Tag Archives: allergy

Guide to Surviving Spring Allergies

While the increasing temperatures allow you to spend time outdoors, the downside is that the plants begin to produce pollen, which can trigger your allergies.

If you suffer from seasonal allergies, you might be wondering how you will survive the spring season, right? Well, there are plenty of ways to go about it. These ways include:

Don’t wait until too late to medicate

Allergies can be efficiently treated with a variety of drugs, including nasal sprays and antihistamines, but you must plan ahead of time.

The medications take some time to work, so start two to four weeks before allergy season.

Allergy season varies based on where you live and what your allergies are. Spring allergies caused by tree pollen typically start in February and linger until early summer.

To protect yourself, you should visit your allergy doctor during winter and have them prescribe medications that will give you the protection that you need during the allergy season.

Don’t bring the enemy home.

The last thing you want is to bring allergens that are causing allergies into your home. To ensure this doesn’t happen, when you arrive home, always change your clothes and remove your shoes.

Pollen and mildew in the air adhere to your clothing, and when you sit on your furniture, you spread them all over the place.

It can be even better if you can remove the clothes outside and leave them there. This way, you ensure that your house is sterile and free of harmful pollen.

Wear a mask outside

Wearing a mask outside is a must for persons with severe allergies because it filters out harmful allergens.

The cool thing is that there are many types of masks that you can go for. The most common ones are surgical, KN95, and N95 masks, which are all effective.

Besides the masks, it’s also a good idea to use eye protection like sunglasses or goggles.

The key to getting the best result with these units is to ensure that they are the right size. For example, the masks should be a right fit that ensures that you are comfortable, and they don’t let in any pollen.

Keep your sinuses clean.

You need to keep your sinuses clear of the pollen. One of the ways to do this is by cleaning them.

Once a day, before going to bed, flush your sinuses with saline rinse bottles.

Get rid of irritants in your nose so you don’t have inflammation when you go to sleep.

You can purchase the rinse bottles at any drugstore or retailer. You can also ask your allergist if they have the bottles.

You should note that when using the bottles, it might get uncomfortable at the start, but when you get used to them, it becomes easy.

To clean your sinuses, stand with your head over a sink or in the shower, tilted to one side.

Use a squeeze bottle to slowly pour or squeeze the saline solution into the upper nostril. Allow the solution to exit your other nostril and enter the drain. At this time, breathe through your lips rather than your nose.

Repeat on the other side.

Try not to allow the water to go down the back of your throat. You may need to reposition your head until you get the proper angle.

When you’re finished, gently blow your nose into a tissue to remove any remaining mucus.

Don’t rush to use Benadryl

Many people rely on Benadryl, also known as diphenhydramine. While this is the case, don’t rush to get the medication.

The reason for this is that it can readily get into your brain and cause significant sedation that can easily last into the next day and disrupt your sleep cycle, worsening your sleep quality.

Other unpleasant side effects of the condition include dry lips, blurred eyesight, urine retention, and constipation.

Stick with newer medicines like Claritin, Allegra, and Xyzal.

These new medications have been modified to be less likely to get into your brain and cause sedation. They are much safer to use.

Don’t rely on honey

There is a lot of misinformation on the internet regarding what to do for a cough and cold. The classic one is whether local honey is ideal for treating allergies.

It’s a myth. This means that if you consume local honey, you get a little pollen, and it can’t help your allergies.

The concept of using honey to cure allergies is comparable to receiving allergy injections. You should note that honey has not been demonstrated to be beneficial, but allergy injections have.

When a person consumes local honey, they are said to be ingesting local pollen. A person’s sensitivity to this pollen may decrease over time. As a result, individuals may have fewer seasonal allergy symptoms.

It is true that bees pollinate flowers and produce honey. However, the quantity of pollen from the environment and plants are assumed to be relatively modest and diverse.

When you consume local honey, there is no certainty of how much (if any) pollen you will be exposed to. This is distinct from allergy shots, which purposely desensitize a person to pollen at regular doses.

You should note that honey has not been clinically proved to reduce allergies. However, it can still be a delicious substitute for sugary dishes.

Some people take it as a cough suppressant, though, and it has been shown to alleviate the condition.

If you suffer from seasonal allergies, you should seek medical care. Over-the-counter allergy medications are one example, as is avoiding being outside as much as possible.

Parting shot

It’s not rocket science to survive the spring allergies. You should always start treating the condition as early as possible.

