Tag Archives: allergy tips

Guide to Surviving Winter Allergy Season

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, up to 60 million people in the United States may experience allergic rhinitis symptoms yearly.

These symptoms, including sneezing, runny nose, and congestion, are triggered by your body’s reactivity to an allergen that it interprets as a threat.

Pollen, which plants release into the air as part of their reproductive cycle, is frequently the cause of seasonal allergies.

The kinds of pollen present, and how much, depend on where you reside.

In addition to irritating the nose, pollen can irritate the eyes and other areas.

According to the CDC, seven out of ten patients with nasal allergy symptoms (allergic rhinitis) will also have itchy, red, or watery eyes.

Are you concerned about winter allergies, and what you can do to limit your exposure this season? Here are a few ideas given by allergy specialist doctor to get you started:

Keep the humidity low.

Dust mites are microscopic pests that dwell in household dust and feed on dead skin and dander generated by humans and animals.

They typically reside in mattresses, drapes, furniture, carpet, and bedding. They thrive in humid environments. So, if you want to use humidifiers in the winter, keep the humidity at or below 50%.

You should even consider a dehumidifier if your home tends to retain moisture during the winter.

Pay attention to your bedroom.

Because many people spend so many hours a day in the bedroom. The American Academy of Allergy, Asthma, and Immunology recommends paying particular attention to removing allergens commonly present in that section of the house.

This involves washing sheets and bedding in warm water once a week and using zippered dust mite coverings on pillows and mattresses.

The National Institute of Environmental Health Services also suggests replacing wool or feather-filled bedding with synthetic fabrics and washing stuffed animals for children.

Be on the lookout for mold.

Consider opening a window or increasing airflow if mold frequently grows in wet areas of the house such as a bathroom.

Remove mold from hard surfaces using soap and water and allow the area to dry thoroughly. Also, as the holidays approach, look at the Christmas trees for mold if someone’s allergy symptoms occur after decorating the tree.

Watch out for allergy signs.

When you think of seasonal allergies, you probably think of sneezing, wheezing, and watery eyes. If you have any of the following symptoms, you most likely have seasonal allergies:

  • Sneezing frequently
  • Itchy or watery eyes
  • Nasal congestion
  • Nasal, ear, or chest congestion
  • Postnasal dripping
  • Throat itch
  • Eyelid puffiness

The symptoms listed above are pretty standard. However, your allergies may manifest differently. Seasonal allergies could also cause these less common symptoms:

  • Wheezing
  • Coughing
  • Unexpected loss of exercise endurance
  • A little headache

To be comfortable during the season, you must keep a close eye on the symptoms and take the necessary steps as soon as possible to curb them.

Reducing exposure to allergens will help. And some of the things you can do to achieve this include:

  • When symptoms show up, keep your windows closed.
  • If you are allergic to indoor allergens, use an air purifier.
  • When conducting yard chores, wear a dust mask.
  • Pollen forecasts can be found on your local weather network, so look at them.
  • Shower and wash your hair at the end of each day to remove pollen from your clothes, hair, and skin.

 As much as reducing exposure is beneficial, it is unlikely to eliminate symptoms. So, stock up on everything from nasal sprays and decongestants to tissues for the expected runny noses and itchy eyes.

Stay moisturized

If you suffer from eczema or dry skin, continue bathing every day during the winter. You also should pat dry and moisturize shortly after stepping out of a bath or shower (within two to three minutes).

The more moisturizing you do, the better. So, keep reapplying creams several times a day.

Work on getting rid of dust.

You should avoid using fans in the winter and keep surfaces clean. Also, when dusting, use a wet towel to minimize stirring up dust mites, or wear a face mask if the area is dusty.

The fewer surfaces dust can gather, the better, so you should eliminate anything you don’t use. If you visit many homes, you will find rarely used tables and other pieces of furniture. You should get rid of these.

Make use of an air purifier. Of course, you don’t want dust in the air. Therefore, an air purifier in the home can be handy.

As much as you should protect yourself when dusting your house, it’s a good idea to wait at least a couple of hours before returning to the room after vacuuming or dusting.

Invest in knowledge

If you or your children are suffering from allergies this winter, consider seeing an allergist and immunologist in your area who can help identify the illness and, if necessary, recommend a treatment plan.

When hiring an allergist, take your time and ensure you are hiring the best.

Like when hiring any other professional, you take your time to vet them, right? You should do the same with an allergy doctor. An excellent way to go about it is to set an appointment.

How easy is it to get hold of the professional? You should be cautious of this. You want to work with a professional who is easy to find. If you don’t want your condition to flare up, and you can’t get hold of the allergy specialist Germantown.

If you suffer from any form of allergies, you can expect to see the allergy specialist several times. You don’t want to interact with someone with a horrible personality, do you? To ensure this doesn’t happen, ensure that the allergist you are working with is pleasant to be with and they are knowledgeable in the area.

