Tag Archives: allergy specialist doctor

Guide to Surviving Spring Allergies

While the increasing temperatures allow you to spend time outdoors, the downside is that the plants begin to produce pollen, which can trigger your allergies.

If you suffer from seasonal allergies, you might be wondering how you will survive the spring season, right? Well, there are plenty of ways to go about it. These ways include:

Don’t wait until too late to medicate

Allergies can be efficiently treated with a variety of drugs, including nasal sprays and antihistamines, but you must plan ahead of time.

The medications take some time to work, so start two to four weeks before allergy season.

Allergy season varies based on where you live and what your allergies are. Spring allergies caused by tree pollen typically start in February and linger until early summer.

To protect yourself, you should visit your allergy doctor during winter and have them prescribe medications that will give you the protection that you need during the allergy season.

Don’t bring the enemy home.

The last thing you want is to bring allergens that are causing allergies into your home. To ensure this doesn’t happen, when you arrive home, always change your clothes and remove your shoes.

Pollen and mildew in the air adhere to your clothing, and when you sit on your furniture, you spread them all over the place.

It can be even better if you can remove the clothes outside and leave them there. This way, you ensure that your house is sterile and free of harmful pollen.

Wear a mask outside

Wearing a mask outside is a must for persons with severe allergies because it filters out harmful allergens.

The cool thing is that there are many types of masks that you can go for. The most common ones are surgical, KN95, and N95 masks, which are all effective.

Besides the masks, it’s also a good idea to use eye protection like sunglasses or goggles.

The key to getting the best result with these units is to ensure that they are the right size. For example, the masks should be a right fit that ensures that you are comfortable, and they don’t let in any pollen.

Keep your sinuses clean.

You need to keep your sinuses clear of the pollen. One of the ways to do this is by cleaning them.

Once a day, before going to bed, flush your sinuses with saline rinse bottles.

Get rid of irritants in your nose so you don’t have inflammation when you go to sleep.

You can purchase the rinse bottles at any drugstore or retailer. You can also ask your allergist if they have the bottles.

You should note that when using the bottles, it might get uncomfortable at the start, but when you get used to them, it becomes easy.

To clean your sinuses, stand with your head over a sink or in the shower, tilted to one side.

Use a squeeze bottle to slowly pour or squeeze the saline solution into the upper nostril. Allow the solution to exit your other nostril and enter the drain. At this time, breathe through your lips rather than your nose.

Repeat on the other side.

Try not to allow the water to go down the back of your throat. You may need to reposition your head until you get the proper angle.

When you’re finished, gently blow your nose into a tissue to remove any remaining mucus.

Don’t rush to use Benadryl

Many people rely on Benadryl, also known as diphenhydramine. While this is the case, don’t rush to get the medication.

The reason for this is that it can readily get into your brain and cause significant sedation that can easily last into the next day and disrupt your sleep cycle, worsening your sleep quality.

Other unpleasant side effects of the condition include dry lips, blurred eyesight, urine retention, and constipation.

Stick with newer medicines like Claritin, Allegra, and Xyzal.

These new medications have been modified to be less likely to get into your brain and cause sedation. They are much safer to use.

Don’t rely on honey

There is a lot of misinformation on the internet regarding what to do for a cough and cold. The classic one is whether local honey is ideal for treating allergies.

It’s a myth. This means that if you consume local honey, you get a little pollen, and it can’t help your allergies.

The concept of using honey to cure allergies is comparable to receiving allergy injections. You should note that honey has not been demonstrated to be beneficial, but allergy injections have.

When a person consumes local honey, they are said to be ingesting local pollen. A person’s sensitivity to this pollen may decrease over time. As a result, individuals may have fewer seasonal allergy symptoms.

It is true that bees pollinate flowers and produce honey. However, the quantity of pollen from the environment and plants are assumed to be relatively modest and diverse.

When you consume local honey, there is no certainty of how much (if any) pollen you will be exposed to. This is distinct from allergy shots, which purposely desensitize a person to pollen at regular doses.