This calls for you to see an allergy specialist doctor a couple of weeks before the allergy season kicks in.

You should work hard at minimizing the amount of allergens you bring back into the house, but it would even be better if you can avoid going outside altogether, especially when the pollen count is high.

Guide to Stopping Allergies from Ruining Your Sleep

The allergy season can be unpleasant. With watery eyes, sneezing, coughing, and congestion, simply getting through the day can be difficult, let alone getting enough sleep.

In addition to exacerbating sleep problems such as snoring or obstructive sleep apnea, allergies can make it difficult to fall asleep and keep you from staying asleep once you do.

The more severe your symptoms, the more likely that your allergies are causing you to sleep poorly.

To have a great night’s sleep, you need to find an allergy doctor to help you fix the issue.

Besides seeing an allergy professional, you can do many other things to curb the condition. These things include:

Keep your house doors closed

Closing windows and doors at night can keep external allergens like pollen, dust, and mold from entering your home and causing allergies.

Indoor allergens such as pet dander, dust mites, and mold spores are easy to keep contained in a closed room, therefore keeping the windows and doors closed can help decrease your exposure to these allergens.

Closing windows and doors can help improve your house’s air quality. When the windows are open, dust, pollution, and other airborne particles can enter your home and irritate your airways, making breathing difficult.

You should close your windows and doors to keep pollutants out and breathe fresher air.

Shower before you sleep

During the pollen season, showering before bed might assist in eliminating any pollen particles that may have accumulated on your skin and hair throughout the day.

This is especially vital if you’ve been outside, as pollen can readily adhere to your skin and hair.

Showering before bed removes any pollen particles that may have accumulated on your body, lowering the probability of allergy reactions at night.

Showering before bed is especially useful for people with allergies or asthma, as pollen can aggravate their symptoms and make sleeping difficult.

Tie back your long hair.

Tying your hair up at night can help avoid allergies and alleviate the severity of hay fever symptoms by reducing contact between your hair and your face.

When you spend time outside during the day, your hair may gather pollen and other allergens. If you do not tie your hair up in bed, allergens might transfer to your pillowcase and come into touch with your face, aggravating hay fever symptoms and causing allergic responses. You don’t want this, do you?

Tying your hair decreases the possibility of allergens coming into touch with your face. It alleviates the severity of hay fever symptoms.

Besides tying your hair, you should also consider shampooing it before bed, which can assist in removing any collected pollen or other allergens, lowering the chance of allergy reactions at night.

Get hypoallergenic bedding

Hypoallergenic bedding can help avoid seasonal allergies by limiting exposure to common allergens, including dust mites, pollen, and pet dander.

Dust mites are microscopic parasites that feed on dead skin cells and prefer warm, humid settings. They are a prevalent cause of seasonal allergies, and you can find them in bedding, mattresses, and pillows.

Hypoallergenic bedding repels dust mites, preventing them from gathering in your bedding. If you have allergies, particularly reactions at night or when you wake up, you might consider using a hypoallergenic mattress.

Pollen, another frequent allergy, travels with the wind and can readily settle in bedding. Hypoallergenic bedding comprises tightly woven materials that prevent pollen from infiltrating the fabric and contacting your skin. As you can tell, this keeps you safe.

Change your laundry routine.

During the pollen season, pollen particles can easily adhere to garments and textiles when spent outdoors. If you do not wash your clothes regularly, these particles can build up and cause allergic reactions indoors.

This is especially crucial for persons with allergies or asthma, as pollen can worsen their symptoms.

Washing your clothes regularly during the pollen season can help eliminate pollen particles and other allergens that may have accumulated on your clothing, lowering the risk of allergic responses.

Dab Vaseline on your nostrils

Applying Vaseline (petroleum jelly) to the inside of your nostrils can trap pollen and other airborne allergens, decreasing their entry into your nasal passages and relieving hay fever symptoms.

Applying a tiny layer of Vaseline inside your nostrils forms a barrier that can trap pollen and other allergens before they enter your nose.

Cover your duvet with a sheet.

Covering your bed sheets with a separate sheet creates a barrier that protects your bedding from pollen particles, lowering the likelihood of allergic responses and hay fever symptoms.

To establish this barrier, throw a clean sheet over your regular bedding and tuck it around the edges to keep it in place.

This additional layer can help to keep pollen and other allergens from settling on your bedding and contacting your skin and respiratory system.