Besides getting information from the allergy professional, there are plenty of other places to get information about your condition. You can watch videos, read blogs and articles, and so on. You only need to ensure that an expert is making the information you consume. 

All About Allergy Shots and How to Reduce Your Reaction to Them

Allergen immunotherapy, often known as allergy shots, treats common allergies to pollen, dust mites, pet dander, and mold spores. They may also be beneficial if you are allergic to the venom of stinging insects such as bees, hornets, wasps, and yellow jackets.

As much as the shots are beneficial, some people have unpleasant reactions, which can be counterproductive. 

To shed more light on it, here is why this occurs, what to look for, and how you may be able to avoid allergic reactions to allergy shots.

How allergy shots work

Allergy shots are an allergy treatment that involves the allergy doctor injecting small amounts of allergens into your body. Depending on your allergies, your allergy doctor will create a customized cocktail of allergens in the shots for you.

The shots help reduce or even stop allergy symptoms from coming about.

You develop a tolerance to allergens by exposing your body to tiny amounts in the shots. Then, when you encounter allergens, such as during allergy season, your body does not react as strongly to them.

This treatment necessitates numerous doses, usually weekly, over several years. Your provider gradually increases the amount of allergens in the shot.

You’ll need to have the shots less frequently once you’ve reached the maintenance phase (the greatest dose).

Reason for allergy shot reaction

Your allergy doctor always begins with extremely low doses of the allergens. The idea is to sufficiently excite your immune system to recognize allergens without causing a severe reaction.

While this is the case, you should note that unpleasant reactions to allergy injections may occur on occasion.

This is because you are being given things you are allergic to, and there’s always that risk of an adverse reaction.

When administered correctly, allergy shots desensitize you to the allergen trigger. Unfortunately, your body may sometimes overreact to the allergens in the shot.

Reactions might range from mild swelling at the injection site to life-threatening anaphylaxis.

Swelling at the injection site is the most common reaction to allergy injections. This swelling can range from a pea to a golf ball, but it usually goes away within 48 hours. Itching and/or hives may also occur over vast areas of your body.

Thankfully, severe reactions to allergy shots are less common — generally considered less than 1%.

While these are some of the common reactions that might come about, other less common but more significant reactions that can come about include:

  • Breathing difficulties include chest tightness, wheezing, and/or shortness of breath.
  • A decrease in blood pressure accompanied by dizziness and/or fainting.
  • Hives that appear on the injection site.

Who is prone to allergy shot reactions?

Asthmatics are more likely to have an allergic reaction to allergy injections.

If you have asthma, you must stay on your asthma meds and ensure your asthma is well-controlled before having these shots.

You should have a peak flow test before each shot to protect yourself. This test measures how quickly air exits your lungs when you exhale. This test determines whether or not your asthma is under control.

If you take beta-blockers or other blood pressure medications, you may also be more susceptible to a reaction, so be ultra cautious when going for it.

While these are the most common people to develop a reaction, anyone can develop a reaction to allergy shots. There’s no way to predict that, so you should always take precautions before you get the shots.

Ways to avoid allergy shot reactions

There are several things you can do to avoid allergy shot reactions. These things include:

Inform your healthcare practitioner if you have asthma. When giving your allergist your medical history, be detailed and exact. Mention any prior allergic reactions, medical conditions, or medications you are taking. This information will assist your allergist in determining the proper dosage and treatment plan.

Remember to take your meds as directed to keep your asthma under control.

If you have a cold or a respiratory infection, postpone getting your allergy shot until you feel better.

Avoid strenuous activities immediately after receiving an allergy injection. It’s even recommended that you avoid strenuous activities for an hour or two after injection. 

Follow your doctor’s advice and take an antihistamine before your shot. You also should follow the specified allergy shot injection regimen. Your allergist will begin with a build-up period when the dose gradually increases. This gradual escalation allows your body to develop tolerance to the allergen.

When the doctor tells you to do certain things and avoid others, obey their word.

Remember that once you’ve reached the maintenance phase in your course of allergy shots, your risk of a reaction decreases significantly.

When you are looking for an allergy specialist to administer a shot, ensure that you use an experienced one who knows what they are doing.

 Ensure a board-certified allergist or immunologist is treating you with allergy injections experience. They will carefully examine your allergies and provide a treatment plan tailored to your needs.

Don’t try to cut corners and hire a cheap allergist, as chances are that they won’t give you the service you want, and you will most likely be in more problems than you planned.

Take time to find an experienced professional. They might be a little expensive, but they will be worth it.

It’s a good idea to stay at the doctor’s office for at least 30 minutes after receiving an allergy shot. This allows medical professionals to keep an eye on you in case of an emergency. Serious responses are uncommon, but they might occur immediately after the injection.

Since you are already at the doctor’s office, you can get the medical attention you need if you react to the shot.

