact an allergy doctor immediately.

Causes and symptoms of hives

Hives occur due to an allergic reaction to certain allergens. Among common triggers of hives include:

  • Foods such as shellfish, nuts, and eggs among a few
  • Medical conditions such as common colds, hepatitis B, influenza, and urinary tract infections (UTI)
  • Temperature changes
  • Fever
  • Dust mites and animal dander
  • Plants such as poison ivy and nettles
  • Insect bites

While there are many possible allergic triggers, it is most likely hard to pinpoint which of these is the exact cause of hives. Nevertheless, it is important to call an allergist specialist once symptoms appear. Speaking of symptoms, among common signs of hives include:

  • Red, itchy welts that can be as small as a dot or as large as a food plate
  • The welts occur in batches on certain parts of the body such as the legs, arms, chest, and feet among a few
  • Swelling on the skin area with welts
  • Sometimes with a stinging or burning sensation

In worse cases, hives can also cause anaphylaxis which can be potentially fatal if not treated immediately. Other symptoms that need immediate medical attention include:

  • Feeling light-headed
  • Vomiting and nausea
  • Breathing difficulties
  • Cold and sweaty skin
  • Irregular heart beat

If you have the above symptoms, consult an allergy doctor immediately.

Managing and treating urticaria

In these cases, the adage “prevention is better than cure” may be suitable in these cases. As much as possible, identify possible triggers that may cause hives.  For instance, you may have to abhor or lessen alcohol consumption or avoiding consumption of certain foods such as nuts or shellfish.

There may be some products that can also trigger hives such as laundry detergents, skin creams, and body soaps. Choose ones that have gentle ingredients, unscented, and paraben-free. Avoid stress as much as possible and make time to relax and unwind even for just a few minutes.

If hives are already present, make yourself as comfortable as possible. Never scratch the affected area and apply cold compress or ice on it to alleviate itching and lessen the redness. Take supplements with Vitamins C and D, and evening primrose oils to lessen the occurrence of hives. However, make sure to consult an allergist doctor first before taking any medications or if the symptoms worsen.

Find an allergy doctor near you

If you have signs of allergies, it is best to consult an allergy physician in Germantown MD immediately. This is to avoid further complications that can worsen your condition. Visit one today!