Wash the extra sheet as often as possible to remove any pollen particles that may have gathered. Furthermore, during hay fever season, wash your usual bedding at least once a week to eliminate any pollen or allergens that may have been collected on it.

Wash your bedding once a week in hot water.

Washing bedding at a high temperature will eliminate pollen and other allergens that may have accumulated on your sheets, pillowcases, and blankets, lowering the likelihood of allergic responses and hay fever symptoms.

Washing your bedding at a high temperature will help break down and eliminate pollen particles and other allergens that may be trapped in the fibers.

Doing this is especially crucial during hay fever season when pollen counts are high, and exposure to pollen is increased.

Washing bedding at high temperatures might help destroy dust mites and other germs that can cause allergic reactions and worsen hay fever symptoms.

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These are some of the things you can do to prevent allergies from coming the way of your sleep. For peace of mind, work with an allergy specialist Manassas VA who will recommend antihistamines or other medications that are right for your condition.

Ways to Treat Your Kid’s Seasonal Allergies

asthma information

If your child experiences itchy eyes, a runny nose, sneezing, or throat clearing as the seasons change, there’s a strong possibility they’re reacting to pollen, a typical cause of seasonal allergies.

Thankfully, you can treat seasonal allergies in several ways in your child. Some of the ways to do it include:

Use over-the-counter medications

The nearby drugstore aisle has first-line remedies for seasonal allergies. You can buy all of them over the counter.

Some medications you can go for include Antihistamines, steroid nasal sprays, and eye drops. For children with severe symptoms, you can combine antihistamines and intranasal steroids.

If your child needs daily treatment for chronic problems, try intranasal steroids.

Oral antihistamines

Antihistamines, whether liquid or tablet, can immediately relieve seasonal allergy symptoms. When in the market, look for cetirizine, levocetirizine, loratadine, and fexofenadine in brand-name and generic forms. They typically work in 30 minutes and do not cause drowsiness in children.

In terms of drowsiness, allergists do not recommend diphenhydramine (brand name Benadryl) for youngsters due to sedation and other safety issues.

To stay safe, use one of the newer oral antihistamines with a lengthy track record of safety and effectiveness.

Nasal sprays

Steroid nasal sprays are highly effective at reducing nasal channel edema and irritation, which causes congestion. Fluticasone propionate, fluticasone furoate, and triamcinolone are among the pediatric versions you can go for.

The good side is that, unlike antihistamines, the effect does not occur immediately. You must give it to your child constantly for several days, sometimes up to two weeks before symptom alleviation occurs.

Azelastine, a nasal antihistamine available without a prescription, is another possibility. While it’s highly effective, you should note that the spray may induce drowsiness if you have a stuffy, runny, or itchy nose or sneezing, so use it in moderation.

Allergy shots

If over-the-counter medications aren’t alleviating a child’s problems, allergy shots may be the solution. While they are great, you should avoid giving them to children under five.

However, they can be an excellent solution for some school-aged children and teenagers. You should consider allergy shots if they’re on an antihistamine and a nasal steroid and still have a running nose and congestion.

Allergy shots are often administered in the doctor’s office every two to four weeks and operate by desensitizing how the immune system responds to an allergen.

So, you’re treating a child’s symptoms and modifying their allergy. A trace amount of the allergen is injected beneath the skin. The relief, however, is not immediate. In most cases, you may see symptom improvement after a year, so you should be patient.

Making lifestyle changes

Because pollen is airborne and can travel large distances, it is impossible to avoid it completely. Monitor pollen counts in your neighborhood to reduce your child’s exposure during peak times.

Consider varying your activities when the pollen counts are high. For example, instead of going to the park, you can go to the movies or stay indoors.

Keeping your windows closed can limit the amount of pollen in your home or car. Bathing or showering your child and changing into clean clothes after being outside will help to limit the spread of these allergens indoors.

Don’t forget about your pets. Your dog or cat’s fur may transport pollen into your home. Consider wiping their fur after going outside. You also should bathe the kids more frequently and keep the pollen out of your child’s room.

Under the tongue tablets

Sublingual immunotherapy, often known as under-the-tongue tablets, works in the same manner that allergy injections do.

The good side is that there will be no needles.

Each dose is administered by placing a dissolvable tablet under the child’s tongue. In the office, a doctor administers the initial dose and monitors for side effects. Following that, the child takes one tablet daily at home during allergy season.