The success of allergy injections is dependent on consistency. Missing shots or delaying treatment might stymie your progress and increase your chance of adverse responses when you begin treatment.

So always be consistent with the allergy shots and get them at the right time as your allergist Germantown MD recommends.

How to Deal with Pollen and Other Allergens in Summer

Summer is a great season to engage in outdoor activities, but it is also the worst time of year for people who suffer from allergies.

During this time, you may have symptoms such as sneezing, itchy eyes, and a runny nose because the amount of pollen and other allergens increases in warm weather.

Thankfully, you can take steps to protect yourself against allergy symptoms. These steps, as given by allergist specialist, include:

Minimize your exposure

The most important thing you can do to reduce your exposure to pollen and other allergens is to keep your windows closed, particularly during peak pollen production hours.

This is because pollen particles can easily enter your house or office through open windows, causing an allergen accumulation.

Pollen counts are highest in the early morning and late afternoon. Stay inside as much as possible during these times, especially on windy days.

Consider using a mask to protect yourself from airborne allergies when going outside. Wearing a mask will help filter out pollen and other allergens that would be inhaled.

If you have a respiratory problem, such as asthma, wearing a mask outside is even more vital.                     

Filter the air getting into the house.

Installing air filters in your home or business effectively prevents pollen and other allergen exposure. Air filters help capture and remove particles from the air, reducing the number of irritants that may trigger allergic reactions.

Air filtration systems work by trapping pollutants in the air on a filter medium, which you remove when changing the filter.

This helps clean indoor air by removing dust, pollen, pet dander, mold spores, and other allergens you could have inhaled.

Many different types of air filtration systems are available for purchase at hardware stores or online merchants.

Some models even include built-in sensors that detect changes in indoor air quality and notify you when the filter material needs to be replaced.

You should note that installing the correct system isn’t enough—you must also perform routine maintenance as the manufacturer directs to keep your air filtration system running smoothly. This entails changing filters, cleaning the unit, and verifying that the system operates well.

Take the proper medication.

Over-the-counter medicines and allergy shots can be helpful techniques for lowering symptoms during the summer. While these procedures aren’t usually essential for minor cases of seasonal allergies, they can help those with more severe symptoms or who don’t respond well to conventional treatments.

Over-the-counter medications are typically used to reduce symptoms such as sneezing, itching eyes, and a runny nose.

The most often used OTC allergy drugs are antihistamines, decongestants, and nasal sprays.

Following the directions on the medication package is essential for the best results. If symptoms persist or worsen after taking an over-the-counter medication, you should consult your doctor.

Allergy shots (immunotherapy) are injections of a small amount of allergen that are repeated until the body develops a tolerance.

Where other procedures have failed to relieve severe allergies, allergy shots may be advised. When going for them, you should note that they can take many months to become effective and should only be administered under the guidance of a qualified medical practitioner.

Maintain a healthy lifestyle.

Keeping a strong immune system is vital for fighting allergic pollen. Maintaining a healthy lifestyle involves:

  • Getting enough sleep.
  • Eating a nutritious and well-balanced diet.
  • Drinking plenty of water.
  • Engaging in regular physical activity.

Enough rest allows the body to repair itself and prepare for new challenges. As a rule of thumb, you should ensure enough sleep.

Individual sleep requirements vary, but most adults require 7-9 hours of sleep every night for maximum health and well-being. If you have problems sleeping regularly or are excessively sleepy during the day, consult a healthcare expert to treat any underlying issues.

Your body’s ability to fight seasonal allergies may increase with a balanced, nutritious diet rich in freshly prepared fruits and vegetables. Antioxidants and other minerals, such as vitamins C, E, B6, and B12, as well as selenium, zinc, omega-3 fatty acids, and magnesium, can help improve your immune system.

Drinking sufficient water is necessary for maintaining proper hydration, which in turn assists in removing waste products from the body and transporting essential nutrients to the cells.

Consistent physical activity is a strong way to boost one’s immunity. This is achieved by increasing circulation and oxygen levels throughout the body.

Aim for at least thirty minutes of physical activity on most days of the week. Walking, running, or cycling are wonderful ways to enhance overall health and lessen allergic reaction symptoms.

Wear the proper clothing.

In the summer, wearing the correct clothing might help decrease your exposure to pollen and other allergies. While it may be impossible to eliminate allergens, wearing natural fibers clothing can help mitigate their effects.

Opt for clothing made of natural materials such as cotton or linen rather than synthetic textiles such as polyester or rayon. Natural fibers allow more air to flow and do not collect dust and pollen as easily as synthetic materials.

Furthermore, it is critical to use breathable materials so that sweat does not pool on your skin, reducing irritation from contact with allergens. If feasible, use lighter hues that will not attract as much sunlight and heat, which might aggravate allergy reactions.

When selecting new garments, it is crucial to consider the fabric finishes used. This is because some finishes, such as waxes, oils, dyes, or waterproofing agents, may include chemicals that irritate sensitive skin or induce an allergic reaction.