You should note that honey has not been clinically proved to reduce allergies. However, it can still be a delicious substitute for sugary dishes.

Some people take it as a cough suppressant, though, and it has been shown to alleviate the condition.

If you suffer from seasonal allergies, you should seek medical care. Over-the-counter allergy medications are one example, as is avoiding being outside as much as possible.

Parting shot

It’s not rocket science to survive the spring allergies. You should always start treating the condition as early as possible.

This calls for you to see an allergy specialist doctor a couple of weeks before the allergy season kicks in.

You should work hard at minimizing the amount of allergens you bring back into the house, but it would even be better if you can avoid going outside altogether, especially when the pollen count is high.

Tips to Survive Spring Pollen

Springtime increases stuffy noses and itchy throats, and millions of seasonal allergy sufferers in the United States are unlikely to find respite anytime soon.

Several studies have found that pollen seasons are becoming longer and more intense throughout the country.

Climate change and growing carbon dioxide emissions are predicted to accelerate the development of trees and grasses in many places, resulting in higher pollen concentrations.

If you have been suffering from seasonal allergies for a long time, you may have noticed that allergy symptoms start early and last longer.

Are you wondering how you can deal with the allergies? There are plenty of ways to go about it as given by an allergy specialist.

Clean your sinuses

The technique of cleaning the sinuses dates back thousands of years to India’s Ayurvedic medical traditions, and its efficacy has been proven via numerous studies. To do it yourself, use a neti pot, bulb syringe, or squeeze bottle to pour the saline solution into one nostril and let it drain into the other.

It might seem like a simple concept, but it comes in handy at helping you flush out pollen, mucus, and other allergens in your nasal cavity. As a result, you feel less congested and may require less allergy medicine.

Find medication that works for you.

Several OTC and prescription medications can alleviate allergy symptoms. Many doctors recommend nasal steroid sprays.

While they are good, the downside is they may take a few days or weeks to get the relief you are looking for, so you need to start using them early in the season before your symptoms worsen.

Antihistamines are other options to consider. The cool thing about them is they have a more rapid effect.

Decongestants such as Afrin or Sinex can also help. While they are great, you should use them last since they can create a rebound effect.

After a few days of using them, the blood vessels in your nose tend to become less sensitive to the medication, and you may experience severe congestion again. So, keep these medications to no more than three days in a row.

It takes some trial and error to determine the ideal pharmaceutical regimen. If you have tried one medication and it doesn’t seem to be working for you, you should try other types to see if they’re more effective.

If you’ve tried numerous over-the-counter allergy medications, talk to your doctor about prescription options. An allergy specialist can help you develop a plan for your specific sensitivities ahead of time.

Be wise in how you spend time outdoors.

Many prominent weather apps and websites include “allergy forecasts” and pollen counts. The National Allergy Bureau website lists over 80 sites around the United States that provide more specific daily pollen updates depending on various plant species.

You can choose the station closest to you and receive notifications for the specific pollen allergy you have.

Pollen levels are often highest in the early morning and mid-morning. If you can exercise indoors at those hours or run errands later in the evening, you will absorb less pollen, giving you an easy time dealing with your allergies.

If you are prone to allergy symptoms and need to go outside in the morning or do yard work, wear a high-quality N95 mask. This will help to filter out pollen and leave your sinuses open.

Reduce the pollen getting in the house.

Avoid bringing pollen inside after you’ve been outside. When you go home, take off your shoes and change your clothes. Shower before bed to eliminate pollen from your skin. Also, avoid sleeping with your dogs.

Even if you’re not allergic to pets, there is pollen on their coats, which might worsen the situation. 

To improve your sleep, try wrapping your mattress and pillows in hypoallergenic encasements. You also should consider washing bedding in hot, soapy water at least once a week and using a dryer instead of a clothesline.

It’s also wise to clean and replace your air conditioner filter with a Minimum Efficiency Reporting Value (MERV) of 11 or greater.