Sublingual immunotherapy is currently approved for grass and ragweed allergies in the United States. It is unsuitable for youngsters allergic to tree pollen, one of the most prevalent spring allergens.

Seeing an allergist

Children with well-controlled symptoms may not require allergy testing. However, if over-the-counter drugs aren’t working and your child is unhappy, an allergist can help.

When you visit a pediatric allergist, they will guide your family through the treatment options and allergy testing procedure.

When a child’s allergic condition becomes difficult to treat or causes consequences, such as chronic ear or sinus infections, asthma episodes, or eczema flares, the allergist will help you control symptoms and offer additional prescription drugs.

Allergy testing gives you peace of mind and valuable information about the cause of your child’s sniffling and sneezing.

People sometimes attribute symptoms to pollen when caused by a dust mite or pet allergy, which may necessitate year-round medication and different management strategies.

Through testing, your doctor will tell you the best way to control the condition and the best medications to try.

Parting shot

Seasonal allergies affect about one in every five children, which is expected to rise as climate change causes longer pollen seasons and increased pollen production.

Pollen from oak, birch trees, and other plants are infamous for causing springtime allergy problems in different areas.

A child experiencing allergy symptoms throughout the summer may be allergic to grass pollen. Weed allergies become more prevalent in the fall.

Waiting until your child is unhappy from sneezing and sniffling may require considerably more medication to control symptoms, so it’s good to catch the problem before it develops.

One of the ways to do it is to change their lifestyle, where they spend most of their time indoors. If you do this and the kid still gets sick, don’t worry, as you can use plenty of medications to your advantage.

Besides the medications, also think about taking your child to an allergy specialist Manassas VA. The specialist will undertake a battery of tests to help you understand the nature of the allergy better and how to get over it.

How to Manage Pet Allergies

For a lot of people, their dogs, cats, and other animals are members of the family. From cuddling to watching pets offer companionship to people who care for them. However, when you have a furry friend, asthma and allergies can be a less-than-perfect partnership. Three out of ten people with allergies are reactive to cats and dogs.

An allergy specialist sees this a lot in their patients, which is why they should know their triggers and how to manage symptoms when they happen. A lot of people think that fur causes allergies. The reality is that proteins in dander or dead skin cells collect animal hair. If you want to learn more, read on.

Understand Pet Allergies

You need to see a doctor and get tested to determine what allergies you have. You could find out that you are allergic to something else and not really your pet. For instance, you might assume that you are allergic to your dog, only to discover that you are allergic to tree pollen that goes on his fur while walking outside.

If the test shows that you are allergic to your pet, you should understand what causes your allergic reaction. There are proteins that trigger allergies known as allergens in skin glands and saliva that cling to the dry skin of animals and fur. The fur and dander will then stick to carpets, clothing, and walls.

Clean Your Rugs Once a Week

If you want to reduce how much dander is in your home, you should focus on spots that are magnets for it, such as carpets and rugs. You should make sure to vacuum carpets once weekly with a device that uses HEPA filter. They suck up small bits of matter, like pet dander, that other vacuums could miss. Your rugs should be washed once a week.

Pet dander can stick to hard surfaces like floors and walls, so make sure to clean them regularly based on proper care instructions for any materials.

Use an Allergy-capturing Filter

When you regularly change it every 3 months, they are going to capture the invisible and visible dander and other allergens, which effectively vacuum air that flows through your filter. You will get the benefits of allergen defense, and the best dust-holding power of any filter. Improve indoor quality by capturing allergens and holding 2X more dust because a cleaner, fresher home is happy.

Do Not Allow Pets in Your Bedroom

People spend half of their time in the bedroom, which is why you should never allow your pet to sleep in bed with you. Make sure to limit the access of your pets to the bedroom by keeping your bedroom door closed all the time. Regularly wash your bedding and consider an allergen-free mattress cover that fits on your box spring and mattress.

Bathe Your Pet Every Week

When you do this, you are reducing the allergy-causing dander you have. Cats can become used to bathing, but it is important to only use products that are for cats; kittens might need kitten shampoo. Ask your veterinary staff or a good book on pet care for directions when it comes to safe bathing. It would be good to use a shampoo that is recommended by your veterinarian or animal care specialist.

Consider Your Environment

If you are already allergic to dust mites, mold, pollen, or cigarette smoke, your allergies have most likely kicked in. This will make you extra sensitive when you add a pet.