Parting shot

Keeping allergy symptoms under control during the hot summer can be difficult, but it is not impossible. Reduce your exposure to allergens, install air filters, invest in high-efficiency particulate arresting (HEPA) filters, wear protective clothing, and live a healthy lifestyle to lessen the severity of your symptoms and make it easier to spend time outside.

With these helpful ideas for managing summer allergies under your belt, you should be able to enjoy everything this season has to offer without having to worry about unpleasant allergy symptoms.

If you experience severe symptoms, visit an allergy doctor immediately.

Understanding Fall Allergies

Allergies do not appear solely in the spring. The persistent sniffles, plugged nose, itchy eyes, and sneezing occur in the fall as well — and, according to allergy clinic experts, they’re becoming more widespread and intense.

How much do you know about fall allergies? Here’s what you need to know about the seasonal allergy surge and how to deal with it.

What causes fall allergies

Ragweed, a tall, willowy plant in urban and rural regions, is the most common cause of fall allergies.

This plant can produce one billion grains of pollen, which can irritate and inflame your sinuses. Ragweed blooms in August and normally peaks mid-September but might persist into November.

You will find ragweed in practically every state, although it grows in huge numbers on the East Coast and Midwest. Those who suffer from fall allergies might also blame mold for falling and decaying leaves, which can cause the same symptoms.

Many people don’t realize that allergy seasons have nearly doubled in length and intensity due to climate change. The increased CO2 emissions cause plants to produce more pollen, worsening allergies.

Furthermore, when temperatures remain higher for longer periods, and the first frost occurs later, plants such as ragweed have more opportunities to grow and emit allergens.

The urban heat island effect causes cities to have greater temperatures than suburban or rural locations. Densely packed buildings absorb and retain the sun’s heat, making it up to seven degrees hotter in urban areas during the day.

As a result, allergies tend to be more severe if you live in a city where higher temperatures allow ragweed to bloom for longer periods.

The difference between allergies, colds, and covid

Symptoms vary from person to person, but many people have the same allergy symptoms in the fall as in the spring. That means runny noses, sneezing, stuffiness, postnasal drip, and weariness all sound like cold symptoms and the prevalent version of Covid.

The only way to be sure you don’t have Covid is to take a test – but there are a few signs that can point you in the right direction. Viral illnesses emerge rapidly and then run their course, but allergies linger for four, six, or eight weeks at a time.

And, unlike colds, Covid, and the flu, allergies rarely induce fevers, body pains, or gastrointestinal symptoms like diarrhea.

Itchiness can indicate allergies, so watch for itchy, tingling ears, eyes, throats, and noses. Allergens in the fall can also create rashes similar to eczema.

Monitoring your allergy symptoms is critical, especially since allergens can provoke asthma attacks. Coughing, wheezing, and chest tightness are all indicators of asthma, especially if you wake up in the middle of the night with these symptoms.

If you feel winded, weary, or dizzy after light physical activity, such as housework, or if you cannot complete your typical exercise regimen, these could be symptoms of the condition.

How do you handle fall allergies?

Some simple habits help reduce the pollen you bring into your home. Close your windows as much as possible, especially on sunny, windy days with high pollen levels, and remove your shoes at the door.

When you go home, you should shower and change your clothes. HEPA air filters can aid in the cleaning of indoor air and the removal of mold and dander.

You should vacuum your home more frequently, especially if you have pets. You should vacuum it daily.

You should also clean your bedding regularly and keep your dogs out of your bedroom so they don’t track pollen onto your pillow.

Wear a hat and sunglasses to protect your face from pollen outside. (Masks may also help to alleviate symptoms.)

Medications are also an important instrument to use in your defense. Fluticasone and triamcinolone are over-the-counter intranasal steroids that can help relieve sniffling and congestion; eye drops can wash away irritants and cure symptoms like itchy, red, and watery eyes.

These focused therapies are more effective than oral antihistamines, however, oral antihistamine tablets can also relieve symptoms, including itching, sneezing, and runny nose. You should note that some antihistamines, such as Benadryl, may cause drowsiness when using the medications.

You also should avoid decongestants such as Afrin or Sudafed as they might have a “rebound effect” – after taking them for an extended length of time, blood vessels in your nose do not respond as well, resulting in even more congestion.

If you don’t want to take medicine, nasal irrigators like Neti pots can clear pollen from your sinuses but won’t treat the allergy.

You should consult an allergy doctor if your problems interfere with your daily life.

You should see a board-certified allergist who can perform allergy testing and evaluation, such as a skin-prick exam or blood test, to determine which types of pollen cause your allergies.

Immunotherapy in the form of allergy injections containing quantities of the allergens to which you are allergic may be recommended by your doctor for longer-term relief.

