Reduce the pet allergens in your home to prevent allergy attacks

By | November 17, 2017

allergy doctor

Pets are man’s best friend, but if you are prone to hives and skin allergy, they can make your life worse. Not only their skin dander triggers allergic reactions, but their saliva and urine too can leave you sneezing throughout the day. Most of the pets shed off their dry skin cells in the form of dander, which gets attached to their feathers or furs and lands in your curtains, rugs, clothes, and furniture; and this is an unavoidable situation if you have pets in your home. Thankfully, there are some ways to reduce the allergens beforehand.

Detecting the cause of your allergy:

Apart from irritations in your skin and sneezing, you may also experience red and itchy eyes, runny nose or coughing if you are prone to pet allergy. However, it is ideally recommended to opt for radioallergosorbent allergy testing, which includes a thorough examination of your skin and blood, to detect the root of the problem. In many cases, you may find out that the culprit is not your four-legged friend, but the hidden pollen in their hair.

Reduce the allergens in your home:

If you are allergic to your pet but do not want to part with your furry friend, there are many ways to reduce the allergens in your home:

  1. Make sure you give your pet shower on a weekly basis: Bathing your pets on a weekly basis can reduce the chances of dander shedding manifold. Consult your veterinarian to pick the pet grooming products, which are safe for regular use.
  2. HEPA air cleaners can make your life comfortable: The high-efficiency HEPA air cleaners are very effective, not only to avoid the allergy-causing dander but also dust particles and pollen, which might trigger allergies.
  3. Turn to frequent cleaning and dusting: Make sure you wear a protective mask while dusting your home. Clean the pet beds frequently. Change the curtains, bed and pillows covers and vacuum the blinds, carpets, and furniture to get rid of allergens.
  4. Treat your allergy problem: There are numerous allergy treatment methods to deal with pet allergies. Consult your allergy doctor, to opt for immunotherapy, antihistamine sprays or pills and steroidal injections. It is essential, to find a specialist who understands your love and commitment towards your furry friend because only then he or she can suggest you the best way to deal with the problem, rather than blaming your pet and giving them away.

Instead of blaming your pets every time you get an allergy, prevent the causes beforehand to endure a healthy relationship with them.