You can try an allergist specialist Germantown MD anytime you need to address pet allergies.

Signs of Dust Mite Allergy

Dust mite allergy is caused by an allergic reaction to small bugs that live in the dust. The signs of dust mite allergy can include the ones that are common to hay fever, like runny nose and sneezing. A lot of people with dust mite allergy can also experience symptoms of asthma like sneezing, and difficulty in breathing.

When you take steps to lessen the dust mites in your home, you can have better control of dust mite allergy. Medications and other treatments can sometimes be necessary to relieve symptoms and control asthma.

It would be good to know the signs of dust mites before going to an allergy clinic because you can easily tell the doctor what you experienced.

What Causes Dust Mite Allergies

An allergy is the response of the immune system to an unknown substance that is not normally harmful to the body. These substances are known as allergens. They can include specific foods, dust mites, and pollens. People who have dust mite allergies have a bad reaction to the bug remnants. These remnants can include small amounts of decaying bodies and feces.

Your household might be clean, but it will not take a lot to create an environment that is perfect for dust mites.


Symptoms of dust mites caused by nasal passages inflammation include:

  • Running nose
  • Sneezing
  • Watery eyes
  • Itchy nose and/or throat
  • Postnasal drip
  • Nasal congestion
  • Cough
  • Pain and facial pressure
  • Blue-colored skin under the eyes
  • Frequent rubbing of the nose in a child

If the allergy adds to your asthma, you can also experience the following:

  • Chest pain or tightness
  • Breathing difficulty
  • Wheezing or whistling sound while exhaling
  • Trouble sleeping because of shortness of breath, wheezing or coughing
  • Coughing or wheezing gets worse because of respiratory illnesses or viruses like the flu or cold

Dust mite allergy could range from mild to severe. A mild dust mite allergy could cause a runny nose from time to time, watery eyes, and even sneezing. In most cases, the condition might be ongoing, which causes persistent coughing, sneezing, congestion, eczema, facial pressure, or asthma attack.

Diagnosing Allergies of Dust Mites

You should talk to an allergist if you feel that your symptoms are worse at home, especially when you clean or when you lie down in bed. The allergist can diagnose and treat allergies.

The allergist is going to use diagnostic tests in order to determine if you are allergic to dust mites. The most common kind of test is a skin-prick test. In this test, the allergist is going to choose an area of the skin with a small allergen extract. The allergist will wait 15 minutes to check if the skin has a negative reaction. In case you have a reaction, you are going to develop a big bump around the skin’s pricked area. The area can also become itchy and red.


  • Antihistamines help relieve runny nose, itching, and sneezing
  • Nasal corticosteroids reduce inflammation with some side effects compared to their oral counterparts
  • Decongestants can make tissues smaller in nasal passages, so you can breathe easily
  • Medications that combine antihistamines and decongestant
How Long Does it Last?

When dust mite allergens no longer surround you, the symptoms you have will normally go away after a couple of hours. If your dust mite allergies are severe, you might have symptoms for a couple of days. This can be uncomfortable and can even disrupt sleep if you do not take anything for treatment.

You can go to an allergy center Manassas VA anytime if you need to seek treatment for your dust mite allergy.

Why Fall Make Allergies Worse

Transitioning from summer to fall is the time when people go back to school, but for those who suffer from allergies, the seasonal switch could mean an unwelcome change in the symptoms. For people who feel the fall pollen impacts like mold and ragweed, you are not alone in this. Allergic rhinitis symptoms, including runny nose and congestion, can affect millions of people in the USA every year.

Some states make these effects more compounded because of weather patterns that switch between dry and wet periods, which trigger the allergens released into the air.

You can ask your allergy doctor about fall allergy treatments, but you need to know why allergies are worse during the fall. Read on to learn more.


In the fall, ragweed surges so it spews pollen into the air and it causes classic nasal allergy symptoms such as sneezing, itchy eyes, and scratchy throat. While you cannot completely avoid ragweed pollen, you can do steps to reduce exposure. You need to keep your windows and doors closed. Use refrigerated air conditioning, if possible, but not an evaporative cooler. The best thing to do is to wear a NIOSH-95 face mask so you will not inhale pollen when going outside. Your respiratory system will thank you for this.