Sublingual immunotherapy, a tablet or wafer that melts under your tongue and battles ragweed, dust mites, and northern pasture grasses like Timothy, is another option for those who do not want to receive shots.

You can use the wafer before allergy season by taking it once daily.

Both types of immunotherapy increase a patient’s tolerance to the allergy, reducing symptoms and ensuring that they are healthy throughout the season.

There you have it.

This is what you need to know about fall allergies. As you can see, there is nothing magical about it. Like the other types of seasonal allergies, you can prevent them from coming about.

If you have done everything in your control and still can’t prevent them from coming about, consider seeing an experienced allergy specialist Manassas VA for expert advice.

Tips to Beat Indoor Allergies

Those suffering from allergies frequently seek refuge inside their houses. Unfortunately, the place isn’t safe as sometimes they bring the allergens inside, sometimes even making the allergies worse, and you have to visit an allergy clinic

Thankfully, you can eliminate indoor allergies and breathe easier in your house with thoughtful tweaks and methods. 

We’ve compiled a list of strategies and items that you can use to make your life at home more joyful and allergen-free. Here they are: 

Keep windows and doors closed to keep pollen out.

Closing and sealing doors and windows is the first major step in preventing outdoor allergens from entering your home. 

You should keep all windows and exterior doors closed, especially during peak pollen times, such as early mornings and late afternoons.

You also should consider installing pollen-blocking window filters or screens in your windows. These can help keep pollen particles out of your home while allowing enough air circulation.

It’s also wise to consider sealing gaps around doors and windows with weatherstripping or door sweeps. This will help in the formation of a barrier against pollen infiltration.

Besides keeping your doors and windows closed all the time, you should limit your time outside, especially on windy days or when pollen concentrations are high. This decreases the pollen that may adhere to your clothing and carry inside.

As you come outside, remove any outer clothing and shoes that have come into contact with pollen. This will assist in keeping pollen from spreading throughout your home.

Invest in an air purifier.

Using an air purifier reduces allergy and asthma symptoms. It’s a little but powerful device that can help eliminate indoor allergies caused by everything from cooking smoke to outdoor contaminants that enter through windows. 

Look for an air purifier with a HEPA (high-efficiency particulate air) filter. HEPA filters are designed to catch airborne particles as small as 0.3 microns in size, including pollen, pet dander, dust mites, and mold spores.

To keep the model running properly, double-check the square footage it can handle and clean or change the filter as advised.

You should install the air purifier in the room where you spend most of your time, such as your bedroom or living room. Place it in an area providing maximum air circulation and distribution.

It is wise to operate the air purifier continuously or at least when you are present in the room to maintain clean air. This guarantees that the air is constantly filtered and allergens are removed.

You should replace your filters regularly to keep the air inside. When doing the filter change, follow the manufacturer’s instructions. Depending on usage and local air quality, you should update the filters every 6 to 12 months. 

While an air purifier can help remove allergens from the air, keeping your living space clean is crucial. Dust surfaces, vacuum carpets, and wash bedding regularly to reduce allergy collection.

Keep pets out of the bedroom.

We all adore our four-legged family members, but pet fur and dander can aggravate allergy symptoms. Make sure to groom your pet regularly, and keep the door to your bedroom closed. This reduces the number of allergens you’ll be exposed to, especially while sleeping.

If your pet is accustomed to sleeping in your bedroom, provide them a nice alternate sleeping spot somewhere in the house. Provide a nice bed or crate in another room to ensure their comfort.

Positive reinforcement and deterrents can also be effective in training pets to avoid certain regions. To dissuade your pet from entering the bedroom, use pet gates, fragrant deterrent sprays, or noise-making devices near the door.

Brushing and bathing your pet regularly can help minimize the stray hair and dander they shed. This reduces the allergy burden in your entire house.

Keep your house clean.

By keeping the house clean, you get rid of most of the allergens. Vacuum your carpets at least once or twice a week; you should do it more frequently if you have pets. 

Carpets can trap allergies and create irritation, so vacuuming regularly keeps allergens at bay. 

As a rule of thumb, you should wear a face mask when vacuuming to avoid inhaling all the dust that will float around. 

For the best outcome, use a high-quality vacuum with a HEPA filter. HEPA filters catch microscopic particles, including allergens, and prevent them from recirculating in the air.

You also should make it a habit to dust the surfaces regularly with a moist cloth or an electrostatic duster. This aids in trapping and removing allergen-containing dust particles such as pollen, pet dander, and dust mites.

When it comes to the floors, clean them with a moist mop or microfiber cloth, which helps to trap and remove allergens effectively. Avoid dry methods, such as sweeping, as they stir up allergens in the air.

When it comes to bedding, to get rid of dust mites and related allergies, wash the sheets, pillowcases, and blankets regularly in hot water. To further protect against dust mites, consider utilizing allergen-proof covers for mattresses, pillows, and duvets.