These filters capture small pollen particles. If you have severe allergies, consider investing in a professional-style HEPA (high-efficiency particulate air) filter for your bedroom.

HEPA filters have a MERV value of 17 or above and can remove 99 percent of pollen, animal dander, dust, and other particles.

Consider getting allergy immunotherapy.

If allergies are interfering with your daily life, you should discuss immunotherapy with your allergy doctor to find long-term relief.

After determining which pollen types you are allergic to by undertaking a skin prick exam or blood test, your doctor may offer subcutaneous allergy immunotherapy, also known as allergy shots.

This entails a series of injections administered once a week or once a month. The dose is progressively increased, which allows your immune system to grow less sensitive to the allergen over time.

Over the last decade, the Food and Drug Administration has begun to authorize another type of immunotherapy called sublingual immunotherapy.

Tiny amounts of pollen are presented in tablet form, which are placed under the tongue for one to two minutes before being eaten as they disintegrate.

Both methods of immunotherapy require patience, as it could take six months or a year to observe a reduction in symptoms. While this is the case, you may need to continue the treatment for three to five years before your body can consistently ignore your triggers.

When it succeeds, immunotherapy can be a great solution. People who used to suffer from seasonal stuffy noses and itchy eyes can now enjoy springtime after successfully treating their symptoms.

If you feel this is the way to end your suffering, talk to your allergy specialist doctor Manassas and they will come up with a plan that will help ease your condition.

Foods to Take and Those to Avoid When Suffering from Hay Fever

As the weather warms, the dreaded hay fever season approaches. If you have been suffering from the condition, you know there are many ways to deal with seasonal allergies. Besides visiting an allergy doctor for medication, you must wash before bed, rub Vaseline under your nose, and use an air purifier.

It may surprise you, but what you eat can significantly impact your hay fever symptoms. Certain meals can help reduce inflammation and boost your immune system, while others can aggravate itching and sneezing.

To help you fight the condition, here is food to eat to relieve hay fever symptoms and those to avoid.


Pineapple significantly helps with hay fever symptoms. The reason for this is that pineapple is high in vitamins and has the enzyme bromelain.

Bromelain, found in pineapple stems and juice, causes the body to produce molecules that relieve discomfort and swelling in the nose and gums.

If you have a runny nose, itchy eyes, or a cough, eating pineapple or drinking pineapple juice will help relieve the symptoms.


You should consume vitamin C-rich meals during hay fever season. Vitamin C functions as a natural antihistamine, reducing the amount of histamine your body produces in response to allergens.

When you take berries, you will notice fewer symptoms, such as sneezing and watery eyes.

Some of the best berries to take include strawberries, raspberries, blueberries, and cranberries, high in vitamin C and antioxidants that aid with inflammation.

So, the next time you feel congested, consider eating a bowl of berries.


Carrots are high in vitamins and minerals, which assist in reducing hay fever symptoms. This root vegetable, like sweet potatoes, beets, and pumpkins, includes carotenoid, a plant pigment that boosts the immune system and lowers lung inflammation.

Those who suffer from chest tightness during allergy season may benefit from including carrots and other root vegetables in their diet.


Carrots contain quercetin and carotenoids. Both of these pigments are antihistamines and anti-inflammatory.

If you have itchy eyes and a runny nose, consider swapping lettuce for kale in your salads.


Quercetin, a pigment that works as a natural antihistamine, is abundant in white, red, and green onions. In addition to being rich in antioxidants, the quercetin found in onions soothes cells that react to allergens, reducing inflammation and enhancing immunity and gastrointestinal health.

Many sources recommend eating onions raw for the maximum benefit because frying them reduces the quercetin concentration.


Peppers will be your closest buddy during hay fever season if you suffer from allergies. Red, yellow, and green peppers are all high in vitamin C and carotenoids, which aid in the relief of hay fever symptoms such as itching around the eyes, nose, and throat.