Mold is another allergy trigger in the fall. Normally, fall weather comes with cooler weather and rain. Once the fall foliage starts to decay, it will attract mold growth. Breathing mold aggravates asthma, which causes wheezing, heavy breathing, and other upper respiratory symptoms in mold allergies. If you want to make the most out of the cooler weather and enjoy the outdoors more, you might have to wear a mask while being out in the woods.


You might want to bask in the summer days that extend in autumn, but the warm air can extend the pollen season and trigger allergy symptoms in the fall. You must not give up the last days of summer in order to avoid a runny nose. If you want to keep symptoms controlled, avoid the outdoors when pollen count normally peaks. You can enjoy the late summer sun at dusk. You can also try avoiding chores like raking leaves and mowing grass, both of which can stir up mold spores and pollen.

Dust Mites

Everyone can agree that fall weather is the most comfortable because days are a little cooler and you might also have to turn on the heat to feel cozy. This could be the first time in a few months that you turn on the heating. This blows a lot of dust mites inside your home, which trigger wheezes, sneezes, and runny noses. That is why you should change the filter before running the heating system.


You might have realized that pet dander triggers allergy symptoms such as sneezing and a runny nose. However, did you realize that your pet can worsen fall allergies? Cats and dogs that play outside can collect ragweed pollen inside their fur and bring it inside your home. After you go inside, the pollen can disperse into the air easily and cause misery for those who suffer from fall allergies. If you want to avoid this, make sure to wipe your pet using a damp towel before you allow it back indoors after being outside.


The warm air that could extend to pollen season and trigger symptoms of fall allergies. You would want to stay indoors in those last days of summer to avoid the symptoms. Stay indoors in the morning because it is when pollen count normally peaks.

You can visit allergist Germantown MD if you have fall allergies.

How Allergies Affect Children

Parents do not want to see their kids suffer. Any child can develop allergies, which is going to improve the life of your child and lessen the school days they missed. It also helps to keep you from having to use sick days or vacation days to take care of your child.

One of the most common allergies that children experience is on the skin. Another common allergy in children is food. Respiratory allergies are most common in older children.

Cases of skin and food allergies among children have increased over a long period, and skin allergies are prevalent in younger children compared to older ones.

You can look for an allergy doctor for your child so you can concentrate on other things more.

Nasal Congestion

Allergies are one of the most common causes of nasal congestion that happens chronically. There are times when the nose of a child is congested when he or she breathes through the mouth, even more so while sleeping. This might also cause a child to not get some rest at night and then feel tired the next day. In case the congestion and mouth-breathing are always untreated. They can affect teeth and bone growth. The early allergy treatment that causes nasal congestion might prevent these problems.

Heat Rash

Heat rash is most often seen in young children and babies when their sweat gland pores get blocked, not allowing perspiration to escape. The rash will look like small pink patches or red bumps, or blisters under spots or clothing where the skin has the tendency to fold on your elbows, neck, thighs, or armpits. However, heat rash can also happen in covered areas.


Eczema is one of the most common skin allergy conditions, especially when it comes to children. It affects 1 out of 5 infants, but only about 50 adults. This is because of leakiness in the skin barrier, which dries it out and becomes prone to inflammation and irritation by a lot of environmental factors. Also, there are young children with eczema who are also sensitive to food which make eczema symptoms worse. Half of the patients who have severe atopic dermatitis are caused by a faulty gene called filaggrin. The itch caused by eczema is not only because of histamine so anti-histamines might not be able to manage the symptoms. Most of the time, eczema is normally linked with allergic rhinitis, asthma, or food allergy. This progression is known as the atopic march.


Hives show as red bumps or welts soon after they come in contact with an allergen and severe allergic reaction. Unlike skin allergies, hives are not dry or scaly and it can appear anywhere on the body.

Some symptoms include difficulty in breathing or a swollen face and mouth. You should look for medical attention right away if these symptoms occur with hives.

Ear Infection

Allergies cause inflammation in the ear and it can cause fluid accumulation that promotes ear infections and decreased hearing. A baby who is hard of hearing for any reason while you are learning to talk will cause poor speech. Allergies cause earaches and itching, fullness, and popping. Anyone who has these symptoms should see an allergy specialist for possible treatment and testing.

Stings and Insect Bites

Insects like wasps, bees, fire ants, mosquitos, and ticks cause itching minor and minor discomfort because they prick the skin. In some children, insect bites and stings cause severe allergic reactions known as anaphylaxis which includes rashes and life-threatening symptoms known as airway swelling.