You should also regularly clean your drapes and blinds to remove dust and allergens. When purchasing, choose washable drapes that you can easily clean regularly.

Use a Neti pot

One final and highly effective way to alleviate your indoor allergies is to use a Neti Pot to keep your sinuses free. This ancient and doctor-recommended medicinal practice is a simple and effective approach to keeping your nasal passageways clean of trapped allergens and a powerful strategy to decrease disease. 

Clean out your nasal sinus passages with specific saline packets and distilled water for the best outcome. It may initially feel strange, but it improves your thinking and breathing. 

If this is your first time trying, consult your allergy doctor Manassas VA on how to use it properly. 

Can You Beat Allergies?

If you have been struggling with allergies you are most likely asking, can you beat allergies? The answer is yes, you can do it. Besides visiting an allergist for some medication, there are plenty of other things you can do to beat allergies. Some of these things include:

Shut out the allergens

If you are allergic to pollen and other allergens that bring about seasonal allergies, work on keeping the allergens out of the house as possible. One of the most effective ways to go about it is to keep the windows and doors closed during allergy season to protect the indoor air from getting polluted.

Minimize going outside

Since you have locked the doors and windows, you don’t want to drag the allergens into the house, do you?

To ensure that this doesn’t happen, you should minimize going outside. In fact, you will be better off if you can avoid going outside altogether.

If you have to go outside, ensure that you do it when the pollen count isn’t too high, usually late in the afternoon. As a rule of thumb, avoid going outside when there is a lot of pollen, such as early in the morning or when strong winds are blowing.

Wash up

You have worked hard to keep the windows and doors closed, and you don’t want to reverse all of your efforts, do you? To avoid this, always wash up as soon as you come back from the outside.

Even before you step into the house, remove the coat, hat, and even the shoes that might be carrying some pollen. You should then go straight to the bathroom, take a shower, and put away the clothes you were wearing.

Stay ahead of the allergy symptoms.

Asthma and allergy foundation of America (AAFA) observes that the best way to beat allergy is always to stay ahead of it. You can do this by taking medications even before the allergy season strikes.

Allergy medications prevent the body from releasing histamine and other chemicals that make your life unbearable, so when you start your medications early enough, you don’t develop the symptoms meaning that you will have beaten the allergies.

There are plenty of medications you can use to beat the allergies, such as antihistamines and sprays. Most of the medications are available over the counter, but it’s always wise to consult your healthcare provider for the best advice.

Wear a mask

Most people have come to know about masks with the advent of the Covid-19 pandemic, but if you want to beat allergies, you have to wear the mask whether there is Covid or not.

The purpose of the mask is to protect you from inhaling the allergens.

For the best protection, go with N95 respirator masks that you can easily find from your local medical supply stores and drugstores.

Eat healthily

Allergies compromise your immune system, so if you want to beat the condition, you need to strengthen your body’s defense system.

One of the most effective ways is to eat healthy foods such as fresh vegetables, fruits, and nuts.

During the allergy season, stock up on tomatoes, oranges, apples, grapes, and other foods that will help you fight the annoying allergens.

Know your triggers

You can’t fight something you don’t know about, can you? So to have an easy time-fighting allergies, ensure that you know the allergens triggering your condition.

The best way to do it is to visit your allergy doctor Manassas VA, who will undertake a battery of tests and help you know what your body is allergic to. As a rule of thumb, stay away from these allergy-causing materials.

How To Make Allergies Go Away Fast

Allergies are annoying. You sneeze, have a runny nose, eyes water, so you want out of this condition as soon as possible. The cool thing is it’s possible to do it. To help out, here are tips on how to make allergies go away fast, as given by allergy specialist:

Stay away from the trigger.

Do you know what is bringing about the allergies? You should stay away from it. If your condition is due to exposure to pollen, stay away from it. You can do this by staying indoors and working from home.

If you love exercising, do it in the early mornings or late in the evening when there isn’t much pollen in the air.

If you have to go outside during the peak pollen hours, ensure that you put on a mask to don’t inhale the pollen. When you come back to the house, take caution not to bring the pollen into the house. One way to do this is to remove your coat at the door.

Remember that you might be hiding from the pollen, but they still find you in the house. To ensure that this doesn’t happen, take measures to ensure that no pollen gets into the house.

One of the things you can do is to invest in a HEPA air filter. This filter traps most airborne allergens such as dust, pollen, and pet dander, so it keeps off most pollen and other irritants.

If you have the means, invest in an air purifier. Besides the purifier getting rid of the pollen, it can also clean the finer air particles and fumes.

Other ways you can ensure that the pollen doesn’t get into the house and you reduce your exposure as much as possible include:

  • Shut the windows and run an air filter
  • Vacuum the house twice a week, especially when the pollen count is high
  • Wash your clothes as soon as you come back after being outdoors
  • Wash your pillowcases, blankets, and sheets in hot or warm water every week or two
  • Keep the windows shut and run an air filter

Get allergy medication

If you do the above and still the symptoms aren’t receding, try taking the allergy medications. Some of the medications you can take include:


From their name, antihistamines work by blocking “histamine,” a chemical released by the immune system. There are many antihistamine brands in the market, and it’s up to you to choose the one that works for you.