You can also take chili peppers as they are anti-inflammatory as well.


Garlic, like ginger, relieves symptoms by soothing inflammation and calming the cells that create histamine.

Garlic is also high in antioxidants, and each clove contains vitamins and minerals such as magnesium, iron, C, E, and K.

Cooking with garlic during allergy season is strongly advised because vitamin E is considered one of the finest vitamins for easing symptoms.


Fatty and oily fish, such as salmon, are high in omega-3 acids, which improve allergy tolerance and reduce inflammation and edema.

Eating salmon can help with itching and respiratory problems like asthma. Salmon is also abundant in vitamin D, increasing serotonin production when paired with omega-3 fatty acids.

This rise in serotonin can help you sleep better, which is beneficial if you have hay fever at night.

Food to avoid

As mentioned, certain foods can worsen your condition, so you should avoid it. This includes:


Dairy, mainly matured chees like parmesan and gouda, is not ideal for allergy patients. Cheese includes histamines, which aggravate and make your allergies worse.

This is because dairy promotes mucus production in the body, which can clog the nose and throat and aggravate runny noses and itchy tongues.

Due to the dangers of milk, you should stay away from it.


Everyone likes a nice pint in a pub garden during the summer, however, some types of alcohol contain histamines and might aggravate your symptoms.

Stay away from Beer, cider, and wine are the worst for allergies because they contain more histamines than spirits like vodka and gin.

To prevent your allergies from getting worse, you should avoid these types of alcohol. You can also try alcohol-free drinks to prevent the condition from coming about at all.


You must have heard the adage that an apple a day keeps the doctor away, but that’s not the case regarding hay fever.

With hay fever, when you take apples, you are bound to seek the services of a doctor because the condition will worsen.

Many research studies have been conducted to investigate how apples affect hay fever, with some claiming that red apples assist in alleviating symptoms.

This is because apples can produce pollen-food or oral allergy syndrome, a condition in which your body responds to foods in trees and grass.

You have an allergy syndrome if your lips, tongue, and inside of the mouth are itching. If you don’t have this, apples should be fine to eat during allergy season; however, if you have, apples may aggravate your symptoms, and you should stay away from them.


Melon, like apples, is linked to oral allergy syndrome and can cause allergic reactions in people allergic to grass and ragweed.

Although melons are great to take in hot weather, honeydew, and cantaloupe melons can cause inflammation in the mouth and inner ears, and you should stay away from them.

Parting shot

These are some foods you should take and those you should avoid to prevent your condition from worsening. If you take any of the foods and the situation worsens, don’t sit back and think you will get better.

Instead, you should contact an experienced allergy specialist Manassas, and have them look at you.

Who Should See An Allergist?

If you are wondering who should see an allergist, anyone suffering from allergies should see one. An allergist is a professional that specializes in treating allergic conditions, and when you visit him, they will tell you what you are allergic to and how to avoid the triggers.

Some of the telltale signs that it’s time to see an allergist include:

  • You have obvious allergy symptoms such as a stuffy nose, watery eyes, and cough that have been around for more than 3 months and are making it hard for you to work or sleep.
  • You have tried a couple of over-the-counter medications, and none seems to work.
  • You frequently get plenty of headaches, sinus infections, ear infections, and a stuffy nose.
  • You snore or have trouble staying asleep.
  • You have other underlying health problems such as thyroid disease, heart disease, glaucoma, diabetes, enlarged prostate, kidney disease, liver disease, high blood pressure, etc.

What will the allergist do when you see them?

There are plenty of things the allergist will do. The common ones being:

Confirm that you are suffering from allergies

Even if you show all the allergy symptoms, only a doctor will confirm that you are truly suffering from allergies. The doctor will undertake a battery of tests and zero in on the actual allergy that you have.

You should note that sometimes you show allergy signs, yet you are having an infection. The allergy doctor will help clarify this after doing the tests.