You can find allergy doctor Manassas VA if your child is experiencing any of these symptoms.



Facts About Seasonal Allergies

Allergic rhinitis that happens only in certain seasons is also called hay fever. There are about 8% that experience it. Hay fever happens when you have an immune system that overreacts to an allergen outdoors, like pollen. An allergen triggers an allergic response. Wind-pollinated allergens are the most common, like grasses, trees, and weeds. The pollens that come from insect-pollinated plans remain airborne for a long time, and they hardly trigger an allergic reaction.

It is called hay fever because the name is derived from the hay-cutting season. Based on history, this activity happened during the summer months, which is about the same time as a lot of people have symptoms.

You might need an allergy specialist to determine if you have hay fever. Read on to learn more.

Treatment of Seasonal Allergies

There are a lot of ways that seasonal allergies can be treated, which depends on how bothersome those symptoms are. A crucial part of treatment is knowing what a person is allergic to. Some kids are relieved by eliminating or reducing allergen exposure that bothers them.

If specific seasons cause symptoms, you should keep your windows closed and use air conditioning instead of fresh air if possible, and remember to stay indoors when there are high pollen counts. It is also a great idea for kids who have seasonal allergies to wash the dirt off of their hands or shower and wear a new set of clothes after they play outside.


Trees are to be blamed for the majority of allergies in springtime. The most common offender is Birch, which is found in the northern latitudes, where a lot of people with hay fever react to pollen. Other allergenic trees found in North America are aider, cedar, horse chestnut, poplar, and willow.


Ragweed season is in Autumn. Most of the ragweed grows in North and South America Temperate Regions. They have invasive plants that are hard to control. Their pollen is a common allergen, and ragweed allergy symptoms can be severe.

Other plants which drop their pollen during fall include mugworts, nettles, fat hens, sorrels, and plantains.


The hay-cutting season is normally in the summer months. But what really causes summertime allergies are the grasses like ryegrass and timothy grass, and even certain weeds. The most common trigger of hay fever in people are grasses.


During winter, the majority of allergens remain dormant, Therefore, cold weather gives relief to a lot of people who have hay fever. However, this also means that more people are spending time outdoors. If you are prone to getting seasonal allergies, you might react to indoor allergens like pet dander, mold, cockroaches, or dust mites.

Most of the time indoor allergens are easier to get rid of from the environment compared to outdoor pollens. Here are some tips for getting rid of allergens inside your home:

  • Make sure to wash your bedding in hot water once every week
  • Cover the bedding and pillows with covers that are allergen-proof
  • Stop using upholstered furniture and carpets
  • Remove stuffed toys
  • Fix any water leaks and clean up water damage that helps the mold and pests to grow and multiply
  • Clean the moldy surfaces and places where mold can form, which includes swamp coolers, humidifiers, refrigerators, and air conditioners
  • Use a dehumidifier to lessen excess moisture
You Should Take the Prescribed Allergy Medication the Entire Season

After you have identified the allergy triggers of your child and the season(s), your doctor might prescribe to minimize the symptoms.

Go to an allergy specialist doctor Manassas VA if you need an allergist before the season starts.

How to Manage Allergies While Travelling

Millions of people are suffering from allergic rhinitis, which is a sensitive reaction to environmental things, like dust mites, pollen, or even pet dander. If you have experienced a runny or stuffy nose or itchy eyes, you most likely have allergic rhinitis.

Seasonal allergies might be a nuisance to a lot of people, especially while you travel. This year could pose even more challenges, while allergy sufferers should prepare for high pollen count in the air. Trees started to release pollen later that year because of colder weather. If you are traveling, you can ask your allergy specialist about anything you might have to worry about while being abroad. If you want to have more knowledge on how to prevent allergies while traveling, read on.

Things to Consider Before You Go

Prevention and preparation give you a way to travel successfully even if you have allergies. Here are the tips you can consider before going:

  • Consider a destination that is allergy-free – Mountains and beaches are great destinations to visit all year round for those who suffer from allergies. Ocean breezes are normally allergen-free, dust mites are fewer at elevations that are above 2,500 feet, and mold spores cannot survive in the snow.
  • You have to check pollen and weather forecasts so you can plan. For instance, if you are allergic to ragweed, you should visit New York in early August compared to other months.