Nasal sprays

Nasal sprays often work well with antihistamines, where they work together at bringing down the inflammation in your nose and sinuses.


These are meant to relieve stuffiness, and like the other medications, they come in different brands, and it’s up to you to choose the best one.

While decongestants are highly effective, you should note that they come with various side effects, such as increased heart rate, high blood pressure, insomnia, and irritability. Due to their many side effects, decongestants are ideal for use in the short term.

Try natural remedies

Don’t like the idea of taking medications? You can always try natural remedies. Some of the best remedies include:

Sinus rinses: From its name, this is where you rinse your sinus, and by so doing, you flush out gunk and allergens hence reducing swelling and easing the symptoms.

Acupuncture: With acupuncture, tiny needles are placed under your skin, which corrects the imbalances in the body.

Some doctors believe that acupuncture decreases inflammation, a major factor in an allergic response.

To be on the safe side, before you go for the method, talk to your allergy doctor Manassa VA and find out whether acupuncture will be valuable to you.

How Do You Fend Off Allergies?

Do you regularly get sick in spring due to seasonal allergies, and you don’t want it to be the case this year? According to allergy specialist doctors, there are plenty of ways you can protect yourself.

How do you fend off allergies? Here are some of the ways to go about it:

Stay indoors

Seasonal allergies come about due to exposure to pollen and other allergy-causing materials, and one of the best ways to stay away from them is to stay indoors.

Since you will be spending a lot of time in the house during the allergy season, you should ensure that the surface is clean and allergy-proof. Some of the things you can do to make the house allergy-proof include:

Remove the carpets and rugs and leave the floor bare. When you do this, you remove the areas that the allergy-causing pollen can adhere to and bring about allergies.

Clean the house regularly and keep the knickknacks and houseplants to a minimum. This is to remove any pollen that might have entered the house.  Removing the plants gets rid of surfaces the pollen can adhere to and worsen your allergies.

Keep the pets in the house and prevent them from going outside as much as possible. When the pets are indoors, keep them off the furniture and bedroom. This is because they might have collected allergy-causing materials.

Clean your bedding and clothing with hot water at least once a week.

For the pillows and mattresses, go with anti-allergen covers.

Eat the right foods

The reason you are getting sick is that your immune system is misbehaving. The good news is you can correct it by taking the right foods that will strengthen it.

As a rule of thumb, avoid excess sugars as they can take a toll on your system and weaken you.

Some of the best foods to take are foods rich in vitamin C. These include: oranges, carrots, broccoli, and leaf vegetables.

Sometimes allergies come about due to inflammation in the body, and you can correct it by maintaining a healthy gut by eating anti-inflammatory foods and probiotics. You can also add ginger and turmeric to the foods and drinks to boost your immunity.

Raw, local honey has also been found to be highly effective at fighting off allergies, so you should find it and take it. Local honey is an effective antidote because it contains pollen that the bees have been pollinating, and by  introducing it into the body, you train the immune system on how to fight the symptoms.

Adjust your home humidity

Mold is a known leading cause of indoor allergies, so if you have been indoors all the time and you are having allergy symptoms, this is most likely due to mold. Mold thrives in moisture, so to control it, you need to reduce the moisture levels in the house.

Two of the best ways to go about it is to use an air conditioner or dehumidifier. For the best outcome, keep the home humidity levels close to 50%. To ensure that you are maintaining the right moisture levels, use a hygrometer.

Besides using the dehumidifier and air conditioner, clean the water spills promptly, replace the air filters, and fix any leaks as soon as you notice them.

Get rid of rats and cockroaches.

Allergy doctor Manassas VA reports that cockroaches are a common cause of allergies and asthma especially in children so if you have roaches in your house, you should strive to get rid of them as much as possible. You can try getting rid of water and food sources for the roaches or seek professional services to get rid of them.

What Causes Allergies to Develop?

If you recently visited an allergy clinic and were told that you are suffering from an allergy, you must wonder what causes allergies to develop, right?

Allergies come about when the body reacts to allergens. When the body comes into contact with the allergens, it produces special antibodies capable of recognizing the same allergic substances when the body comes into contact with it in the future.

In the event you come into contact with the allergen again, the body responds to the substance by causing a series of reactions that often involve blood vessel dilation, tissue destruction, and production of several inflammatory substances, including histamine.

Histamine is responsible for most classic allergy symptoms such as sneezing, sinus congestion, shortness of breath, watery eyes, headaches, nasal congestion, and hives.

Which are the common allergy triggers?