Identify the triggers and advice you on what to do

After doing the allergy tests, the doctor will know the exact allergy you are suffering from and the things triggering the reaction. For example, if you are suffering from food allergies, the allergies might be triggered by nuts, milk, and other products. The doctor will help you determine the triggers.

Help come up with a treatment plan.

Knowing the allergy and triggers isn’t enough if you can’t treat it. The allergy doctor will help come up with a treatment plan to help you know what you need to do. The plan includes the kind of medicine to take and when to take it, ways to avoid the allergy triggers, and how to prepare for any serious reaction that might come about.

Different areas have different medications. The doctor will find out the available medications and advise you on the right ones to take.

What should you look for in an allergist?

While there are many allergists you can go to, not all are qualified to test and help you come with a treatment plan—you need to be cautious and ensure that you hire the right one.

One of the things to consider is the qualifications of the doctor. Has the doctor gone to school and got the relevant qualifications? You need to know about this.

You also need to consider whether the doctor is authorized by the relevant regulatory bodies to practice medicine in your local area. Finally, confirm the doctor’s experience. How long has the doctor been practicing? You need a professional that has been around for a long time.

When you find an ideal allergy specialist Manassas VA, ask as many questions as possible while in their office. The purpose of doing this is to gauge the doctor’s knowledge and understand your condition better. Some of the questions to ask include:

  • What are the reasons for my allergies?
  • Should I stop being outdoors?
  • Do I need to change my diet plan?
  • Will I need allergy shots?
  • How often should I take the medications?
  • How often should I come to the clinic for follow-up appointments?

Can Allergies Cause Headaches?

If you are wondering, can allergies cause headaches? Yes, they can. The headache symptoms include throbbing pain, nausea, and localized pain in areas such as the sinus and the face. In some cases, you have a throbbing or stabbing on one side of the head. In rare cases, you will have nausea.

The symptoms are usually worse when exposed to bright light.

Which allergies cause headaches?

According to an allergy specialist doctor, the headaches can be brought about by plenty of allergies, with the common ones being:

Allergic rhinitis: Also known as hay fever, allergic rhinitis is one of the leading causes of seasonal and indoor nasal allergies. The headache often comes about as a result of a blockage in the sinuses.

Food allergies: There is a direct relationship between food and headaches. When you take certain foods such as chocolate, artificial sweeteners, and aged cheese, they will mess with your stomach, which will, in turn, trigger a migraine in some people.

Experts believe that the headache is often due to the chemical in the food that triggers the pain and messes up the stomach.

Histamine: The body produces histamines in response to an allergic reaction. As they are fighting the allergens, the histamines decrease the blood pressure, which has been shown to lead to headaches.

What is the treatment for the headache?

Prevention is always better than cure, so before we even get to know the treatment of the condition, you must prevent it from coming about in the first place. If you know your allergy triggers, you should stay away from them. For example, if you are allergic to a certain food, stay away from it.

The same thing applies if you are allergic to pollen or any other material. Besides staying indoors when the pollen count is high, other things you can do to avoid headaches due to seasonal allergies include:

  • Install a dehumidifier
  • Keep the furnace filter clean
  • Vacuum and dust the house regularly
  • Remove the carpet from the living space
  • Wash as soon as you are back from the outside

Take allergy medications

If it’s too late to prevent coming into contact with the allergen, you should try controlling the condition. How do you do it?

Use antihistamines: From their name, antihistamines stop histamine production, a chemical produced by the body upon contact with an allergen. The antihistamines lessen the allergy symptoms.

Use decongestants: There are plenty of decongestants you can use to open up your stuffy nasal passages and ease the sinus pressure. When taking the decongestants, avoid steroid nasal sprays as they have been shown to worsen headaches.

Try allergy shots: Here, you will need to visit an allergy clinic and have allergy shots administered to you. The shots have been shown to cut back the headaches, and they become less severe.

What else should you do?

Besides the above, drink plenty of fluids that will keep the mucus thin. Water is the best fruit to take, but you can also take green tea that not only thins out the mucus but also contains natural antihistamines, which comes in handy at fighting allergy symptoms.