Pack Wisely

Pack everything you require in order to fight off allergies in your carry-on or bag if you are going to fly. Planes have a lot of allergens and germs. Other flight crew or passengers that travel from high-pollen areas might have them on their personal belongings or clothes. Dust mites and mold spores also travel through the air inside an airport or airplane. Allergens stick their seats, tray tables, and seats, which makes it more likely that you will have contact with them.

Food Allergies

It can be hard to travel with food allergies, especially if you experience severe allergic reactions. You should do some research when it comes to food labeling in the countries, you will visit. It is also crucial to consider which airline will be able to accommodate your dietary restrictions.

Find out what the contact details are in the country you are traveling to. Take note of the switchboard number in your hotel because this might vary. Consider getting a foreign language travel card in regards to your allergy to show which restaurants can cater to your needs in your destination.

It Might be Wise to Bring Your Own Pillow

Dust mites are common when you are in a motel. You can, partially, fight them by taking your own pillow with you and putting a hypoallergenic cover on it.

Ask Your Allergist

Check-in with your allergist before your departure because it is important if you will be traveling abroad and might require immunizations or vaccinations. Discuss with them where you are going to go and what activities you are allowed to do. For instance, locations that are elevated above 5,000 feet might make breathing hard for you and cold weather can trigger asthma patients. People who have asthma should consult with their allergist before doing activities like scuba diving.

Be Picky About Hotel Rooms

Regardless if you are staying in a 3-star or 5-star hotel, you need to be picky. Before traveling, ask the hotel if their rooms are allergy-free. In case they do not, ask for a room that was pet-free or one that is facing the sunlight.

Visit an allergy clinic Germantown MD before traveling.  




Tips to Improve Indoor Allergens in Your Home

The control of asthma and allergy starts at home. A lot of people who have allergies stay in their homes when the outdoor air has a lot of spores and pollen. However, dust mites, animal dander, and cockroaches can cause problems indoors. If you want to reduce indoor air pollution, you need to have adequate ventilation, control pollution sources and clean your indoor air.

After you see an allergy specialist, you should also do your part by controlling indoor allergens in your home. If you want to know what to do so that the allergens in your home are kept at bay, this article is going to give you what you need. Read on to know more.

Control Dust Mites

Keep surfaces in your home clean and uncluttered. The best ones are bare walls and floors, specifically the one in your bedroom where you spend most of your nights. If you have a carpet, throw rugs that are washable or low-pile carpets are even better.

The most important method is to put zippered allergen impermeable or pillow covers, box springs, and mattresses. Encased mattresses work better compared to air cleaners in order to reduce allergy symptoms. You should wash your bedding, uncovered pillows, and stuffed toys every week in hot water.

If you are turning on the heat, allergens such as pet dander and dust are lurking in the air ducts. It is recommended that you use a high-efficiency furnace filter to lessen indoor allergens that circulate in your home. It is recommended that you immediately change your filters every 90 days. You should start to change it with the seasons so that you can remember.

Limit How Much Pollen Goes Inside Your Home

You should ask as much, to keep your window closed if you require air conditioning to keep pollen from being blown inside your home. Remember to take off your shoes outside, or put a mat outside the door so you can wipe dirt off your feet. When you keep temperatures inside cool is also helpful in preventing humidity. This creates the best environment for dust mites and mold.

Clean Your House Regularly

Vacuuming your home with a HEPA filter weekly will also cut down allergens indoors like pet dander and dust mites. When you dust around your knick-knacks and books, you should use electrostatic cloth or microfiber that holds dust instead of only moving it around. As you dust and vacuum, dust is going to get stirred up in the air, so if you are allergic, you can use an N95 filter mask while you clean.

When it is possible, you should use wall-to-wall carpeting, even in the bedrooms. Hardwood floors become easier to clean because you can see the dust while cleaning. However, you can use washable area rugs as well to cut down allergens.

Avoid Any Mold Spores

You should reduce moisture around your bathroom, kitchen, and other water areas in your home. Dehumidifiers are also helpful in reducing dust mites and mold. You should limit yourself to a couple of house plants. You should fix every leak and other cause of the damp areas in your home. Clean the moldy surfaces. Get rid of the moldy firewood, and piles of weeds and leaves.

Keep the Cockroaches Controlled

You should not leave any garbage or food uncovered. You should use boric acid, poison baits, and traps instead of chemical agents that will irritate your rhinitis and/or trigger asthma.

If you cannot control indoor allergens, you can always contact the allergy doctor Manassas VA.