Although several allergens can bring about allergies, there are some that are more common than others. The common ones include:


Pollen is the major cause of seasonal allergies. Different pollen from different plants cause allergies at different times of the year. For example, ragweed is responsible for allergic rhinitis that begins in late August and continues until the first frost.

Pollen from grasses such as red top, Bermuda, bluegrass, timothy, orchard, and others cause springtime allergies while pollen from trees such as birch, beech, oak, ash, sycamore, alder, and others bring about early springtime hay fever.

Mold spores

You can come across mold any time of the year, whether you spend most of the time indoors or outdoors. Common causes of outdoor mold are dead leaves and farm areas, while old books, bathrooms, and other damp areas are the leading causes of indoor mold.

Household allergens

Did you know your home has plenty of allergies that can worsen your allergies? The most common allergens are pet dander, dust, foods, and chemicals. These allergens often worsen the situation in winter when you keep the house closed most of the time. The situation is even worse if your house has poor ventilation.

How do you manage allergies?

Unless in severe cases, allergies are rarely life-threatening, but they can impact your life by decreasing your productivity, reducing your concentration in school, and due to the symptoms, you have a negative outlook on life. Due to this, you should move with haste and manage the condition before it brings your life to a halt.

There are plenty of ways you can control the condition, including:

Nasal sprays: These are medications that reduce the swelling in your nose, and from their name, you spray them into your nose. While they are great, they can be stuffy, runny, and itchy to the nose, so use them with caution.

Inhalers: You inhale these into your lungs to open the airways. There are primarily two types of inhalers that you can take: daily use and rescue inhalers. From their name, you take the daily inhalers during the allergy season to reduce the symptoms and the rescue inhalers when you are having an attack.

Prescription antihistamines: Although most of the antihistamines are now over the counter, you can still visit your allergy doctor Manassas VA, and he prescribes the antihistamines he deems right for your condition.

Allergy injections: You can still visit a clinic and have a series of injections meant to desensitize your immune system to the allergens that trigger the symptoms.

Immunotherapy: Here, you try to retrain the immune system to recognize the allergen and safe, and as a result, it doesn’t react to them. Even if the symptoms don’t go away completely, immunotherapy significantly reduces its frequency and severity.

What Helps Allergies At Home?

When you are suffering from seasonal allergies, the best solution is to see an allergy specialist who will undertake a battery of tests and recommend the best medication for the condition. Unfortunately, not all of us love hospitals or have the resources to visit one.

What should you do if you fall into one of these categories? The best way out is to control the condition at home. Are you wondering what helps with allergies at home? There are plenty of things you can do. Some of them include:

Keep the filters in top condition.

Dirty air conditioners and furnace filters will worsen your condition, so ensure they are clean and in pristine condition. This means they should not have holes in them. Thankfully, you don’t need to hire a professional to help with the filters—you only need to access their panel and remove them. You can clean or replace them depending on their current condition.

If you don’t currently have the filters in your home, you can add them, either as standalone room units or central heating and air system. According to the American college of allergy, asthma, and immunology, if you have a single room, install a unit with a HEPA filter. To get the most from the filter, ensure that the CADR (clean air delivery rate) is right for the size of the room you are using.

If you have a central and air conditioning system already installed in the house, you can turn it into a filtration system for the entire house by installing a better air filter. Thankfully, there are plenty of permanent and disposable options you can go with.

Herbal teas

When taken properly, herbal teas can work magic. These teas usually have anti-inflammatory effects, which significantly reduce allergy symptoms. Some of the teas you should try out include: stinging nettle, milk thistle, ginkgo, and red clover.

Nose cleansing

It’s common for pollen to adhere to the mucus membranes hence the constant irritation. To alleviate the symptoms, cleanse the nasal passages using Neti pot or nasal spray and flush out the nasal passages.

Do acupuncture

Acupuncture has been shown to relieve the acute symptoms of allergy and at the same time treat the root problems of the condition. While you can do the acupuncture by yourself by following online videos, it’s wise that you have a professional do it for you to reduce the risks of accidents occurring.

Keep as much pollen out of the house as possible.

Besides installing a highly efficient filtration system, keep the windows closed during peak pollen hours. When you get in the house, remove your shoes, so you don’t bring any pollen inside.

If possible, change your clothes before you step into the house so you don’t bring in the pollen that might have clung to your fabric.

Detoxify your body

Studies show that toxins worsen the allergies in the body. The liver is a great mediator of inflammation, and when you have a lot of toxins in the liver, you have a lot of inflammation, and the allergies flare-up.

When you detox your body, you get rid of sugar, fried foods, and other toxins, reducing inflammation. The best way to detoxify the body is to use liver-supportive foods and herbs such as turmeric, milk thistle, citrus fruits, nuts, and artichoke.

See a doctor

You can indeed control allergies at home but if you have tried everything without success, find allergy doctor Manassas VA to recommend the best course of action. When getting an allergist, ensure that are experienced and know what they are doing.