You also should rinse out the nasal passages to remove the allergens from the nose while cleaning the nasal lining.

When should you see a doctor?

Although most allergy headaches go away, sometimes they are too severe, and you have to see an allergy doctor Manassas VA. You should see a doctor if the headache is preventing you from going on with your regular life. Is the headache so severe that you can’t go to work or do any other thing? It’s time to see a specialist.

What Are The 4 Types Of Allergic Reactions?

If you are searching for, what are the 4 types of allergic reactions? You must be suffering from allergies, and you have heard your allergy doctor talking about the classification of allergic reactions.

Allergy reactions are indeed classified into four types: Type I, II, III, and IV.

Type I, II, and III are characterized as immediate allergic reactions as they happen within 24 hours of exposure to the allergen, while type IV reactions happen after 24 hours of exposure. Due to this, they are referred to delayed allergic reactions.

You are here because you want to learn more about the reactions, right? So let us dig deeper into them:

Type I reactions

They are also known as anaphylactic reactions, and they are mediated by proteins known as IgE antibodies produced in response to allergens such as dust mites, animal dander, pollen, and certain foods. Due to this reaction, the body releases histamine and other chemicals that cause inflammation and swelling.

Type I reactions include: food allergies, bronchial asthma, allergic conjunctivitis, anaphylaxis, and allergic rhinitis. Anaphylaxis is the most severe form of reaction, and when it happens, you should treat it as a medical emergency as it’s deadly. People with the condition experience extreme difficulty in breathing, low blood pressure, swelling, shock, and bluish skin.

Type II reaction

It’s also known as a Cytotoxic reaction, and it’s mediated by IgG and IgM antibodies. These antibodies damage the body cells by activating a complement system. Common type II reactions are common autoimmune neutropenia, immune thrombocytopenia, and autoimmune hemolytic anemia.

Type III reactions

They also come about due to IgM and IgG antibodies, and the antibodies react with the allergen to form immunocomplexes responsible for the reaction. You can see type III reactions in lupus, Arthus reaction, and serum sickness.

Type IV reactions

They also go by the name cell-mediated reactions, and they occur 24 hours of exposure to the allergen. The reactions take 48-72 hours or longer to appear after coming into contact with the allergen. These reactions are often common in long-term infectious diseases such as fungal infections and tuberculosis. They are also common in skin sensitivity reactions, such as metal reactions.

Where do the common allergies fall?

Most allergies fall under type I hypersensitivity, and this includes allergic rhinitis characterized by running nose, eyes, and sneezing.

Two common allergic rhinitis categories are seasonal allergic rhinitis (SAR) and perennial allergic rhinitis (PAR). SAR is associated with exposure to pollen at certain times of the year, while PAR occurs all around the year.

Allergic rhinitis is common and affects over 20 million people in the United States.

Other allergies that fall under type I reaction are food, dry, and insect allergy. Insects that can lead to allergies include: wasps, yellow jackets, ants, bees, and hornets.

The major allergens for the common allergies are animal dander, pollen, fungal spores, dust mites, and molds. The common symptoms for the condition include: shortness of breath, wheezing, coughing, and thick mucus secretions.

Is there a treatment for allergic reactions?

The best way to treat allergic reactions is to prevent them from occurring in the first place by avoiding the allergens, but if the reaction has already happened, try controlling it using medications. The cool thing is there are plenty of medications you can use. You only need to visit an allergy specialist doctor Manassas VA to prescribe the best one for your condition.

Some of the medications you can use include:

  • Antihistamines for seasonal and indoor allergies
  • Nasal corticosteroids for nasal allergies
  • Decongestants to reduce stuffiness
  •  Mast cell stabilizers to help with itchy, watery eyes and runny nose
  • Oral corticosteroids to reduce swelling and stop severe allergic reactions
  • Epinephrine for life-threatening anaphylaxis